Hematopathology Flashcards
The commonest and most useful approach to disorders of the hematopoietic system is based on whether they primarily affect red cells, white cells, or the coagulation system (platelets and clotting factors). This is an oversimplification, since in real life the production, function, and destruction of red cells, white cells, and components of the hematopoietic system are interlinked, with derangements primarily affecting one cell type or component often leading to alterations in others. Furthermore, the white cells are anatomically dispersed, in that, whether normal or malignant, they are able to “traffic” freely between bone marrow, blood and various solid tissues/organs.
All the cells of the hematopoietic system originally derive from the bone marrow, that central medullary cavity within bones.
We think of disorders of the cells of the hematopoietic system in terms of there being too few or too many. We use laboratory analyzers to count and attain other measurements of these cells in the blood, and we use normal ranges to decide if there are too many, too few, or abnormalities in the cells.
Red blood cell disorders
The main function of red blood cells (RBCs) is to carry oxygen around in the blood from the lungs to other organs/tissues and to carry carbon dioxide in the reverse direction. This is accomplished by binding of oxygen/carbon dioxide to hemoglobin, by far the commonest protein found within the red cell.
Anemia (too few RBCs) is more common and therefore more of a problem than polycythemia (too many RBCs, also referred to as erythrocytosis).
ANEMIA definition
Anemia is defined as a reduction in the oxygen-transporting capacity of blood, resulting from a decrease in the red cell mass to subnormal levels.
Practically speaking, we measure anemia by looking at the Hemoglobin concentration in the blood, as this reflects oxygen-transporting capacity.
Anemia can be classified based on the underlying mechanism causing it, or based on the morphological appearance of RBCs in the peripheral blood.
Anemia can stem from decreased red blood cell (RBC) production (where the bone marrow is at fault), or from blood loss or increased red cell destruction (where the problem arises outside the bone marrow, in the circulation).
In most cases when the cause for anemia is from outside the bone marrow (extramedullary), the decrease in tissue oxygen tension that accompanies anemia causes increased production of a growth factor erythropoietin by the kidney.
- This drives compensatory hyperplasia of erythroid precursors in the bone marrow, and, if severe, RBC production in secondary hematopoietic organs such as liver, spleen, and lymph nodes (extramedullary hematopoiesis).
- The accelerated production of RBCs leads to increased numbers of newly formed RBCs (reticulocytes) in the peripheral blood (reticulocytosis).
By contrast, anemia caused by decreased RBC production by the bone marrow is associated with subnormal reticulocyte counts (reticulocytopenia).
acute - i.e. trauma
chronic -i.e. gastrointestinal tract lesions, gynecologic disturbances
CLASSIFICATION OF ANEMIA BASED ON UNDERLYING MECHANISM - increased destruction (hemolytic anemias)
- Intrinsic (intracorpuscular) abnormalities
a. Hereditary
- membrane abnormalities, i.e. hereditary spherocytosis
- enzyme deficiencies, i.e. glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
- disorders of hemoglobin synthesis.
— structurally abnormal globin synthesis (hemoglobinopathies), i.e. sickle cell anemia
— deficient globin synthesis, i.e. thalassemia syndromes
b. Acquired
- membrane defect: paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
- Extrinsic (extracorpuscular) abnormalities
a. Antibody-mediated
- alloantibodies, i.e. transfusion reactions
- autoantibodies, i.e. idiopathic autoimmune disease (primary), drug-associated
b. Mechanical trauma to red cells
- microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, i.e. disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
- defective cardiac valves
- infections, i.e. malaria
CLASSIFICATION OF ANEMIA BASED ON UNDERLYING MECHANISM - disturbed erythroid proliferation (diminished erythropoiesis)
Disturbed proliferation and differentiation of stem cells: aplastic anemia, pure red cell aplasia
Disturbed proliferation and maturation of erythroblasts
- defective DNA synthesis: deficiency or impaired use of Vitamin B12 and folic acid (megaloblastic anemia)
- anemia of renal failure (erythropoietin deficiency)
- anemia of chronic
- anemia of endocrine disorders
- defective hemoglobin synthesis: deficient heme synthesis (i.e. iron deficiency), deficient globin synthesis (i.e. thalassemias)
Marrow replacement, i.e. by primary hematopoietic neoplasms such as acute leukemia
Marrow infiltration (myelophthisic anemia), i.e. metastatic neoplasms, granulomatous disease
In anemia, the size, colour, and shape of the RBCs often point to particular causes. These features are judged by microscopic examination of stained peripheral blood smears and also expressed quantitatively using RBC indices (measured or automatically calculated by clinical laboratory instruments), such as Mean cell volume (MCV), Mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), Mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC).
