Heart week Quick facts Flashcards
Concentric hypertrophy
the heart gets more filled in () bigger
The heart fuses on which day
Day 21
The heart beats on which day
the heart folds on which day
the endocardial tubes form on what day
The formula for Ejection fraction
=stroke vol/LV end-diastolic volume
normal is 55-65%
What does S3 sound mean?
Volume overload
normal in pregnancy and great athlets
what is the most common birth defect?
What is a simple heart defect?
Only one problem ex vsd
What is the O2 stat and hemoglobin stat for cyanosis
less than 85% and hemoglobin greatere then 5 g/L
What kind of murmur do we hear for a PDA
Machine like murmur
What do we use to treat PDA -> drug
NSAID- Indomethacin-> blocks protoglandin E
What surgery did we use to do of TGA and what do we do now
Used to doa mustard
Now we do a atrial switch operation
What is the difference between a critical coarctation of the aorta and non-critical
Critcial-> presentas as neonate
non-critical presents as adult
What are the 3 procedures you do for the hypoplastic syndrome
1) Norwood procedure-> first week of life
2) bidirectional glenn connection- 6 months
3) Fontan surger-> 3 to 4 yrs onld
What are the acynotic defects -5
1) ASD
2) VSD
3) PDA
4) Coarcation
5) Atrioventricular septal defect
What are the cyanotic defects -5 Ts
1) tetralogy of Fallot
2) transposition of the great arteries
3) truncus artiriousus
4) hypoplastic left heart syndrome
5) total anomalous venous return
6) Eisenminers syndrome
What does a hyperoxic test measure
It helps detect a shunt,
You put on a 100% o2 mask if no change in paO2 then its a shunt
What are the two most important things you wanna do to help child?
1) optimize growth
2) ensure development miles stones
Which defects cause pulmonary hypertension (3)
What forms the heart embryonic
lateral plate mesoderm splits into the splanchnic which becomes the cardiac precursor cells
What does the sinus venous become
RA smooth, coronary sinus, SVC
What does the primitive ventricle become
the Left ventricle, LA RA rough, right and left auricles
What does the bublus cordis become
the right ventricle
What does the primitive atrium become?
the anterior portions of both the right and left atria, and the two auricles.
What are the 4 common kinds of systolic murmurs with values?
1) Aortic or pulmonic valve stenosis-> ejection click
2) Mitral and tricuspid valve regurgitation->
What are the 4 common kinds of Dystolic murmurs with values?
1) Mitral and tricuspid stenosis valve opening snap
2) Aortic or pulmonic valve regurgatation
When will a VSD be heard
What does the truncus arteriosclerosis become?
It becomes the pulmonary artery and the aorta