Heller Ch. 6 Flashcards
What are the units for transport rate?
How is transport rate calculated?
Flow rate x concentration (Volume/time) x (mass/volume) = mass/time
What are the four determinants to diffusion?
- The concentration difference
- The surface area of exchange
- The diffusion distance
- The permeability of the capillary wall to the diffusing substance
What two types of pressure influence transcapillary fluid movement?
Hydrostatic pressure Osmotic pressure
Is hydrostatic pressure higher in the interstitial or intracapillary fluid?
Intracapillary (25mmHg) Pc
Interstitial (0mmHg) Pi
What is osmotic pressure?
Hydrostatic pressure necessary to prevent osmotic water movement
What is Oncotic pressure?
Part of osmotic pressure
Particle concentration due to particles that cannot diffuse
Is the oncotic pressure higher in the capillary or in the interstitial fluid?
Capillary (25mmHg) πc
Interstital fluid (0mmHg) πi
What is the effect of the oncotic pressure?
Fluid goes back into the plasma
What is the net filtration rate?
K[(Pc – Pi) – (πc – πi)]
What is the role of the lymphatic system?
To remove large molecules from the interstitial space
Why is it important to remove large molecules from the interstitial space?
A build up in large molecules in the interstitial space would decrease the osmotic pressure difference…fluid would build up
What promotes lymphatic activity?
Increases in interstitial pressure (due to fluid accumulation or to movement to surrounding tissue)
Contractions of the lymphatic vessels…valves prevent back flow
What is the resistance of vessels arranged in parallel?
(1/RT) = (1/R1) + (1/R2) + … + (1/Rn)
What is the resistance of vessels in series?
RT = R1 + R2 + … + Rn