Hematology (CBC, bone marrow, reticulocyte, ESR, flow cytometry, anemia, coagulation) Flashcards
What is the type of blood drawn for a CBC?
Venous blood
What tube top is used for a CBC? What does it contain?
Lavender. Contains EDTA to prevent coagulation.
What is the threshold for obtaining a CBC?
Very low. Anything from fever to fatigue.
What are the four tests on the CBC fishbone?
WBC, Hgb, Hct, Plts (Left, top, bottom, right)
Hct is how many times Hgb?
3 times
What is MCV?
Mean Corpusular Volume. Size of RBC.
What is MCH?
Mean Corpusular Hemoglobin. Average Hgb in a RBC. Relates to color.
What is MCHC?
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration. Mean content of total Hgb. Relates to color.
What is RDW?
Red Cell Distribution Width. Variation in size of RBCs.
What is MPV?
Mean Platelet Volume. Average volume (size) of platelets.
Normal Hgb range in male and females?
Male=14-18. Female=12-16
Normal Hct range in males and females?
Male=42-40%. Female=36-44%
Normal RBC range in males and females?
Males=4.5-5.9 E6; Females=4.0-5.1 E6 µL
Why do women how lower average blood indicies than men?
Menstural cycles
What is the MVC range for both men and women? (Hint: Same in both)
80-100 fL
Normal RBC value? (for our exam)
4.0 - 5.5 E6/µL
Normal Hemoglobin Hgb range? (for our exam)
12-15 g/dL
Normal Hct % value? (for our exam)
Normal WBC range? (for our exam)
5000 to 10,000/µL
Normal Platelet (Plts) range? (for our exam)
150,000 to 400,000/µL
What are the five WBCs on a CBC differential?
Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils, Bananas
What is the saying to remember the five types of WBCs and the order they are found in?
Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas (Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils, Basophils).
What is the normal Neutrophil percent and absolute value range? (Don’t need to memorize for test.)
54-62%, 2500-7500
What is the normal Lymphocyte percent and absolute value range? (Don’t need to memorize for test.)
25-33%, 1500-3500