HECP Flashcards
Responsible official 1-4
- Develop, publish, and implement local supplements to the district HECP
- Designate persons qualified to issue clearances and the clearances they may issue.
- Prepare a list of individuals who are authorized to issue clearances as a local supplement for the HECP
- Designate persons qualified to receive clearances and the clearances they may receive and prepare a list of individuals that may receive clearances and the clearances they maybe issued.
Responsible official 5-7
- Designate persons qualified to perform clearance procedure switching at remote plants. Prepare a list of individuals qualified and identifying the type of switching they can perform as a local supplement.
- Direct the preparation of standard detailed procedures and instructions for clearance of each piece of equipment or combinations of equipment which require operation or clearance as a unit and give a title and assign a project number.
- Identify equipment which may be removed from or returned to service without a clearance. If unauthorized removal or return to service could result in injury, damage, loss of content or loss of protection then a safe clearance shall be issued.
Responsible official 8-10
- Assure personnel receive initial training and retraing as appropriate
- Assure periodic unscheduled inspections of the HECP are made at least annually.
- Assure appropriate disciplinary action is taken subsequent to violations of HECP
Issuing individual 1-4
- Prepare and issue clearing instructions and direct placement of properly filled out clearance tags. All clearing shall be performed from written instruction. Issuing individual shall furnish instructions to the person performing the switching.
- Ensure all switching instructions issued on equipment under the jurisdiction of the power system dispatcher are in the correct sequence and are adequate for protection of personnel and equipment.
- Make any arrangements for interruption of service, such as notifying affected personnel, other project elements, and/or the power system dispatcher.
- Be responsible for knowing the estimated length of time equipment will be out of service, estimate to return equipment in an emergency, and stay informed in the work progress.
Issuing individual 5-7
- Issue safe clearance once clearing process is complete.
- Complete necessary forms and record switching, issue, and release of safe clearance.
- Maintain a master work permit to account for all authorized, affected, and group individuals working under the clearance.
Authorized individual 1-5
- Be fully responsible for the facility or equipment covered by the clearance until released to the issuing authority.
- Ensure protection is appropriate for the work to be completed and correct positioning of all energy isolating devices.
- Assure that all hold order cards have been properly completed and placed prior to accepting the clearance.
- Be responsible for physical barriers such as padlocks, blocks, or similar device needed to prevent injury to personnel or damage to equipment.
- Be responsible for the placement of temporary grounds as necessary to assure safety for personnel and equipment. Grounds are placed after the safe clearance is issued and removed prior to releasing.
Authorized individual 6-9
- Release a safe clearance promptly upon completion of the work for which the clearance was issued.
- Transfer the safe clearance if the authorized individual is expected to be absent when work is going to be completed.
- Allow other authorized, affected, and group individuals to work under the clearance.
- Keep issuing, affected, and other personnel working under the safe clearance informed of the conditions and status.
Affected persons 1-2
- Be responsible for ensuring the equipment they work on is de-energized or in a safe condition and that the safe clearance has been issued before work progresses.
- Sign on and off the work permit maintained by the issuing individual
Request for a safe clearance
Shall identify the equipment Work to be performed Time clearance is required Location of grounds Estimated time to complete work and return to service Time to return in an emergency
Recorded in log book
- the person receiving the ground disc, disc #,date, time
- Person who placed grounds, location of each disc, date, time
- Person who removed each disc, date, time, location removed from
- Who returned discs, date time
What is a safe clearance
A safe clearance is a definite operating arrangement whereby an authorized individual acting individually or as a representative for a group may have designated equipment removed from or held out of service under an approved tag out process which insures the safety of the workers involved until released for service by the same authorized individual
Outside employers or contractors use of HECP
- The project hazardous energy control plan shall be the primary means of providing safety for the contractors personnel.
- May place contractors HECP to equipment that has not been placed under project jurisdiction.
- With prior approval of the safe clearance holder may apply their own lockout/tag out devices which have been cleared out using the projects HECP. The safe clearance holder shall inform issuing individual of these conditions and serve as the point of contact between the contractor and issuing individual.
- The contractor HECP shall not inhibit or interfere with the projects HECP .