HELLFIRE Stuff Flashcards
General description
The AGM-114 Hellfire missile is a laser-guided missile containing a semi active laser (SAL) seeker head which locks onto laser energy reflected off a target.
What are the four configurations of a HELLFIRE?
dummy air training missile (DATM), captive air training missile (CATM), air training missile, and the tactical missile.
it contains no explosives or electronics, is used to train armament personnel in uploading and downloading. It is not certified for flight. identified by blue-colored bands around the warhead and propulsion sections.
missile has an operational laser seeker that
can search for and lock on to laser designated targets but cannot be launched. identified by three blue-colored bands, one each around the warhead, guidance and propulsion sections.
Can you launch a tactical missile if you also have a CATM installed?
Air Training Missile
practice round with a live rocket motor and an inert warhead, designed to simulate tactical engagements in a training environment. identified by a yellow-colored band around the propulsion section, and a blue band around the warhead.
When is a HELLFIRE armed during engagement?
When acceleration exceeds 10g which is about 150-300m in front of the aircraft. identified by three yellow-colored bands, one each around the warhead, guidance and propulsion sections.
The AGM-114B missile has an improved low visibility (ILV) capability and contains a minimum smoke rocket motor. It also contains a safe arming device (SAD) which provides electrical and mechanical blockage in the rocket motor firing train. AGM-114B missiles are authorized for training use only.
What side would we carry the Bravo on?
left side, lower rails. because it eject material when fired and damage aft portions of the aircraft, including the tail rotor. Putting it on the lower left side minimizes risk of damaging the stab.
The AGM-114K missile features dual warheads for defeating reactive armor, electro-optical countermeasures immunity and an externally programmable guidance section for trajectory shaping/seeker logic charges.
has a blast fragmentation type warhead with a time delay built into the fuze, allowing target penetration prior to warhead detonation.
What type of targets are you shooting with a Mike?
commercial vehicles (cars and trucks), artillery, bunkers, caves, buildings, light armored vehicles (armored personnel carriers), and surface craft (patrol boats, barges, and ships).
Like the M but It has an improved blast fragmentation warhead with a metal augmented charge (MAC) to provide a thermobaric effect that increases the probability of kill.
is identical to the AGM-114N except for a software change to lower the missiles angle-of-attack at impact, and decrease the terminal flight path angle to enhance
warhead penetration and improve target engagements for targets under overhangs.
Seeker Section/Guidance System
Converts reflected laser energy from the target into electronic signals. The guidance section also contains
the missile autopilot and displacement gyro.
AGM-114B Warhead
The AGM-114B possesses a single-shaped charge to provide the explosive and piercing force necessary to destroy the target.
AGM-114K Warhead
AGM-114K uses the same shaped-charge warhead as the AGM-114B, but contains an additional small warhead forward of the main warhead to provide enhanced performance against reactive armors.
AGM-114K2 Warhead
improved AGM-114K warhead, classified as an “insensitive munition” that was developed specifically for shipboard use.
AGM-114M Warhead
consists of an explosive-loaded, sub-caliber penetrator blast fragmentation warhead (BFWH) with incendiary
element and a time delay electronic safe, arm, and firing (ESAF) device. The BFWH replaces both
the precursor and main warheads of the high explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warhead section used in the AGM-114K missile. The fuze senses the kinetic penetration of the target and initiates a small time delay. After the delay the blast-fragmentation warhead is detonated creating an overpressure and fragmentation effect.
AGM-114N Warhead
The AGM-114N utilizes an enhanced blast-fragmenting
warhead that includes a metal augmented charge (MAC) that is sometimes referred to as thermobaric.
The MAC warhead generates an extended blast pressure creating impulse loading on the target
achieving higher damage than the very brief static pressure associated with conventional explosives.
Propulsion Section (Rocket Motor)
The rocket motor is a single-stage, single-thrust,
star-shaped solid-propellant motor. Thrust duration is approximately 2 to 3 seconds. (The missile motor
liner may burn and be visible for the duration of missile flight.)
Missile Seeker
The seeker detects properly coded laser energy and provides line of sight information to the aircraft while on the rail and to the missile autopilot after launch. The seeker detector is gimbal-mounted and gyro-stabilized with a mass composed of the mirror, balance wheel, and a permanent magnet rotor, spinning at 4,200 rpm. The detector, which does not rotate, has a ±30° gimbal limit from missile centerline.
Operational Modes of the Seeker
cage, scan, stare, slave, and track.
The seeker is inhibited from slaving or tracking until the gyro mass is spun up.
The seeker is moved in a predetermined scan pattern (box scan) to help it acquire and lock on to a laser spot. This mode is employed prior to launch for Lock On Before Launch (LOBL) remote
mode and after launch for Lock On After Launch (LOAL) mode.
The seeker is commanded to look straight ahead along the missile body axis. AGM-114B missiles can acquire and lock on if laser energy is detected, AGM-114K, M, and N missiles cannot lock onto laser energy in the stare mode. This mode is employed prior to launch for LOAL-DIR, LO or HI remote modes.
The seeker is commanded to follow external line of sight (LOS) commands. It can acquire and lock on if laser energy is detected. This mode is employed prior to launch for all autonomous modes.
The seeker is commanded by the seeker electronics assembly to maintain the reflected laser energy centered on the detector/preamplifier assembly so that the optics assembly is pointed at the target.
One Missile Selected and Searching
a total FOV of 14° across and 20° vertically is obtained
Two Missiles Selected and Searching
the total search FOV now 23° across and 20° vertically
Three Missiles Selected and Searching
5°, the total search FOV is now 32° horizontally and 20° vertically
This feature allows the missile to overcome suspected active electro-optical countermeasures being
used within the target area. The feature should only be used when active electronic counter-countermeasures
(ECCM) is known to be deployed in the target area.