Derm Flashcards
Acne Vulgaris definition, sx, dx, tx
Inflammatory skin condition associated w/ papules & pustules involving the pilosebaceous units
PATHO: 4 main factors
- follicular hyperkeratinization
- increased sebum production
- Propionibacterium acne overgrowth
- inflammatory response
Commonly seen in areas w/ increased sebaceous glands (face, back, chest, upper arms)
Comedones: small, noninflammatory bumps from clogged pores; surrounding erythema
*open (blackheads) – incomplete blockage
*closed (whiteheads) – complete blockage
Inflammatory: papules or pustules surrounded by inflammation
Nodular or cystic: often heals w/ scarring or hyperpigmentation
Mild: <20 comedones, <15 inflammatory lesions, total <30
Moderate: 20-100 comedones, 15-50 inflammatory lesions, total 30-125
Severe: >100 comedones, >50 inflammatory lesions, >5 cysts, total >125
Mild: topical retinoids (tretinoin, adapalene, tazarotene) + benzoyl peroxide (use at different time of day than retinoids); topical abx also used (erythromycin, clindamycin) *AVOID abx (topical & PO) as monotherapy
Moderate: PO abx + BPO &/or topical retinoids
*>8y: tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline
*<8y: erythromycin, azithromycin, TMP-SMX
*hormones: OCPs, spironolactone
Severe (refractory nodular acne): PO isotretinoin
Isotretinoin MOA
MOA: all 4 of the pathophysiological mechanisms of acne (most effective medication)
Indications: usually reserved for severe or refractory acne
*dry skin & lips (MC), dry eyes
*highly teratogenic
*must obtain 2 (-) pregnancy tests prior to initiation
*pregnancy tests q monthly while on treatment
*must commit to 2 forms of contraception (used 1mo prior-1mo after D/C)
*↑ triglycerides & cholesterol
*arthralgias, myalgias, hepatitis, leukopenia, premature long bone closure
*photosensitivity, worsening of DM, HA, idiopathic intracranial HTN, fatigue, possibly psychiatric
*due to severe risk of teratogenesis, prescribers & patients must sign up for iPledge
Androgenic Alopecia definition, sx, dx, tx
Genetically predetermined progressive loss of the terminal hairs on the scalp in a characteristic distribution (pattern)
MC type of hair loss in men & women; gradual in onset & usually occurs after puberty
M 20-40y, W >50y
*DHT is the key androgen; activation of the androgen receptor shortens the anagen (growth phase) in the normal hair growth cycle
*pathologic specimens show decreased anagen to telogen ratio
Varying degrees of hair thinning & nonscarring hair loss
Males: begins as bitemporal thinning of the frontal scalp then involves the vertex
Females: thinning of the hair between the frontal & vertex of the scalp w/o affecting the frontal hairline
Dermoscopy: miniaturized hair & brown perihilar casts
BX: telogen & atrophic follicles
Trichogramma: ↑ telogen hairs
Hormones: testosterone, DHEA, prolactin
Treatable: thyroid (TSH), anemia (CBC), autoimmune (ANA)
Topical minoxidil – 4-6mo trial before improvement
*MOA: vasodilator
*ADRs: pruritis & local irritation w/ flaking
Oral finasteride: 5-⍺-reductase type 2 inhibitor
*MOA: androgen inhibitor (inhibits conversions of testosterone to DHT)
*ADRs: ↓ libido, sexual or ejaculatory dysfunction, ↑ risk of high-grade prostate cancer, category X
Spironolactone: blocks DHT
Hair transplant
Perioral Dermatitis definition, sx, dx, tx
MC seen in young adult women (20-45)
Risk Factors: hx of topical steroid use, fluorinated toothpaste
Erythematous grouped papulopustules, which may become confluent into plaques w/ scales; may have satellite lesions
*classically spares the vermilion border
dx: clinical, redness around the mouth, clear borders
Elimination of topical steroids & irritants
- pimecrolimus
- metronidazole
- erythromycin
PO doxycycline if extensive or refractory
Contact Dermatitis definition, sx, dx, tx
Inflammation of the dermis & epidermis from direct contact between a substance & the surface of the skin
Irritant (MC): non-immunologic rxn (immediate)
- chemicals, alcohols, creams
Allergic: type IV hypersensitivity rxn (delayed)
- nickel MC, poison ivy
Acute: erythematous papules or vesicles (may be linear or geometric)
*localized pruritis, stinging, or burning
Chronic: lichenification, fissuring, & scales
*well-demarcated border
Patch testing may identify potential allergens
Identification & avoidance of irritants
Topical steroids first line (triamcinolone)
PO steroids in severe or extensive reactions
- alt: topical tacrolimus or pimecrolimus
Diaper Dermatitis definition, sx, dx, tx
Rash on buttocks region; common in infants 3wks-2yrs
Causes: wet, dark, friction, urine, feces, microorganisms
Secondary infections:
*satellite lesions 🡪 candidiasis
*impetigo (S. aureus)
*HSV (child sexual abuse)
*crying w/ diaper change
*shiny erythema w/ dull margins
*regular diaper dermatitis SPARES SKIN FOLDS
*Candidal diaper rash INVOLVES SKIN FOLDS
Candida: KOH prep, fungal culture
Scabies: viral culture, mineral oil slide
S. aureus, group A strep: culture of skin lesions
