Heidegger Flashcards
The way in which humans exist
True or false: Dasein has a relationship with everything else in the world and must not misinterpret this relationship.
When do relationships go wrong?
When you don’t relate to something for what it actually is.
Would Heidegger agree with this?
1) Philosophy deploys reason to explain relationships.
2) Theology views them from the faith perspective.
No. This is the wrong way to compare them because theology is better explained with a different word since this argument relates specifically to Christianity.
Why is God not placed in the theology ring?
Because God does not HAVE to be in a theology concepts- there are other religions.
The study of being
Coming to grips with beings as they appear and how they show themselves
The craft of knowing
True or false: philosophy + ontology equals being a good dasein.
If you have faith, you’re not being a good Dasein. Why?
Because you are expecting to be transformed and therefore have abandoned the human mission.
To cancel and preserve; to be suspended
True or false: Heidegger thinks that only Christians have suspension
When does guilt become sin?
When you have faith
True or false: theology arises out of faith
When you have committed something without reason
The relationship between humans and Christianity that is a lived and pre-theoretical history
What something really is
What is merely represented subjectively
Positive science
Concerning something posited or given
Ontic science
Relates to things in the specific kinds of things they are
The science of faith; the study of what is disclosed by faith
Why is faith impossible?
Because everything you can relate to is because you have done so through experience. But you have not experienced God.
What is the different between history and Geschichte?
History is the past events and Geschichte is the pre-theoretical relationship between humans and Christianity.
Existential understanding
When humans prioritize the understanding of being itself
Existentiell understanding
Specific ways of existing
If you say that you don’t believe in God, according to Heidegger, what are you saying?
That God exists but that he’s a fictional character.