Hematopoiesis Flashcards
Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs)
Stem cell in which all lineages of blood cells (RBCs and WBCs). These live in the bone marrow and differenciate vis hematopoiesis
The processes that lead to the formation and differenciation of bood cells. This process occurs in the bone marrow oflong bones amoung other body sites including the head, hips, and shoulders.
What are the 2 capacities stem cells are defined by?
- Their ability to regenerate
- The ability to differenciate into diverse cell types
Pluripotent SCs
Stem cells that have the capacity to generate almost every specilized cell type in an organism
Example: Embryonic SCs
Multipotent SCs
Stem cells that have the capacity to give rise to the diverse cell types that specify a particular tissue
Example: Adult SCs such as HSCs
How are HSCs regulated and how abundant are they in a typical person?
- They are rare with less that 50 000 cells in the bone marrow
- Numbers are controlled by a balance of cell division, death, and differnciation
- Most HSCs are resting under homeostatic conditions
Myeloid Progenerators; What types of cells are made by myeloid cell types?
A cell which gives rise to RBCs, platletes, and myeloid cells
Innate immune cells; dendritic cells, macrophages/ monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, platletes, erythrocytes, and mast cells
Lymphoid progenorators; What types of cells are made by lymphoid cell types?
Cell which gives rise to more adaptive immune cells: dendritic cells, T helper cells, Cytotoxic T cells, B cells, and Innate lymphoid cells (ILC)
Long term- HSCs; most quiescent and retain multipotency throughout the life of the organism
Short term-HSC; mainly quiescent bt divide more frequently and have a limited self renwal capacity
Multipotent progenerators (MPPs)
Cells that have lost the capacity for self-renwal, but can proliferate rapidly and give rise to multiple hematopoietic lineages including lymphoid, myeloid, erythroid, and megakaryoctic
What WBC is the most abundant in our bodies?
Hematoxylin and Eosin stains
Hematoxylin: binds basophilic (neg charge) nucleic acids. Stains them blue
Eosin: binds eosinophilic proteins (pos charged) in the granules and the cytoplasm. Stains pink.