*often have concurrent thrush
*keep area dry to allow airflow
*barrier creams: zinc oxide, petroleum jelly
*candidiasis: nystatin, clotrimazole, econazole x2wks
*discuss proper diaper changes, disposable, avoid tight-fitting
Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) definition, sx, dx, tx
Rash due to defective skin barrier susceptible to drying, leading to pruritis & inflammation
Atopic Triad:
*eczema + allergic rhinitis + asthma
PATHO: disruption of the skin barrier & disordered immune response; onset MC <5yo; resolves/improves in >75% pts by adulthood
Triggers: heat, sweat, allergens, contact irritants
*dry (xerosis), PRURITIC skin
*acute changes: erythema, vesicles, crusting
*chronic changes: lichenification, scaling, hyper/hypopigmentation
*infantile: erythematous, scaly lesions on cheeks, scalp, extensor surfaces; diaper area usually spared
*childhood: lichenified plaques in flexural areas
*adolescence: more localized & lichenified skin changes; may be predominantly on hands/feet
Nummular/Discoid Eczema: sharply defined coin-shaped lesions; dorsum of hands/feet, extensor surfaces
↑ IgE supports the dx
Topical steroids first line q1-2x/d x7d for flares
Antihistamines for itching
Abx if secondary infection develops
Topical calcineurin inhibitors: second-line
*tacrolimus, pimecrolimus
Systemic: phototherapy (UVA, UVB), cyclosporine, azathioprine, mycophenolate, methotrexate
Lifestyle: avoid products w/ alcohol, fragrances, & astringents; pat skin dry, frequent use of bland lubricants (petroleum jelly, Vaseline, Aquaphor)
Seborrheic Dermatitis definition, sx, dx, tx
*not fully understood, increased sebaceous gland activity + hypersensitivity reaction to Malassezia furfur
-more severe in pts w/ neuro dz (PD) & HIV
-MC in men
-worsen during fall/winter, stress
Erythematous plaques w/ fine white scales & greasy appearance
Common in areas w/ high sebaceous gland secretion – scalp (dandruff), eyelids, beard, mustache, nasolabial folds, chest, groin
May be associated w/ burning & pruritis
dx: clinical
Mild: topical first line
- selenium sulfide
- sodium sulfacetamide
- zinc pyrithione
- ketoconazole (shampoo or cream)
- low potency steroids
Severe or resistant: oral antifungals
- itraconazole, fluconazole, ketoconazole, terbinafine
Burns common causes in infants, toddlers, school age, adolescents
Infants: bathing-related scalds, abuse
Toddlers: scalds by hot liquid spills
School-age: fire (playing w/ matches)
Adolescents: volatile agents, high-voltage electrical lines
Burns rule of 9’s for children
Head: 18%
Front: 18%
Back: 18%
1 arm: 9%
1 leg: 14%
Superficial (First Degree)
*mild inflammatory response confined to epidermis
*redness, DRY
*tenderness to palpation; blanches w/ pressure
*heals 3-6d (no scarring)
Superficial Partial-Thickness (Second Degree)
*epidermis + superficial (papillary) dermis
*pink-red, weeping/MOIST; BLISTERING
*painful, blanches w/ pressure
*heals 7-21d (no scarring, +/- pigment changes)
Deep Partial-Thickness (Second Degree)
*epidermis + deeper (reticular) dermis
*mottled color variation from cheesy white to red
*painful ONLY w/ pressure, does NOT blanch w/ pressure
*heals 3-9wks (+ hypertrophic scarring)
Full-Thickness (Third Degree)
*epidermis + all of dermis + subQ tissue
*varies, waxy white to leathery gray to charred/black
*DRY, inelastic; no blistering
*lack of sensation; does NOT blanch w/ pressure
*requires surgery for healing
Fourth Degree
*epidermis + dermis + subQ fat + fascia, muscle, bone
*black, CHARRED; dry, no blistering
*no sensation, does NOT blanch w/ pressure
*requires surgery for healing
Burns dx and tx
BSA: superficial (first degree) NOT included
*anterior head 9%, posterior head 9%
*anterior torso 18%, posterior torso 18%
*anterior arm 4.5%, posterior arm 4.5%, total 9%
*anterior leg 7%, posterior leg 7%, total 14%
*genitalia/perineum 1%
Labs: ABG, CBC, CK, CMP, UA, carboxyhemoglobin
*circumferential burns may require fasciotomy
Superficial & superficial partial thickness: wound care
*remove sloughing epidermis w/ gauze & sterile water
*do not rupture blisters
*topical abx (bacitracin) & wound dressing (xeroform)
*daily dressing changes, f/u in 2d
Analgesia: fentanyl, morphine
Td vaccine
Fluid Resuscitation: Parkland Formula, 3ml x TBSA% x wt (kg)
*50% given over first 8h, 50% given over next 16hr
Maintenance Fluids: 4-2-1 Rule
*4ml for first 10kg + 2ml for next 10kg + 1ml for each kg >20
Burn Center Admit Criteria:
*>10% BSA or ANY deep partial/full-thickness burns
*significant burns to hands, face, feet, genitalia/perineum
*electrical, chemical, or inhalational injury
*circumferential burns, underlying chronic condition, abuse
Erythema Multiforme definition, sx, dx, tx
Type IV hypersensitivity reaction of the skin often following infections or medication exposure – MC in young adults 20-40yrs
Infections: HSV MCC; M. pneumoniae, VZV, EBV, CMV, coxsackie, parvovirus B19, M. tuberculosis, Salmonella, HIV
Medications: NSAIDs, sulfonamides, anticonvulsants, antibiotics
