Hematopoeisis, Hematopoeitic precursors, and bone marrow Flashcards
Describe where hematopoiesis occurs before birth, in childhood, and in adulthood.
- Embryonal stage: yolk sac (primarily red cells), largely finished by 3rd mo. of gestation.
- Fetal stage: liver spleen: From 2-7 mo. of gestation.
- Time of birth: bone marrow
Childhood: Most of the marrow cavity is hematopoeitically active.
Adulthood: By 18-20 years, 90% of hematopoeitcally active marrow is in the axial skeleton (vertebrae, pelvis, sternum, ribs, and skull)
Hematopoietic Stem cell
Mother of all blood cells, gives rise to lymphoid and myeloid elements. May self-renew or commit to becoming one of the pluripotential stem cells.
Progenitor Cells
Stem cells give rise to progenitor cells, can either by myeloid progenitors lymphoid progenitors. Progenitor cells’ ability to self-renew is extremely limited, and they are irreversibly committed to differentiate along one or two lineages.–> give rise to precursors
Precursor cells
Recognizable maturing cells that are visible and counted when a marrow specimen is examined. Capable of cell division, but cannot self-renew. Give rise to mature function cells in the peripheral blood, lymphoid organs, and reticuloendothelial system.
Major Hematopoeitic growth factors
Erythpoietin- made by kidney cells in response to hypoxia–> promotes erythropoeisis
Thrombopoeietin: promotes megakaryopoiesis
Granulocyte-monocyte colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF): promotes granulopoiesis and monopoiesis
Granulocyte conolony stimulating factor (G-CSF): promotes granulopoeisis
Monocyte colony stimulating factor (M-CSF): promotes monopoeisis
Interleukin-5 (IL-5): promotes production fo eosinophils
Interleukin-3 (IL-3): promotes production of basophils.
Erthyrocyte maturation
Pronormoblast–> basophilic normoblast–> polychromatophilic normoblast–> orthochromatic normoblast–> reticulocyte–> erythrocyte
Granulocyte maturation
Myeloblast–> promyhelocyte–> myelocyte–> band–> sengmented granulocyte
Megakaryocyte maturation
Megakaryoblast–> promegakaryocyte–> megakaryocyte–> platelet
Monocyte maturation
monoblast–> promonocyte–>monocyte
General time frame of granulopoeisis and erythropoeisis
Erythropoeisis: 120 days life span in peripheral circulation
Granulopoeisis: 7 hr half life in peripheral circulation
Marrow cellularirty
The portion of the bone marrow that is hematopoeitically active; non-hematopoeitically active marrow is occupied by stromal elements, which is predeominatly fat.
Celllularity of bone marrrow decreased with age.