By morphology, anemic RBCs can be:
1. Normochromic, Normocytic = normal pink colour, normal size
2. Hypochromic, Microcytic = too pale (low MCH), too small (low MCV)
3. Macrocytic = too big (high MCV)
4. Abnormally shaped e.g. sickled cells.
Depending on the differential diagnosis arrived at from the two above approaches, other blood tests may be performed to further evaluate and determine the type of anemia. When anemia is accompanied by thrombocytopenia (low platelets) and/or granulocytopenia (low neutrophils), it is much more likely to be due to reduced marrow production, and a bone marrow examination is usually needed for diagnosis.
The clinical consequences of anemia are determined by its severity, rapidity of onset, and underlying pathogenic mechanism.
In most cases, the onset of anemia is gradual, allowing the O2-carrying deficit to be physiologically compensated for by increases in cardiac output, respiratory rate, and RBC 2,3- diphosphoglycerate (DPG), a glycolytic pathway intermediate that enhances the release of O2 from hemoglobin. These changes temper the effects of mild to moderate anemia in otherwise healthy persons. Slow onset of pallor, fatigue, and lassitude results.
Anemia caused by the premature destruction of red cells (hemolytic anemia) is associated with jaundice (confirmed by hyperbilirubinemia), and pigment gallstones (if hemolysis is chronic), related to increased turnover of hemoglobin.
Anemia that stems from ineffective hematopoiesis (the premature death of marrow erythroid progenitors) e.g. thalassemia, is associated with an inappropriate increase in iron absorption from the gut, that can lead to iron overload (secondary hemochromatosis) with consequent damage to endocrine organs and the heart.
Anemia of Blood Loss: Hemorrhage
- Acute bleeding
Anemia of blood loss can be due to acute bleeding (hemorrhage) or slow chronic blood loss. The effects of acute bleeding are mainly due to the loss of intravascular volume, which if massive can lead to cardiovascular collapse, shock, and death. If blood loss is ≥20% of blood volume, the immediate threat is hypovolemic shock rather than anemia. If the patient survives, hemodilution begins and maximizes in 2 to 3 days, when the full extent of RBC loss is seen. This anemia is normocytic and normochromic. Recovery occurs via a compensatory rise in erythropoietin levels, stimulating increased bone marrow RBC production and reticulocytosis.
- Chronic blood loss
With chronic blood loss, iron stores are gradually depleted when blood loss is occurring to outside the body e.g. mucosal bleeding. Iron is essential for hemoglobin synthesis and erythropoiesis, and its deficiency leads to chronic anemia of underproduction i.e. iron deficiency anemia.
Hemolytic Anemias - causes and methods of classification
The multiple causes of hemolytic anemia all have in common accelerated red cell destruction (hemolysis). By definition, red cell life span is shortened to less than the normal 120 days. Regardless of cause, low tissue O2 levels trigger increased erythropoietin from the kidney, which in turn stimulates erythroid hyperplasia in the bone marrow and increased release of reticulocytes into the blood - hallmarks of all hemolytic anemias. In severe hemolytic anemias, the erythropoietic drive may be so pronounced that extramedullary hematopoiesis appears in the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes.