CLASSIC target lesions: THREE zones, well defined borders
Target lesions – MC on extremities (hands/feet)
*dusky, violaceous macule or blister
*intermediate surrounding ring of pallor
*peripheral erythematous ring
NON-PRURITIC, blanches
NEGATIVE Nikolsky sign (no epidermal detachment)
Mucositis: typically mild & limited to one mucous membrane (usually oral); conjunctival/urogenital involvement rare
Minor: EM w/o or w/ only mild mucosal dz; NO systemic sxs
Major: EM w/ severe mucosal involvement + systemic sxs (fever, arthralgias)
Bx if dx not clear
Symptomatic TX: bland emollients or topical abx applied to eroded areas, IVF for pts w/ mucositis & poor PO intake, antihistamines if pruritic
HSV: acyclovir
If ophthalmic involvement 🡪 REFERRAL
SJS & TEN definition, sx, dx, tx
Rare hypersensitivity reactions affecting the skin & mucosal membranes
Etiology: predominantly drug-related (penicillin, sulfonamides, allopurinol, NSAIDs, anticonvulsants)
*other: infections (M. pneumoniae, influenza)
SJS: <10% BSA
SJS/TEN Overlap: 10-30% BSA
TEN: >30% BSA
ATYPICAL target lesions: TWO zones or poorly defined border
*Generally develops within 2mo of drug initiation, & often within first 1-4wks
Prodrome: fever, malaise, pharyngitis, eye pain
Cutaneous: typically begin on torso & face; rapidly generalizes
SJS: atypical targetoid lesions, often violaceous &/or blistered; lesions may coalesce, particularly on face & torso
TEN: tender, erythematous patches & plaques that develop large bullae that coalesce & rapidly slough, leaving large, denuded areas of skin
(+) Nikolsky sign: applied lateral pressure to blister causes extension of separation from dermis
Mucositis: oropharyngeal, conjunctival, urethral, genital, perirectal; often causes pain, poor PO intake, dehydration
Ocular manifestations: conjunctivitis, eyelid edema, blepharitis, corneal erosions, symblepharon, corneal scarring
Bx: full thickness skin necrosis
Consider: bacterial cultures, M. pneumoniae PCR
SJS: <10, most common in children, mainly dt drug reactions, >2 mucous sites, URI prodrome
TEN: >30%, most commonly in elderly, abrupt onset, mucous membrane involvement, positive Nikolsky
Supportive: pain management, nutritional support, maintain normal body temperature, maintain hydration & electrolyte balance
*hypo-Na/K/phos common
Wound care: leave bullae intact, avoid aggressive debridement, petroleum gauze, topical antibiotics, minimize pressure, frequent application of bland emollients/lubricating ointments to involved mucosa, +/- PO disinfectant rinse (chlorhexidine)
IVIG: may be effective at arresting progression
Cutaneous Drug Reactions defintion and types
Medication-induced changes in the skin & mucous membranes – most are hypersensitivity reactions
Most cutaneous drug reactions are self-limited if the offending drug is D/C
Triggers: antigen from foods, insect bites, drugs, environmental, exercise-induced, & infections
Type I: IgE mediated – e.g., urticaria, angioedema; immediate
Type II: cytotoxic, antibody-mediated (drugs + cytotoxic antibodies cause cell lysis)
Type III: immune antibody-antigen complex e.g., drug-mediated vasculitis & serum sickness
Type IV: delayed (cell mediated) – morbilliform reaction e.g., erythema multiforme
Non-immunologic: cutaneous drug reactions d/t genetic incapability to detoxify certain meds (anticonvulsants, sulfonamides)
Exanthematous Drug Eruption definition, sx, dx, tx
Morbilliform or maculopapular drug eruption characterized by macules or small papules after the initiation of drug treatment
MC occurs 5-14d after the initiation of the offending med or within 1-2d in previously sensitized individuals
PATHO: type IV (delayed) hypersensitivity
*MC drugs: antibiotics (aminopenicillins, sulfonamides), anticonvulsants (carbamazepine)
Latency (not previously sensitized): cutaneous eruption typically occurs within 7-10d after starting tx; for short courses of tx (e.g., antibiotics), the eruption may appear 2-4d AFTER stopping tx
Cutaneous features: erythematous macules &/or papules; morbilliform (measles like), rubelliform (rubella like); predominantly involves trunk/proximal extremities
*mild – acral sites often spared
*severe – can involve face, palms/soles
Systemic sxs (mild): pruritis, low-grade fever
Labs: slightly elevated acute phase reactants, mild eosinophilia
Prompt withdrawal of the offending med
Symptomatic: oral antihistamines (H1 blockers)
- second gen: cetirizine, loratadine, fexofenadine
- first gen: diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, chlorpheniramine
Severe: short course of PO steroids
Angioedema definition, sx, dx, tx
Self-limited, localized subcutaneous (or submucosal) swelling resulting from extravasation of fluid into the interstitium
Affects the mucosal tissues of the face, lips, tongue, larynx, hands, feet, & genitalia
Onset in min-hours w/ spontaneous resolution in hours-few days
Mast-cell (histamine) mediated (e.g., allergic rxns)
