HEENT PE Flashcards
Learn physical findings in a HEENT exam
A condition in which the eyelid is turned outward. Commonly seen in the lower lid that is due to advanced age.
A condition in which the eyelid is rolled inward. Can cause scarring of the conjunctiva. This is typically caused by a muscle spasm or inflammation.
Common infectious disorder of the eyelid that affects the Zeis glands (external) or meibomian gland (internal). Typically caused by staphylococcal bacterium.
Inflammatory condition of the eyelid caused by an obstruction of a meibomian gland drainage duct within the eyelid. This may increase in size over days to weeks and may occasionally become red, warm, or painful.
Collection of blood in the anterior chamber of the eye. Caused by blunt trauma or increased intraocular pressure
Ruptured vasculature under the conjunctiva. This does not affect vision. Caused by Valsalva maneuvers, trauma (rubbing the eyes), HTN, medications, or idiopathic. Can be painful and irritable.
Sub-conjunctival hemorrhage/hematoma
Bilateral swelling of the optic disc due to increased intracranial pressure.
Non-cancerous growth in the conjunctival tissue of the eye. Originates on the sclera and extends onto the cornea. This is associated with new vascularization. Also since it can extend over the cornea it can obstruct vision. Risk factors include exposure to sun, dust, sand, or windblown areas
This is an eye muscle condition where the eyes are not able to focus together because of the imbalance of the muscles. This causes the brain to get two different images.
This is actually a neurological disorder that causes issues with vision. Can be caused by a variety of things such as strabismus, refreaction error, medications, etc.
Double Vision
Rapid involuntary movement of the eye (peripheral=horizontal movements typically not pathological, central = vertical movements which are almost always related to a brain or cerebellum lesion)
A hearing test used to distinguish between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss
Weber Test
A hearing test used to assess the presence of conductive hearing loss
Rinne Test
Way to predict ease of intubation
Mallampati Score
Erythematous macules which develop into ulcers that are covered with a yellow-grey membrane in the oral mucosa. Causes: idiopathic, malnutrition, trauma, chronic disease.
Canker Sore or Aphthous Ulcers
Yeast infection develops in the oral cavity. Commonly seen in infants, toddlers, and immunocompromised patients.
Oropharyngeal Candidiasis, Oral Thrush, Candida Albicans
Mastoid Ecchymosis. Indication of a fracture of the posterior cranial fossa of the skull. May suggest underlying brain trauma.
Battle Signs
Periorbital ecchymosis. Signs of a basal skull fracture or subgaleal hematoma.
Raccoon Eyes
Presence of blood in the middle ear
Form of acute otitis media in which vesicles develop on the tympanic membrane. Can be viral, bacterial, or mycoplasmal related
Bullous Myringitis
Internal musical ringing, rushing, or roaring noise
Patient perception of the room or environment is rotating or spinning.
Yellow waste products from the retinal pigment epithelium
Blood and thunder in fundoscopy
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
Cherry macula, pale retina, due to obstruction of retinal blood flow from the thrombus or embolus
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
Swelling or edema of the conjunctiva