There are several ways to organize hemolytic anemias. One approach groups them according to pathogenesis - whether the RBC defect is intrinsic to the RBCs (intracorpuscular) or extrinsic to them (extracorpuscular).
A second, more clinical approach classifies hemolytic anemias according to whether hemolysis is primarily occurring extravascular or intravascular. Most hemolytic anemias result from extravascular hemolysis.
Hemolytic Anemias - Extravascular hemolysis
Extravascular hemolysis is caused by defects that increase the destruction of either partly damaged or antibody-coated RBCs by phagocytosis in the spleen. Extreme alterations of shape are necessary for red cells to navigate the sluggish blood flow through splenic sinusoids and any reduction in red cell deformability makes this passage difficult; abnormal RBCs become recognized and phagocytosed by resident splenic macrophages.
Findings that are relatively specific for extravascular hemolysis (as compared to intravascular) include:
- hyperbilirubinemia & jaundice, from degradation of hemoglobin in macrophages,
- enlarged spleen (splenomegaly) due to “work hyperplasia” of phagocytes in the spleen,
- formation of bilirubin-rich gallstones (pigment stones) and increased risk of cholelithiasis
Hemolytic Anemias - Intravascular hemolysis
Intravascular hemolysis is characterized by such severe injuries that RBCs literally burst within the circulation. It may be due to mechanical forces (e.g., turbulence over a defective heart valve), biochemical or physical agents that severely damage the red cell membrane (e.g., complement fixation, bacterial toxins, intracellular parasites like malaria, or heat.)
Findings that distinguish intravascular hemolysis from extravascular hemolysis include:
- hemoglobinemia, hemoglobinuria, and hemosiderinuria (hemoglobin released into the circulation is small enough to filter into the urinary space, is partly processed into hemosiderin, then lost in the urine),
- loss of iron may lead to iron deficiency if hemolysis is persistent
- decreased serum levels of haptoglobin, a plasma protein that binds free hemoglobin before it is removed from the circulation.
Hereditary Spherocytosis
Sickle Cell Anemia
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency
Immune Hemolytic Anemias
Hereditary Spherocytosis
Autosomal dominant, caused by mutations affecting RBC membrane skeleton, leading to loss of membrane and eventual conversion of red cells to spherocytes, which are phagocytosed and removed in the spleen. Clinically presents as anemia with splenomegaly.
Sickle Cell Anemia
Autosomal recessive, abnormal hemoglobin resulting from a β-globin mutation that causes deoxygenated hemoglobin to self-associate into long polymers that distort the red cell, producing a sickle shape. Blockage of vessels by sickled cells causes pain crises and tissue infarction, particularly of the marrow and spleen. RBC damage caused by repeated bouts of sickling results in moderate to severe hemolytic anemia. Patients are at high risk for bacterial infections and strokes.
Autosomal codominant disorders caused by mutations/deletions in α- or β-globin that reduce hemoglobin synthesis, resulting in microcytic, hypochromic anemia. A relative excess of the unpaired globin chains results in formation of aggregates that damage red cell precursors to further impair erythropoiesis, and also result in some degree of extravascular hemolysis.
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency
X-linked disorder caused by mutations that destabilize G6PD, affecting the hexose monophosphate shunt (glutathione) metabolic pathway. G6PD deficiency makes red cells susceptible to oxidant damage.
Immune Hemolytic Anemias
Caused by antibodies against either normal red cell constituents or antigens modified by haptens (e.g. drugs). Antibody binding results in either red cell opsonization and extravascular hemolysis or (uncommonly) complement fixation and intravascular hemolysis.
Anemias of Diminished Erythropoiesis
Anemias of diminished erythropoiesis include anemia caused by inadequate dietary supply of nutrients, especially iron (needed for hemoglobin), folic acid, and vitamin B12 (needed for DNA synthesis in nucleated erythroid precursors). Other anemias of this type are associated with bone marrow failure (aplastic anemia), systemic inflammation/tumor (anemia of chronic disease), or direct bone marrow infiltration by tumour or inflammatory cells (myelophthisic anemia).