*angioedema that may be accompanied w/ other allergic rxn sxs (urticaria, flushing, pruritis, bronchospasm, stridor, throat tightness, hypotension)
Bradykinin-mediated (e.g., ACEI-induced or hereditary – d/t C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency
*angioedema w/o allergic reaction sxs
If there is no information to suggest an external cause & the patient has isolated angioedema (w/o pruritis or urticaria), then C4 levels & a C1 inhibitor antigenic level should be obtained
Immediate: immediate assessment & ongoing airway protection; epi if severe
Mast-cell mediated: epi (if severe), steroids, antihistamines
Bradykinin-mediated: C1 inhibitor concentrate, ecallantide, icatibant
Urticaria (Hives) definition, sx, dx, tx
Edema of the superficial layers of the skin due histamine-related increased vascular permeability
Type I (IgE) immediate hypersensitivity reaction
PATHO: release of vasodilators (histamine, bradykinin, kallikrein, PGs) form mast cells & basophils of the skin
Triggers: foods, meds, heat or cold, stress, insect bites, environmental, & infection
- chronic (>6wks)
Sudden onset of circumscribed hives or wheals (blanchable, raised, erythematous areas on the skin or mucous membranes) that may coalesce
*intense pruritis
*usually transient (often disappearing within 24hrs)
Antihistamines (H1 blockers) initial
- second gen: cetirizine, loratadine, fexofenadine
- first gen: diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, chlorpheniramine
H2 blockers (ranitidine) may be added if no response to H1 blockers
Severe, recurrent, persistent: steroids
Drug Reaction w/ Eosinophilia & Systemic Symptoms (DRESS)/Drug-Induced Hypersensitivity Syndrome (DIHS) definition, sx, dx, tx
Definition: distinct & potentially life-threatening severe ADR characterized by a morbilliform cutaneous eruption w/ fever, LAD, hematologic abnormalities, & multiorgan manifestations
PATHO: appears to be mediated by activation of CD4+ & CD8+ T lymphocytes; most often occurs 2-6wks after medication initiation
Etiology: SAPAN: MCC are anticonvulsants (phenobarbital, carbamazepine phenytoin, lamotrigine), minocycline, sulfa abx
Prodrome: fever, pharyngitis, malaise 2-3d before rash onset
Skin: morbilliform exanthem w/ accentuation on face, upper trunk, proximal extremities; may progress to erythroderma; pruritis common
*desquamation develops days-weeks after initial eruption; can last several weeks
Other manifestations: facial edema (esp. periorbital), LAD, mucosal involvement (cheilitis, pharyngeal erythema)
Organ system involvement: hepatitis, tubulointerstitial nephritis, pulmonary sxs (SOB, tachypnea, cough)
*rash/other abnormalities resolve 1-2mo after med DC
Autoimmune complications: Graves, DM1, AIHA
DX Criteria: acute onset exanthema w/ fever, suspicion of drug reaction, hospitalization, LAD, involvement of ≥1 internal organ, & hematologic abnormalities (lymphopenia, lymphocytosis, atypical lymphocytosis, eosinophilia >10%, thrombocytopenia)
CBC: can show lymphocytosis, atypical lymphocytosis, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia
LFTs: ↑ ALT, alk phos; CMP: ↑ creatinine; ↑ LDH
UA: proteinuria, eosinophilic sediment
Blood PCR: HHV-6, HHV-7, EBV, CMV
Hepatitis panel: HAV IgM Ab, HBsAg, HBcAb (IgM), HCV viral RNA
TFTs: @baseline, again @6wks
*identify & DC causative medication
*fluid replacement, electrolyte correction
Mild, predominantly cutaneous: topical corticosteroids; antihistamines for pruritis
Significant systemic involvement:
*systemic steroids; prednisone, methylprednisolone
*IVIG for no response to steroids; plasmapheresis, immunosuppressive drugs are other options
Rubeola (Measles) – 1st Disease definition, sx, dx, tx
Etiology: measles virus, paramyxovirus family
Transmission: respiratory droplets, contact w/ contaminated surface
Incubation: 6-21d
Prodrome: high fever + 3Cs (cough, coryza, conjunctivitis); usually lasts 3d
Koplik spots: small red spots w/ white centers on oral mucosa
*rash follows by 1-2d
Rash: maculopapular rash; cephalocaudal progression (head downwards)
*spares palms/soles; fades ~4d; left w/ persistent cough for 10-14d
Measle-specific IgM antibodies, PCR
Vaccine: MMR @12-15mo, 2nd dose @4-6y
Supportive: acetaminophen, ibuprofen, oral hydration
*vitamin A for young/severely malnourished children; boosts immune response; ↓ risk of complications & death
Complications: severe diarrhea MC, pneumonia (MCC of deaths), subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (7-10y later)
*can suppress immune system for 6wks 🡪 otitis media, bacterial pneumonia
Scarlet Fever – 2nd Disease definition, sx, dx, tx
Etiology: group A strep
PATHO: type IV (delayed) hypersensitivity reaction to a pyrogenic strain (erythrogenic toxin A, B, C)
Prodrome: fever, chills, pharyngitis
Rash: diffuse erythema that blanches w/ pressure + multiple small papular elevations w/ sandpaper texture
*axillae/groin 🡪 trunk/extremities (spares palms/soles)
Flushed face w/ circumoral pallor & strawberry tongue
