Heart Failure (CCF) Flashcards
What are the six most important causes of heart failure in South Africa and specify whether each cause is more likely to occur in young adults, middle aged or elderly?
- IHD (Middle and Elderly)
- Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) (Middle and elderly)
- Hypertension (Middle and elderly)
- Valvular heart disease (Young)
- Alcohol and Drugs (Young and Middle aged)
- Arrythmias (Elderly)
Explain the difference in pathophysiology between systolic and diastolic left ventricular dysfunction.
Systolic ventricular dysfunction: Decreased Contractility Decreased CO
Diastolic ventricular dysfunction: decreased filling so increased atrial pressure
How do you grade dyspnoea according to the New York Heart Association grading?
I - no symptoms, no limitations
II - mild symptoms + slight limitations
III - marked limitations due to symptoms
IV - severe limitations at rest
Why do patients with heart failure develop pitting pedal oedema?
Venous blood backs up, increasing hydrostatic pressure
What causes non-pitting oedema?
Lymphoedema, lipoedema, myxoedema
What other conditions can result in oedema (differential diagnosis of oedema and ascites)?
Renal failure, pregnancy,
liver failure, DVT, burns, inflammation, filariasis
What is peripheral cyanosis and what does it tell you about left ventricular function?
Blue discolouration of
peripheries. CO insufficient.
What is atrial fibrillation and what is the characteristic of the pulse in atrial fibrillation?
Irregularly irregular
tachycardia caused by atrial ectopic beats.
What sign is present in intravascular fluid overload?
An elevated JVP
Large cv waves
Tricuspid regurgitation & Pulmonary HPT
Rapid x and y descents
Cardiac tamponade &
Constrictive pericarditis
Cannon a wave
Tricuspid stenosis, Pulmonary hypertension
Explain the pathophysiology of a pressure overloaded and a volume overloaded apex beat.
Pressure - LV hypertrophy
Volume - DCM or valve regurg
Explain the mechanisms of S3 and S4 added sounds.
S3 - Rapid ventricular filling
S4 - Pathological. Occurs in late diastole as atria contract, before S1. (Stiff ventricle)
What are the symptoms and signs of pulmonary oedema (including those when lying down at night)?
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea, SOB, Frothy sputum, crackles
Feeling of suffocating/drowning, Wheeze, Anxiety, Cough, Fatigue,
What is cor pulmonale? What causes it and what are the signs on general and CVS examination?
Hepatomegally, oedema, angina, heaves, JVP
Aortic Stenosis
Anacrotic pulse
Mid-systolic murmur
Aortic regurgitation
Collapsing pulse
Mid diastolic murmur (Austin Flint)
Mitral stenosis
Mid diastolic murmur
Loud S1
Mitral regurgitation
Soft S1
Pansystolic murmur
Tricuspid regurgiation
Pansystolic murmur