- Iron Deficiency Anemia
- Anemia of Chronic Inflammation (Anemia of Chronic Disease)
- Megaloblastic Anemia
- Aplastic Anemia
- Myelophthisic Anemia
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Caused by chronic bleeding or inadequate iron intake; reduced iron results in insufficient hemoglobin synthesis which results in hypochromic, microcytic anemia.
Anemia of Chronic Inflammation (Anemia of Chronic Disease)
Caused by inflammatory cytokines, which increase hepcidin levels (secreted from liver) and thereby sequester iron in macrophages; cytokines also suppress erythropoietin production.
Megaloblastic Anemia
Caused by deficiencies of folate or vitamin B12 that lead to inadequate synthesis of thymidine, thus defective DNA replication. Results in enlarged abnormal hematopoietic precursors (megaloblasts) with large immature nuclei, ineffective hematopoiesis, macrocytic anemia, and (in most cases) pancytopenia (as it affects all the marrow lineages).
Aplastic Anemia
Caused by bone marrow failure (hypocellularity) resulting from diverse causes, including exposures to toxins and radiation, idiosyncratic reactions to drugs and viruses, and inherited defects in telomerase and DNA repair.
Myelophthisic Anemia
Caused by replacement of the bone marrow by infiltrative processes such as metastatic carcinoma and granulomatous disease, leading to marrow fibrosis. Results in the appearance of early erythroid and granulocytic precursors (leukoerythroblastosis) and teardrop-shaped red cells in the peripheral blood.
White blood cell disorders (WBC) - general
Disorders of white cells include deficiencies (leukopenias) and increased proliferations, which may be reactive or neoplastic. Reactive proliferation in response to a primary, often infectious disease is common. Neoplastic disorders are less common, but more ominous: they cause approximately 9% of all cancer deaths in adults and 40% in children under age 15.
Reactive Leukocytosis
Reactive Lymphadenitis (Reactive Lymph nodes)
Leukopenia: results most commonly from a decrease in granulocytes, the most numerous circulating white cells.
Neutropenia/Agranulocytosis: A reduction in the number of granulocytes in blood is called neutropenia. Neutropenic persons are susceptible to severe, potentially fatal bacterial and fungal infections.
- The risk of infection rises sharply as the neutrophil count falls below 500 cells/µL (referred to as agranulocytosis).
- The pathogenetic mechanisms underlying neutropenia can be divided into:
a. Decreased granulocyte production: Most often caused by general marrow hypoplasia (e.g. cancer chemotherapy, aplastic anemia) or marrow replacement (e.g. leukemia). Usually there is also accompanying anemia and reduced platelets. If only neutrophil production is suppressed while other blood lineages are unaffected, the most common cause is a particular drug.
b. Increased granulocyte destruction: Immune-mediated injury (triggered in some cases by drugs) or overwhelming bacterial, fungal, or rickettsial infections can result in increased peripheral use and depletion of neutrophils.
Reactive Leukocytosis
Increased number of white cells in the blood is common in many inflammatory states, caused by microbial and nonmicrobial stimuli. Leukocytosis are relatively nonspecific and are classified according to the particular white cell type that is affected, which can narrow down the etiology:
- Neutrophilic Leukocytosis
- Acute bacterial (especially pyogenic) infections; sterile inflammation caused by e.g., tissue necrosis (myocardial infarction, burns). - Eosinophilic Leukocytosis (Eosinophilia)
- Allergic disorders e.g. asthma, hay fever, allergic skin diseases; parasitic infestations; drug reactions; certain malignancies e.g., Hodgkin lymphoma and some non-Hodgkin lymphomas; collagen-vascular disorders/ some vasculitis. - Basophilic Leukocytosis (Basophilia)
- Rarely benign; often indicative of a myeloproliferative neoplasm e.g. chronic myeloid leukemia - Monocytosis
- Chronic infections e.g., tuberculosis, bacterial endocarditis, rickettsiosis, malaria; collagen vascular diseases e.g. systemic lupus erythematosus; and inflammatory bowel diseases e.g. ulcerative colitis. - Lymphocytosis
- Accompanies monocytosis in many disorders associated with chronic immunologic stimulation e.g. tuberculosis, brucellosis; viral infections e.g., hepatitis A, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus/EBV; Bordetella pertussis infection (whooping cough)
Reactive Lymphadenitis (Reactive Lymph nodes)
Infections and nonmicrobial inflammatory stimuli often activate defensive immune cells in lymph nodes. Any immune response against foreign antigens can cause lymph node enlargement (lymphadenopathy). Infections causing lymphadenitis are many, and the histologic appearance of the lymph node reaction is often nonspecific.