Pastia’s Lines: linear petechial lesions seen at pressure points, axillary, antecubital, abdominal, or inguinal areas
Testing for GABHS
Penicillin G or VK first line
- amoxicillin
- macrolides if PCN allergy
- clindamycin, cephalosporins
Rubella – 3rd Disease (German Measles)
“3d measles” definition, sx, dx, tx
Etiology: rubella virus, togavirus family
Transmission: respiratory droplets
Incubation: 14d
Prodrome: flu-like sxs (mild fever), arthralgias, postauricular LAD
Rash: erythematous, maculopapular rash; cephalocaudal spread (face downwards)
*spares palms/soles; disappears within 3d aka “3d measles”
*spreads much more rapidly than measles, does not darken/coalesce
Forchheimer spots: pinpoint red macules & petechiae on soft palate & uvula
Rubella-specific IgM Ab via EIA
Supportive: acetaminophen, ibuprofen, oral hydration
*immunoglobulin in exposed individuals
Vaccine: MMR @12-15mo, 2nd dose @4-6y
Complications: teratogenic in 1st TM
*deafness, cataracts, congenital heart defects (PDA)
Erythema Infectiosum – 5th Disease definition, sx, dx, tx
Etiology: parvovirus B19 – infects & destroys reticulocytes, leading to a ↓ or transient halt in erythropoiesis
Transmission: respiratory droplets
Incubation: 4-14d; asymptomatic
Prodrome: flu-like sxs (mild fever, HA, malaise); *rash follows by a few days
Rash: “slapped cheek” rash; lacy reticular rash on extremities; spares palms/soles; resolves in 2-3wks
*arthritis or arthralgias in older children/adults
Serologies: parvovirus B19-specific IgM antibodies
Supportive: acetaminophen, NSAIDs
Complications: hydrops fetalis in pregnancy, aplastic crisis in pts w/ sickle cell
Roseola Infantum – 6th Disease (Exanthema Subitum) definition, sx, dx, tx
Etiology: MC caused by HHV-6; less commonly HHV-7
Transmission: respiratory droplets, saliva
Incubation: 10d
MC in children 6mo-2y
Prodrome: 3d of high fever – child appears well during febrile phase; can reach >104F
Rash: pink maculopapular blanchable rash
*starts on trunk 🡪 face (only viral exanthem that starts on the trunk)
Viral culture/PCR for confirmation
IgG antibodies against HHV-6/7
Supportive: rest, fluids, antipyretics (acetaminophen)
Immunocompromised: antivirals (ganciclovir)
Complications: febrile seizures
Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease definition, sx, dx, tx
Etiology: coxsackie virus A
Transmission: person-person, respiratory droplets, feces, direct contact w/ contaminated surface
MC in children <5yrs; MC in summer/early fall
Prodrome: flu-like sxs, oral pain *rash follows within few days
Rash: painful vesicles & ulcers in mouth 🡪 vesicles on palms/soles
*usually clears within 10d
Clinical – viral culture/PCR of throat swab or stool sample
Coxsackie-specific immunoglobulin A
Supportive: acetaminophen, ibuprofen, hydration, topical lidocaine; usually resolves in 1wk
Complications: aseptic meningitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome
Herpangina definition, sx, dx, tx
Etiology: coxsackie virus (esp. type A)
MC in children 3-10yrs; MC in summer/early fall
Sudden onset high fever
Stomatitis: small yellow white papulovesicular lesions on posterior pharynx (soft palate, uvula, tonsils) that ulcerate before healing
*anorexia due to pain common
*pharyngitis, odynophagia
In older children: +/- malaise, HA, N/V, neck stiffness, back stiffness
Coxsackie-specific immunoglobulin A; viral culture
Supportive: acetaminophen, ibuprofen, hydration
Complications: aseptic meningitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome
Mumps definition, sx, dx, tx
Etiology: paramyxovirus
Transmission: respiratory droplets, saliva, household fomites
Incubation: 12-14d
Prodrome: low-grade fever, fatigue, myalgia, malaise, HA, earache
Parotitis: parotid gland pain & swelling; usually bilateral
PE: parotid gland swelling & tenderness
Clinical, serologies
↑ amylase, leukopenia w/ a relative lymphocytosis
Supportive: acetaminophen, ibuprofen, analgesics
Complications: epididymo-orchitis MC
Varicella Zoster Virus (HHV-3) definition, sx, dx, tx
VZV causes 2 clinically distinct diseases:
*Primary: varicella (chickenpox)
*Reactivation: herpes zoster (shingles)
Transmission: aerosolized droplets, direct contact w/ vesicular fluid
Incubation: 14-21d; asymptomatic
Travels retrograde to trigeminal ganglion & dorsal root ganglia where it can remain dormant in a latent state for many years; later, if immune system weakens (aging, stress, immunosuppressive therapy), virus can be reactivated & travel anterograde through sensory nerve to skin (herpes zoster/shingles)
*HHV-3 virus
Varicella (chickenpox): “dew drops on a rose petal”
Prodrome: fever, malaise, anorexia, pharyngitis; rash appears 24h later
Rash: *appears in successive crops over several days
*starts as macules, rapidly become papules, then vesicles; can develop pustular component followed by formation of crusted papules; crusts fall off within 1-2wks; leave temporary area of hypopigmentation
*lesions in different stages of development, PRURITIC!!!
