Hematopoiesis Lab Assessment Flashcards
Components of CBC
- Hgb
- Hct
- Red cell indices: MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW
*RDW- distribution width, this is high when there are many different shapes and sizes of cells.
- Platelets
- these two are part of CBC, just not center of study at this point.
Labs to evaluate RBC’s and erythropoiesis
CBC Morphology Reticulocyte count Bone marrow EPO level aspiration/biopsy
Macrocytic anemia is what type of deficiency?
- Macro: folic acid and B12 deficiency
- Micro: iron deficiency
When might RBC count be decreased?
-anemia: hemorrhage, sickle cell, dietary deficiency ex. iron, b12
- higher altitudes
- diarhhea, burns, dehydration (false erythrocytosis, youre losing volume not cells.)
- pregnancy (volume overload)
What does Hgb measure?
- conc. of hgb in anticoagulated whole blood
- amount of O2 carrying proetin in blood
*reflects the number or RBC
When might hgb decrease?
- anemia
- hemorrhage
- nutritional deficiency
- renal disease
- cancer
- pregnancy
- medications (Abx, ASA, sulfonamides)
- polycythemia vera
- High altitudes
- Severe Burns
- Dehydration
What is Hematocrit?
- packed cell volume (%)
* % of the blood that is RBC
When might Hct decrease?
- anemia
- hemorrhage
- dietary deficiency
- bone marrow failure
- pregnancy
- malnutrition
- leukemia
- cirrhosis
- hyperthyroidism
- congenital heart disease
- polycythemia vera
- dehydration
- erythrocytosis
- eclampsia
- burns
What is MCV and what are the indices?
mean cell volume- measures average volume or size of single RBC
*useful in classification of anemias
- normocytic 80-97fL
- microcytic 97 fL
What is MCH and what are the indices?
Mean cell hgb: measurement of avg. weight of hgb within a RBC
*b/c macro/microcytic cells have more/less hgb, MCH values closely resemble those for the MCV value.
Normal value- 27-32pg
What is MCHC and what are the indices?
Mean cell hgb conc: avg conc or % of Hgb within a single RBC.
*the amount of hgb relative to the size of the cell per red blood cell.
- normochromic
- hypochromic
- color of RBC
What disease states might a patient have hypochromic RBC?
Normcytic & normochromic?
Hypo= iron deficiency anemia, thalassemis
Normocytic & normochromic= hemolytic anemia
What is RDW?
an indication of the variation in RBC size
*RDW will be high when all the cells are different sizes and shapes
What is anisocytosis? What conditions may cause this?
a blood condition characterized by RBCs of unequal size.
- Iron deficiency anemia
- B12 or Folate deficiency anemia
- Sickle Cell disease
- hemolytic anemia
- post-hemorrhagic anemias
What is poikilocytosis?
abnormally shaped RBC variation
Applications of Reticulocyte counts?
- evaluate pathophys of anemia
- gives indication of RBC production by the bone marrow
*if reticulocytes are high you can rule out the anemia being caused by a bone marrow problem.
How long does it take for RBC to mature? How long do they circulate?
- 1 week for RBC to mature from stem cell to RBC
- 24hr for reticulocyte to become RBC
- circulate 120days
*bigger on blood smear
What are bone marrow biopsies useful for?
- evaluation of hematopoiesis, it reveals the number, size, and shape of the RBC’s, WBC, and megakaryocytes (plateletts) as they evolve in the bone marrow.
- do biopsy when you know its a bone marrow problem based upon labs, but you dont know which kind.