hem/onc Flashcards
liver disease
basophilic stippling?
lead poisoning
= teardrop cell
seen in bone marrow infiltration - e.g. myelofibrosis
Heinz body?
Hb precipitation (after oxidation of Hb-SH to -S-S-) in G6PD
Howell-Jolly bodies?
basophilic nuclear remnants
in functional hyposplenia or asplenia
fatigue, conjunctival pallor, spoon nails?
iron deficiency anemia
block in final step of heme synthesis
** decreased iron, ferritin; increased TIBC (transferrin)
defect in alpha thal?
DELETION of alpha globin genes
hydrops fetalis = Hb Barts = 4 deletions
HbH = 3 allele deletion
defect in beta thal?
point mutations in splice sites and promoter sequences
crew cut on skull XR, chipmunk facies?
beta thal major - homozygous absence of beta chain
extramedullary hematopoiesis –> HSM
increased risk of parvo–> aplastic crisis
increased HbF expression
what enzymes does lead poisoning inhibit?
d-ALA dehydratase, ferrochelatase (first and last steps of heme synthesis)
inhibition of RNA degradation –> basophilic stippling
** increased protoporphyrin
tx of lead poisoning in adults vs kids?
adults: dimercaprol, EDTA
kids: succimer
hereditary cause of sideroblastic anemia?
d-ALA synthase defect
causes of sideroblastic anemia?
myelodysplastic syndromes
alcohol, lead, B6 deficiency, Cu deficiency, INH
findings in sideroblastic anemia?
increased iron, increased ferritin
normal/decreased TIBC
iron-laden Prussian blue-stained mitochondria
increased homocysteine, normal MMA?
folate deficiency
NO neurologic sx
malnutrition, malabsorption, MTX/trimethoprim/phenytoin
increased homocystein and MMA?
B12 deficiency
neurologic sx
vegans, malabsorption, pernicious anemia, Diphyllobothrium, gastrectomy
FTT, developmental delay, megaloblastic anemia refractory to folate/B12 tx?
orotic aciduria - AR
defect in UMP synthase –> can’t convert orotic acid to UMP
tx: UMP (bypass defective enzyme)
** NO hyperammonemia (OTC deficiency has hyperammonemia)
findings of intravascular vs extravascular hemolysis?
intravascular: decreased haptoglobin, increased LDH, schistos, retics; Hb, hemosiderin, urobilinogen in urine
extravascular: spherocytes, increased LDH, unconjugated hyperbili; nothing in urine
mechanism of anemia of chronic dz?
inflammation –> increased hepcidin release from liver
increased binding of ferroportin –> decreased iron transport
decreased release of iron from macrophages –> anemia
** decreased iron, decreased TIBC, increased ferritin
HbC vs HbS?
HbC: glu –> lys
HbS: glu –> val
pyruvate kinase deficiency –> anemia?
decreased ATP –> rigid RBCs
Coombs - hemolytic anemia, pancytopenia, venous thrombosis?
impaired synthesis of GPI anchor (protects RBCs from complement)
acquired from hematopoietic stem cell
tx: eculizumab = complement inhibitor
- CD55/59 negative RBCs
- increased incidence of ALL/AML
things associated with warm AIHA?
alpha methyldopa
** IgG
things associated with cold AIHA?
** IgM
steroid effects on CBC?
neutrophilia: decrease adhesion molecule activation
lymphopenia: causes lymphocyte apoptosis
eosinopenia: sequesters eos in LNs
microcytic anemia, GI and kidney disease, neurologic/mental sx?
lead poisoning
ferrochelatase and d-ALA dehydratase inhibited
accumulation of protoporphyrin and d-ALA