Herpes zoster (shingles):
Prodrome: pain, itching, or tingling in area where rash will develop
Rash: single stripe of vesicles (single dermatome); don’t cross midline
*usually resolves within 1mo, but pain can last >90d 🡪 postherpetic neuralgia
Zoster Ophthalmicus: involves ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve; 5
*eye pain, redness, swelling + fever + painful vesicular rash
Zoster Oticus (Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome): involves facial nerve (8)
*otalgia; lesions on ear, auditory canal, & TM; facial palsy, hearing loss
PCR: viral DNA; confirmatory
Blood tests: IgM antibodies
Tzanck smear:
*multinucleated giant cells
Zoster Ophthalmicus:
*dendritic lesions on slit lamp if keratoconjunctivitis is present
Varicella (chickenpox): resolves in 1wk; develop immunity
*healthy children <12yo: supportive (ASPIRIN 🡪 REYE)
*≥13y & unvaccinated, immunocompromised: antivirals
PO acyclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir
*varicella-zoster immune globulin (VZIG)
Herpes zoster (shingles): rash usually resolves in 1mo
*acyclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir within 72h to prevent postherpetic neuralgia
Zoster Ophthalmicus: PO antivirals, can add acyclovir ophthalmic
Ramsay-Hunt: PO acyclovir, corticosteroids
Postherpetic Neuralgia: gabapentin, TCAs, topical lidocaine gel, capsaicin
Vaccines: varicella @12-15mo, second dose 4-6y; recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV) in pts >50y, 2 doses 2-6mo apart
Impetigo definition, sx, dx, tx
Highly contagious superficial vesicopustular skin infection
MC bacterial skin infection in children (highest incidence 2-6yrs)
Risk Factors: poor personal hygiene, poverty, crowding, warm & humid weather, skin trauma
*cellulitis MC (10%)
*acute glomerulonephritis
*does not lead to rheumatic fever
Non-bullous (MC): vesicles, pustules; weeping, “honey-colored crust”
*occurs at sites of superficial skin trauma (insect bites)
*around nose/mouth, associated w/ regional LAD
*MCC: S. aureus, GABHS
Bullous: vesicles, then bullae, varnish-like crust
*fever, diarrhea
*MCC: S. aureus
*rare (seen in newborns or younger children)
Ecthyma: ulcerative pyoderma caused by group A strep (heals w/ scarring); not common
Gram stain & wound culture
Mild: topical mupirocin TID x10d
- bacitracin
- retapamulin
- wash area w/ soap/water
- good skin hygiene
Extensive disease or systemic sxs: systemic abx
- cephalexin or erythromycin x1wk
- dicloxacillin
- macrolides
MRSA: doxycycline; Sick + MRSA: vancomycin
Scabies definition, sx, dx, tx
A highly contagious skin infection due to the mite Sarcoptes scabiei
PATHO: female mites burrow into the skin to lay eggs, feed, & defecate (scybala are the fecal particles that precipitate a hypersensitivity reaction in the skin)
Intense pruritis, esp. at night
Infected pts may remain w/o sxs for up to 4-6wks
*multiple, small erythematous papules, excoriations
*linear burrows – commonly found in the intertriginous zones, including the scalp & web spaces between the fingers & toes; usually spares neck & face
*red itchy pruritic papules or nodules on the scrotum, glans, penile shaft, or body folds
Skin scrapings: mites, eggs, feces seen w/ magnification
Topical permethrin DOC
- do NOT use after showers (causes seizures d/t increased absorption through open pores
- CI: teratogenic, not usually used in breastfeeding & children <2yrs
Ivermectin if extensive
All clothing, bedding, etc. should be placed in a plastic bag at least 72hrs then washed & dried using heat
Pediculosis Pubis “pubic lice” definition, sx, dx, tx
Transmission: usually sexually transmitted (esp. in teenagers & young adults)
Pruritis of the involved area
Nits may be seen
Clinical (visual of lice or nits)
Microscopic exam of hair shaft
Topical permethrin or pyrethrins first line
Pediculosis Capitis “head lice” definition, sx, dx, tx
Transmission: person to person; fomites (hats, headsets, clothing, bedding)
Girls > boys; less common in AA
Outbreaks commonly affect children 3-12yrs, warmer & humid weather
Intense itching (esp. occipital area); papular urticaria near lice bites
*visualization of crawling nymphs or adult lice; presence of nits alone does NOT confirm infection
*nits: white, oval-shaped egg capsules at the base of the hair shafts
Topical permethrin – fine tooth comb to remove nits
- alt: malathion
- benzyl alcohol, Spinosad, topical ivermectin
- ADRs: neurotoxic (HA, seizures)
Oral ivermectin in refractory cases
Pediculosis Croppers “body lice” definition, sx, dx, tx
Transmission: usually sexually transmitted; strongly related to poor body hygiene (homeless, prisons, crowded, etc.)