The most important disorders of white cells are neoplasms. All are considered malignant, but show a wide range of behaviors, ranging from some of the most aggressive known cancers to tumors that are extremely indolent. Current systems of classifying white cell neoplasms rely on a mixture of morphologic and molecular criteria, including lineage-specific protein markers and genetic findings.
- Lymphoid Neoplasms (includes plasma cell)
a. Leukemias
b. Lymphomas: Hodgkin lymphomas, non-Hodgkin lymphomas - Myeloid (includes histiocytic) neoplasms
a. Acute Myeloid Leukemias (AML)
b. Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN)
c. Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)
Lymphoid Neoplasms
Some lymphoid tumors characteristically manifest as leukemias (primarily involving bone marrow and peripheral blood), while others tend to present as lymphomas (tumor masses in lymph nodes or other tissues).
Plasma cell tumors usually arise within bones and cause systemic symptoms related to the production of a complete or partial monoclonal immunoglobulin.
All lymphoid neoplasms have the potential to spread to lymph nodes and other tissues, especially liver, spleen, bone marrow, and peripheral blood. Because of their overlapping clinical behavior, the diagnosis of lymphoid neoplasms is based on the morphologic and molecular characteristics of the tumor cells, more than their clinical presentation.
There are two groups of lymphomas: Hodgkin lymphomas and non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Although both arise most commonly in lymphoid tissues, Hodgkin lymphoma is set apart from non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHLs) by morphology, biologic behavior and clinical treatment.
WHO (World Health Organization) Classification of Lymphoid Neoplasms
Classification considers the morphology, cell of origin (determined by immunophenotyping), clinical features, and genotype (e.g. karyotype, presence of viral genomes) of each entity. The actual diagnostic entities are numerous, but are broadly grouped under the following categories:
- Precursor B cell (cells resemble bone marrow precursors of B lymphocytes)
- Mature B cell (cells resemble different stages of mature peripheral B cells)
- Precursor T cell (cells resemble bone marrow or thymic precursors of T lymphocytes)
- Mature T cell (cells resemble different stages of mature peripheral T cells).
