types of leukoplakia
- homogenous: uniform white patch on buccal mucosa, most common type, likely cancer
- verrucous: white patch on red base
etiology of leukoplakia
chronic irritation – chronic smokers
peak age of incidence of leukoplakia
40-60 y/o
possible complications of leukoplakia
2-6% are early squamous cell carcinoma
sx of leukoplakia
leukoplakia is usually asymptomatic
which is more likely to become squamous cell carcinoma , leukoplakia or erythroplakia?
erythroplakia– 90% are SCC
who is at a high risk of developing oral candidiasis “thrush”
-denture wearers
- immunocompromised
-broad spectrum antibiotics
candidiasis sx:
white patches , raw at base and painful
can be scraped off
glossitis sx:
glossitis is painless loss of papillae
possible causes of glossitis
severe fe deficiency and megolablastic anemia
glossodynia definition and causes
-pain/burning of the tongue
-asociated with irritants(psoriasis), menopause, nutritional deficiencies (b12)
symptoms of geographic tongue
-surpiginous border
-not painful, asymptomatic
-changes shape and location , bening
- loss of papillae
etiology of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
-eating rodents in the wawar in the trenches
-poor oral hygiene
what is another name for vincent’s infection
necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis aka trench mouth
pt presents abrupts onset of painful, bleeding gingiva, what is a likely finding in physical exam
dx:necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
finding: punched out lesions with grayish membrane on gingiva
Would a patient with necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis have a fever?
usually no fever , not contagious
what bacteria is associated with necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis ?
fusiform bacillus which is part of the normal flora and becomes pathogenic
pt presents with small ulcers in soft palate, under the tongue and buccal mucosa. she says the have been there for 2 weeks and are painful. she has a hx of chohn’s disease. possible dx ?
aphthous stomatitis aka canker sores
what can cause a canker sore to flare up
foods and high fever
where are canker sores found
unkeratinized mucosa: soft palate, under tongue, cheeks, inside of the lips
aphthous stomatitis sx:
1-5 painful and discrete ulcers (1-10mm)
unkeratinized mucosa
what is a possible association of canker sores
possible autoimmune etiology: association with inflammatory bowel disease
cause of herpetic stomatitis aka fever blisters
onset of herpetic stomatitis
usually before 10 years old in 90% of pts
-usually recurrent (sickness, fever, sunburn )
-initial illness with systemic sxs