PATHO: do not live on the skin – live & lay their eggs in seams of clothing or bedding & move to the skin only to feed
Disease transmission: body lice can be a vector for diseases to humans, such as relapsing fever, epidemic typhus, & trench fever
sx: Pruritis & excoriations
dx: Clinical – identification in clothing, esp. the seams
Hygiene improvement first line
Permethrin 5% cream
Lichen Planus definition, sx, dx, tx
Acute or chronic inflammatory dermatitis (cell-mediated immune response)
Increased incidence: hepatitis C, drug reactions, graft vs. host, malignant lymphoma
MC in adults
Pruritic rash MC on the extremities, esp. the volar surfaces of the wrist & the ankles
*may involve the mouth, scalp, genitals, nails, & mucous membranes
*6 Ps: purple, polygonal, planar, pruritic, papules or plaques w/ fine scales & irregular borders that may have Wickham striae (fine white lines on the skin lesions or on the oral mucosa)
Koebner’s phenomenon: new lesions at sites of trauma (also seen in psoriasis)
*nail dystrophy; may cause scarring alopecia
Bx & immunofluorescence is confirmatory – saw-tooth lymphocyte infiltrate at the dermal epidermal junction
Topical steroids first line w/ occlusive dressings
- antihistamines for pruritis
Second line: PO or intralesional steroids, topical tretinoin or photosensitizing psoralen + ultraviolet light therapy (generalized eruptions)
Usually resolves spontaneously in 8-12mo
Pityriasis Rosea definition, sx, dx, tx
Etiology: uncertain – may be associated w/ viral infections (HHV-6 or 7)
Primarily seen in older children & young adults (rare >35yrs); increased incidence in spring/fall
Herald patch: solitary salmon-colored macule on the trunk, 2-6mm
1-2wks later general exanthem: smaller, very pruritic 1cm round or oval salmon-colored papules w/ white circular (collarette) scaling in a Christmas tree pattern (oriented along skin cleavage lines)
*confined to trunk & proximal extremities (face, palms, soles usually spared)
Young adults 🡪 RPR to r/o syphilis
No management needed for most – education, reassurance, tx of pruritis (resolves spontaneously in 6-12wks)
- PO antihistamine
- topical steroids
Lotions or emollients for scaling
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome (SSSS) definition, sx, dx, tx
Superficial skin blistering condition due to dissemination of S. aureus exfoliative toxins (esp. S. aureus strains 71 & 55)
*toxins cleave desmoglein-1, resulting in the formation of flaccid, fragile bullae
MC in infants (3-7d) or children <5yrs
Erythema phase:
*fever, irritability, skin tenderness 🡪 cutaneous blanching erythema (often begins @ mouth); erythema is worse in flexor areas & around orifices
Bullae phase:
*sterile, flaccid blisters occur about 1-2d after the erythema, esp. in the areas of mechanical stress (flexural areas, buttocks, hands, feet)
*(+) Nikolsky sign
Desquamative phase:
*skin that easily rupture, leaving moist, denuded skin before healing
Conjunctivitis may be seen but mucous membranes not involved
*Perioral, periocular, and perinasal erythema and crusting are characteristic
Cultures from blood or nasopharynx
Skin bx: splitting of the lower stratum granulosum layer
*nafcillin, oxacillin
*MRSA 🡪 vancomycin
Supportive care:
*maintain the skin clear & moist
*emollients to improve barrier function
*fluid & electrolyte replacement
Dermatophytosis definition, types, RF
Fungal skin infections: trichophyton, microsporum, Epidermophyton
Infects keratinized tissues in the stratum corneum of the skin, hair, & nails by ingesting keratin
Risk Factors: ↑ skin moisture (e.g., occlusive gear), immunodeficiency (HIV, DM), peripheral vascular disease
Tinea Capitis “Ring Worm” definition, sx, dx, tx
Superficial fungal infection of the scalp
Etiologies: 90% caused by trichophyton
Risk Factors: poor hygiene, direct contact, preadolescents, MC in AA
4 presentations:
Patches of alopecia w/ black dots
Scaly patches w/ alopecia
Kerion: severe manifestation characterized by an inflammatory plaque w/ pustules & thick crusting; often painful
Favus: less common – cup-like shaped yellow crusts composed of dried scalp secretions, fungi, skin cells, & dead inflammatory cells
KOH prep: fungal element inside or surrounding the hair
Wood’s lamp:
- trichophyton: no fluorescence
- microsporum: fluorescence
Culture: definitive
PO griseofulvin – first line; 6-12wks
- ADRs: hepatitis, GI HA, disulfiram reaction
- better absorbed w/ fatty food (peanut butter)
2nd line: PO terbinafine
Lifestyle: use of antifungal by all house members, avoid sharing hats, clippers, & combs
Tinea Barbae sx, tx
Papules, pustules, & hair follicles
Requires PO antifungal: griseofulvin, terbinafine
Tinea Pedis “Athletes Foot” definition, sx, dx, tx
MC dermatophyte infection
Transmission: direct contact (e.g., walking barefoot in gyms or swimming pool areas)
MC in adolescents & young men
Interdigital (MC): pruritis, erythematous erosions or scales between the toes
Hyperkeratotic: diffuse hyperkeratotic rash involving the soles, lateral & medial surfaces of the feet w/ a “moccasin” distributive pattern
Vesiculobullous: pruritic vesicular or bullous eruption w/ underlying erythema, esp. involving the medial surfaces of the foot (may be painful)
KOH prep: segmented hyphae
Wood’s lamp:
- trichophyton: no fluorescence
- microsporum: fluorescence
Culture: definitive
Topical antifungals first line (4wks)
- butenafine, tolnaftate, ciclopirox, azoles
- terbinafine 1% cream x1wk
- Burrow’s solution added for hyperkeratotic
If topical is ineffective: PO terbinafine, fluconazole, itraconazole
Clean shoes w/ antifungal spray, keep cool/dry
Tinea Cruris “Jock itch” definition, sx, dx, tx
Superficial fungal infections of the groin or inner thighs
Etiologies: fungi of the trichophyton (T. rubrum MC)
Risk Factors: males, copious sweating (close contact sports, wearing tight clothing), immunocompromised
- tinea pedis may be the source of infection