Most common lymphoid leukemias and non-hodgkin lymphomas
- Precursor B cell lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma (ALL)
- Precursor T cell leukemia/lymphoma
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (small lymphocytic lymphoma)
- Follicular lymphoma
- Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
- Plasmacytoma/ plasma cell myeloma
Precursor B cell lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma (ALL)
- 85% of childhood acute leukemias
Salient morphology
- immature (blast) cells
Cell of origin
- precursor B cell
- usually presents as acute leukemia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
- aggressive
Precursor T cell leukemia/lymphoma
- 15% of childhood acute leukemias
- 40% of childhood lymphomas
Salient morphology
- immature (blast) cells
Cell of origin
- precursor T cell
- most common in adolescent males
- usually presents as a mediastinal mass
- aggressive
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (small lymphocytic lymphoma)
- 30% of all adult leukemias
- 3-4% of adult lymphomas
Salient morphology
- diffuse proliferation of small round mature lymphocytes
Cell of origin
- circulating mature B cell
- older adults
- usually involves nodes, bone marrow, spleen and peripheral blood
- indolent
Follicular lymphoma
- 40% of adult lymphomas
Salient morphology
- nodular proliferation of mostly small lymphocytes mixed with large ones
Cell of origin
- germinal centre B cell
- associated with translocation t(14;18)
- indolent
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
- 40-50% of adult lymphomas
Salient morphology
- diffuse proliferation of large lymphocytes
Cell of origin
- germinal centre or postgerminal centre B cell
- may arise at extranodal sites
- aggressive
Plasmacytoma/ plasma cell myeloma
- most common lymphoid neoplasm in older adults
Salient morphology
- plasma cells in sheets
Cell of origin
- postgerminal centre (fully differentiated) B cell
- CRAB signs (hypercalcemia, renal failure, anemia, bone fractures)
Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL)
Unusual B cell lymphoma, consisting mostly of reactive inflammatory cells, while the large malignant cells, called Reed-Sternberg or RS cells, form a very minor part of the mass.
The inflammatory cell infiltrate is induced by cytokines, some secreted by RS cells.
HL is commonest in teens and young adults, presenting with painless large lymph node or nodes, with or without symptoms (fever, weight loss, night sweats).
Treatment is radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, with overall 5-year survival rate is up to 90%. However, treated long-term survivors have a high risk of second malignancies e.g. lung or breast cancer.
Myeloid Neoplasms
Myeloid neoplasms typically give rise to proliferations that involve the bone marrow and replace normal marrow elements.
There are three broad categories of myeloid neoplasms: Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN) and Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS).
Divisions between myeloid neoplasms sometimes blur e.g. both MDS and myeloproliferative neoplasms often transform to AML, and some neoplasms have features of both MDS and MPN.
Acute Myeloid Leukemias (AML)
The neoplastic cells are blocked at an early stage of myeloid cell development.
Diverse acquired mutations lead to expression of abnormal transcription factors, which interfere with myeloid differentiation. Immature cells (blasts) accumulate in the marrow, replacing normal elements, and frequently circulate in the peripheral blood.
AMLs primarily affect older adults (median age 50). They are aggressive tumors, presenting within 1-3 weeks of onset of symptoms. Clinical signs and symptoms of acute leukemia (as for acute lymphoblastic leukemia/ALL) are usually related to the replacement of normal marrow by blasts - fatigue, pallor (due to anemia), abnormal bleeding (due to thrombocytopenia/low platelets), and infections (due to neutropenia). Diagnosis and classification of AML are based on morphologic, histochemical, immunophenotypic, and karyotypic findings.
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN)
The neoplastic clone continues to undergo terminal differentiation, but exhibits increased or dysregulated growth.
The common pathogenic feature of MPN is the presence of mutated, constitutively activated tyrosine kinases, or other acquired aberrations in signaling pathways that lead to growth factor independence. This is (important therapeutically because of the availability of tyrosine kinase inhibitors/TKIs.
Commonly, MPN are associated with an increase in one or more of the formed elements (red cells, platelets, and/or granulocytes) in the peripheral blood, often with enlargement of secondary hematopoietic organs (spleen, liver, and lymph nodes). There are 4 major diagnostic entities: chronic myeloid leukemia (CML, ↑granulocytes), Polycythemia Vera (↑RBCs), Essential Thrombocytosis (↑ platelets) and Primary Myelofibrosis.
CML is the commonest, typically affecting adults (25-60 years). It has a diagnostic cytogenetic abnormality, the BCR-ABL fusion gene (Philadelphia chromosome) that produces a constitutively active BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase.
In “BCR-ABL–negative” MPN, the most common genetic abnormalities are activating mutations in another tyrosine kinase, JAK2 (almost all polycythemia vera, and 50% primary myelofibrosis and essential thrombocythemia)
MPN, usually after years, have variable propensities to transform to a “spent phase” resembling primary myelofibrosis (i.e. the marrow becomes progressively fibrotic) or to acute leukemia, the latter occurring most commonly in CML.
Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)
Full differentiation occurs but in a disordered and ineffective fashion
Full differentiation occurs but in a disordered and ineffective fashion, leading to the appearance of dysplastic marrow precursors that proliferate and start to replace normal bone marrow elements.
As a result, the peripheral blood shows one or more cytopenias.
The abnormal stem cell clone in the bone marrow is genetically unstable, prone to additional mutations and eventual transformation to AML (10% to 40% of cases).
MDS is typically seen in older adults.
Bleeding disorder: abnormal bleeding, occurring spontaneously or following an inciting event (e.g. trauma or surgery).
Bleeding disorders may stem from abnormalities of blood vessels, platelets, or coagulation factors, alone or in combination.
- Bleeding resulting from small vessel fragility
- Thrombocytopenia (decreased number of platelets)
- Bleeding disorders due to defects in coagulation factors
Bleeding resulting from small vessel fragility
is manifested by “spontaneous” appearance of petechiae and ecchymoses in the skin and mucous membranes e.g. vitamin C deficiency/scurvy.
Bleeding also can be triggered by systemic conditions that inflame or damage endothelial cells. If severe enough, the vascular lining becomes a prothrombotic surface that activates coagulation producing small clots throughout the circulatory system, a condition known as disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).
Paradoxically, in DIC, platelets and coagulation factors often are used up faster than they can be replaced, resulting in deficiencies that may lead to severe bleeding (referred to as consumptive coagulopathy). Common triggers of DIC are sepsis (generalized infection), major trauma, some cancers, and obstetric complications.
is an important cause of bleeding. However, qualitative defects in platelet function can also result in bleeding (even if the platelet count is normal) e.g. aspirin ingestion.
The clinical signs of thrombocytopenia or inadequate platelet function usually manifest superficially, as skin and mucous membrane bleeds e.g. easy bruising, petechiae, ecchymoses, nosebleeds, and menorrhagia (heavy periods).
Thrombocytopenia is defined as a platelet count less than 150,000 platelets/µL, but only when platelet counts fall to 20,000 - 50,000 platelets/µL is there an increased risk of posttraumatic bleeding, and spontaneous bleeding is unlikely until counts fall below 5000 platelets/µL.
Although most bleeding due to thrombocytopenia occurs from small, superficial blood vessels in skin and mucous membranes, larger devastating hemorrhages into the brain can occur.
Clinically important thrombocytopenia is confined to disorders with reduced production or increased destruction of platelets.
When the cause is accelerated destruction of platelets, the bone marrow usually shows a compensatory increase in the number of megakaryocytes.
The commonest cause of isolated thrombocytopenia is immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) includes two clinical subtypes:
- Acute ITP is uncommon, mostly in children after viral infections, and resolves spontaneously.
- Chronic ITP is relatively common, usually affecting women of child-bearing age. Chronic ITP is an autoimmune disease where antibodies formed against platelet membrane glycoproteins attach to platelets resulting in premature platelet destruction in the spleen. That the spleen is the major site of destruction of the IgG-coated platelets is proved by the benefits of splenectomy, which normalizes the platelet count in more than two-thirds of patients
Bleeding disorders due to defects in coagulation factors
tend to result in hemorrhages in parts of the body that are subject to trauma, often deep-seated tissues such as joints and muscle. Severe hemorrhage may occur after surgery, dental procedures, or trauma.
Coagulation factor deficiencies may be hereditary or acquired. Hereditary deficiency typically involves only one factor, while acquired deficiencies usually involve multiple factors (e.g. in DIC).
The most common inherited coagulation factor deficiency is von Willebrand disease due to deficiency of von Willebrand factor, usually autosomal dominant, but this rarely causes serious bleeding.
The most common hereditary deficiency that causes serious bleeding is Factor VIII deficiency (Hemophilia A), which is X-linked recessive.