Hematology and oncology- Phatology Flashcards
Acanthocytes (“spur cells”)
Liver disease, abetalipoproteinemia (states of cholesterol dysregulation).
Acantho = spiny
Basophilic stippling
Sideroblastic anemias (eg, lead poisoning, myelodysplastic syndromes), thalassemias.
*Seen primarily in peripheral smear, vs ringed sideroblasts seen in bone marrow.
Dacrocytes (“teardrop cells”)
Bone marrow infiltration (eg, myelofibrosis), thalassemias.
RBC “sheds a tear” because it’s mechanically squeezed out of its home in the bone marrow.
Degmacytes (“bite cells”)
G6PD deficiency.
Echinocytes (“burr cells”)
End-stage renal disease, liver disease, pyruvate kinase
Hereditary elliptocytosis (espectrin), usually asymptomatic
Megaloblastic anemia (also hypersegmented PMNs)
Ringed sideroblasts
Sideroblastic anemia. Excess iron in mitochondria.
Seen in bone marrow with special staining (Prussian blue),
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemias, including DIC, TTP/HUS, HELLP syndrome, mechanical hemolysis
Sickle cells
Sickle cell anemia.
Hereditary spherocytosis, drug- and infection-induced hemolytic anemia.
Small, spherical cells without central pallor.
Target cells
HbC disease, Asplenia, Liver disease, Thalassemia.
Heinz bodies
Seen in G6PD deficiency.
Howell-Jolly bodies
Seen in patients with functional hyposplenia or asplenia.
Basophilic nuclear remnants found in RBCs
Anemias Algorithm
Pag. 406
Iron deficiency anemia
- Labs
- Symptoms
Labs: Low iron, HighTIBC, Low ferritin, High free erythrocyte protoporphyrin, High RDW. Microcytosis and hypochromasia (central pallor).
Symptoms: fatigue, conjunctival pallor, pica, spoon nails
(koilonychia). May manifest as glossitis, cheilosis.
- α-thalassemia minima
- α-thalassemia minor
(α α/α –). No anemia (silent carrier)
(α –/α –; trans) or (α α/– –; cis). Mild microcytic, hypochromic anemia
- Hemoglobin H disease (HbH); β4
- Hemoglobin Barts disease (Hb Barts); γ4
(– –/– α). Moderate to severe microcytic hypochromic anemia.
(– –/– –). Hydrops fetalis; incompatible with life
- β-thalassemia minor (heterozygote)
- HbS/β-thalassemia heterozygote
β chain is underproduced. Usually asymptomatic. Diagnosis confirmed by HbA2 (> 3.5%) on electrophoresis.
mild to moderate sickle cell disease depending on amount of β-globin production.