cardio Flashcards
5 Ts of congenital heart disease?
Truncus Transposition Tricuspid Tetralogy TAPVR
cause of truncus?
failure of aorticopulmonary septum formation
usually accompanying VSD
cause of TGA?
failure of aorticopulmonary septum spiralling
what do you need for viability in tricuspid atresia?
ASD: missing tissue in ostium secundum > ostium primum
PFO: failure of fusion
congenital heart defect in infants of diabetic mothers?
cardiac defect in Williams syndrome?
supravalvular aortic stenosis
types of arteriolosclerosis?
hyaline: thickening of vessel walls
hyperplastic: onion skinning and proliferation of smooth mm cells - severe HTN
calcification of arterial elastic lamina?
Monckeberg medial calcific sclerosis
vascular stiffening without obstruction
“pipestem” on XR
pathogenesis of atherosclerosis?
endothelial cell dysfn –> macrophage and LDL accumulation –> foam cell formation –> fatty streaks –> PDGF, FGF, smooth mm cell migration –> proliferation, ECM deposition –> fibrous plaque –> complex atheromas
MC locations of atherosclerotic plaque?
abdominal aorta > coronary a > popliteal a > carotid a
risk factors for thoracic aortic aneurysm?
cystic medial degeneration
HTN, bicuspid aortic valve, CT disease, tertiary syphilis
how to treat types of aortic dissection?
A: surgery
B: BBs then vasodilators
tx of prinzmetal angina?
CCBs, nitrates, smoking cessation
changes 4-24 hr post-MI?
early coag necrosis, edema, hemorrhage, wavy fibers, neutrophils
dark mottling; pale with tetrazolium stain
** reperfusion injury may cause contraction bands (free radical damage)
complications 2-24 hr post-MI?
arrhythmia, HF, cardiogenic shock
changes 1-3 days post-MI?
coagulative necrosis, acute inflammation with neutrophils
complications 1-3 days post-MI?
postinfarction fibrinous pericarditis
changes 3-14 days post-MI?
macrophages –> granulation tissue at margins
hyperemic border with central yellow-brown softening
complications 3-14 days post MI?
free wall rupture
papillary mm rupture
IV septum rupture (from macrophage-mediated structural degradation)
LV pseudoaneurysm
changes 2 wks - months post-MI?
completed contracted scar
gray-white tissue
complications 2 wks - months post-MI?
Dressler syndrome
true ventricular aneurysm