Helping The Heart Flashcards
They are prescribed to those with risk of cardiovascular disease. They reduce cholesterol levels which slows down the rate at which fatty materials are deposited in the coronary arteries.
Stents are used to open blocked arteries in the body, many of these release drugs to prevent blood clot. Stents are metal pieces of mesh that are placed in the artery. A tiny balloon is inflated to open vessels and the stent. The balloon is then removed, but the stent remains and keeps it’s shape to hold open the vessel.
Leaky valves
Over time valves might become stiff or leaky due to constant pressure. This could make to heart less efficient. Mechanical valves last longer, but require maintenance. Organic valves are made from other animals and don’t require medicines.
Artificial pacemakers
This is an artificial device to correct irregularities in the heart beat. They attach 2 wires to your heart and send signals that stimulate it to beat properly.
Artificial hearts
It is a device used temporarily until you get a real heart. When using them, there is a high chance of blood clot. Artificial hearts can give a diseased heart time to recover. They are expensive and not widely used. They use air pressure to pump blood around the body.