Pruritis hallmark
Annular patches or plaques, diffuse erythema to the inner thighs or groin w/ sharply demarcated raised border that may have tiny vesicles
*often spares the scrotum & the mucosa
KOH prep: segmented hyphae
Fungal cultures: definitive
Topical antifungals first line
- clotrimazole, butenafine, terbinafine
- desiccant powders in the inguinal area w/ the avoidance of tight-fitting clothing & noncotton underwear
PO antifungals if topical ineffective or extensive
- terbinafine
- griseofulvin
Tinea Corporis “ringworm” definition, sx, dx, tx
Superficial fungal infection of the body (trunk, legs, arms, or neck)
- does not include the feet, hands, groin, nails, or the scalp
Etiologies: fungi of the trichophyton & microsporum genera (T. rubrum MC)
*direct contact – common in preadolescents
*infection from other animals
*infection from another part of the body
Single or multiple pruritic, erythematous, scaly, circular or oval plaques or patches w/ central clearing & well-defined raised borders that spread outwardly
- may have pustules
KOH prep: segmented hyphae
Culture: definitive
Topical antifungals first line; 1-3wks
- azoles: clotrimazole, ketoconazole
- butenafine
- terbinafine
- naftine
- ciclopirox
- tolnaftate
PO antifungals if topical ineffective or extensive
- itraconazole
- terbinafine
Pityriasis (Tinea) Versicolor definition, sx, dx, tx
Fungal skin infection due to overgrowth of the yeast Malassezia furfur
MC in adolescents & young adults
Risk Factors: hot & humid weather, excessive sweating, oily skin
Hyper or hypopigmented, well-demarcated round or oval macules w/ fine scaling – often coalesce into patches MC on the upper trunk & proximal extremities
*the involved skin fails to tan w/ sun exposure
KOH prep: hyphae & spores (“spaghetti & meatballs” appearance)
Wood’s lamp: yellow-green fluorescence (enhanced color variation seen w/ versicolor)
Topical: first line
- selenium sulfide
- sodium sulfacetamide
- zinc pyrithione
- azoles
Systemic therapy: itraconazole, fluconazole
- in adults if widespread or failed topical therapy
Verrucae definition, sx, dx, tx
Warts: all are caused by HPV; most resolve w/o tx over 2yrs
Verruca Vulgaris (common warts)
*skin-colored papillomatous papules
Verruca Plana (flat warts)
*hands, face, arms, legs
Verrucae Plantaris (plantar warts)
*bottom of the foot; rough surface
*dark spot (thrombosed capillaries)
Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis
*a rare, lifelong hereditary disorder characterized by chronic infection w/ HPV
Most resolve w/o tx over 2yrs
Cryotherapy – liquid nitrogen
Self-administered topical therapy:
*salicylic acid
Psoriasis definition, sx, dx, tx
Immune-mediated multisystemic disease w/ a genetic predisposition
*keratin hyperplasia & proliferating cells in the stratum basale + stratum spinosum due to T cell activation & cytokine release
*this causes greater epidermal thickness & accelerated epidermis turnover
Plaque (MC): raised, well-demarcated, pink-red plaques or papules w/ thick silvery white scales
*MC on the extensor surfaces of the elbows, knees, scalp, & nape of the neck; usually pruritic
Auspitz sign: punctate bleeding w/ removal of plaque or scale (nonspecific)
Koebner’s phenomenon: new isomorphic (similar) lesions at the sites of trauma
Nail involvement: pitting; yellow-brown discoloration under the nail (oil spot); separation of nail from nail bed (onycholysis)
Other variants:
Guttate: small, erythematous “tear drop” papules w/ fine scales, discrete lesions & confluent plaques; spares the palms & soles – often appears after strep pharyngitis
Inverse: erythematous (lacks scale); MC seen in body folds
Pustular: deep, yellow pustules that coalesce to form large areas of pus; fever, leukocytosis may be seen
Erythroderma: generalized erythematous rash involving most of the skin (worse type)
- topical steroids first line
- vitamin D analogs (calcipotriene)
- phototherapy: UVB, PUVA (oral psoralen followed by ultraviolet A)
- systemic tx: cyclosporine, retinoids (acitretin), biologic agents (TNF inhibitors – etanercept, adalimumab, infliximab)
- methotrexate usually last resort
Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum definition, sx, dx, tx
*Occurs in approximately 20% of neonates in the first 72hrs of life
*May be present at birth, but usually appear within 24-48hrs
*Occurs more frequently in neonates w/ higher birthweight & greater gestational age
*multiple erythematous macules & papules that rapidly progress to pustules on an erythematous base
*trunk & proximal extremities, spares palms/soles
Wright-stain smear 🡪 eosinophils *not necessary
no tx, resolves spontaneously in 5-7d
Transient Neonatal Pustular Melanosis definition, sx, dx, tx
*mostly affects full-term Black infants
Consists of 3 types of lesions:
(1) Small pustules on a non-erythematous base *usually present at birth
(2) Erythematous to hyperpigmented macules w/ a surrounding collarette of scale; develop as pustules rupture & may persist for wks-mos
(3) Hyperpigmented macules that gradually fade over several weeks to months
Wright-stain smear 🡪 neutrophils, rarely eosinophils *not necessary
no tx necessary
Milia definition, sx, dx, tx
PATHO: caused by retention of keratin & sebaceous material in the pilosebaceous follicles
sx: white papules frequently found on nose & cheeks
dx: clinical
tx: resolve in the first few months of life
Miliaria definition, sx dx, tx
Miliaria Crystallina: results from superficial blockage of the sweat duct
Miliaria Rubra (“heat rash”): results from blockage of the duct, usually within the epidermis
Miliaria Crystallina: superficial, clear 1-2mm vesicles that resemble water droplets; no surrounding erythema
*MC involve head, neck, & upper trunk
Miliaria Rubra: erythematous 2-4mm papules
*MC in the skin folds of the neck, axilla, or groin
dx: clinical
*cool environment, breathable clothing, gentle exfoliation w/ a rough cloth