Heart failure and BNP Flashcards
BNP physiological mechanism
- ACT VIA ANP RECEPTORS SO EFFECTS ARE THE SAME AS ANP - Renal : dilates the afferent glomerular arterioles and constricts efferent glomerular arterioles increasing GFR
- inhibits renin secretion by RAAS - Adrenal - reduces aldosterone secretion by zona glomerulosa of adrenal cortex
- relaxes vascular smooth muscles - systemic vasodilation
1, Brain natriuretic peptide is a hormone secreted by cardio myocytes in the heart ventricles in response to stretching caused by increased ventricular volume
- synthesized and secreted by atria in response to increased blood volume
- both ANP and BNP act via ANP receptors so same effect on the body
BNP vs NT-proBNP
proBNP is cleaved to form:
- biologically active
- 20 min half life
- labile
- higher in healthy females - NT-proBNP
- 60 - 120 min half life
- stable
- increases with age
Factors that increase BNP/NT-proBNP
- tachycardia / ischameia / acute coronar syndrome
- liver cirrhosis
- renal impairment
- Sepsis
- Exercise
Factors that decrease BNP/NT-proBNP
- Obesity
- Ace inhibitors
- Angiotensin receptor blockers
- Aldosterone antagonists
- Diuretics
BNP values normal and raised
normal < 100 ng/L
raised > 100 ng/L
NT-proBNP values normal and raised
normal < 300 ng/L
raised > 300 ng/L
definition of heart failure
- Heart failure is when the heart is unable to supply blood to meet the body’s demand
two major types of heart failure are;
- Systolic heart failure - the heart can’t pump hard enough to meet the body’s demands
- Diastolic heart failure - not enough blood fills into the heart
definition of cardiac output
the volume of blood ejected per minute
2. CO = beats per minute x volume of blood per beat
definition of ejection fraction
Stroke volume / Total volume
- 50-70% - normal ejection fraction
- 40% - 50% - borderline
- < 40 % - systolic heart failure
properties of diastolic heart failure
the heart is not filling enough
- stroke volume is low
- total volume filled up in the ventricles is also low
- therefore ; ejection fraction is normal !
Laplace’s law
- the pressure within the radius of the heart is = tension around the wall of the heart
- increase in preload = increase in radius
- ventricles dilate and remodelled so it stays dilated and easy to dilate further
- same pressure over a greater radius -> increased tension around the wall of the heart ->the more it is stretched -> easier it is to dilate further
How are the stages of heart failure determined?
- New York heart association classification
2. 4 main stages of heart failure
NYHA Class 1
- no limitations of physical activity
- physical activity doesn’t cause ;
- breathlessness
- fatigue
- palpitations
- slight limitation of physical acitivity
- comfortable at reast but ordinary physical activity can cause;
- breathlessness/fatigue/palpiations
- Marked limitation of physical activity
- Comfortable at rest but less than ordinary physical activity can cause;
- breathlessness/fatigue/palp
- unable to carry on any physical activity without discomfort
- Symptoms present at rest
- Any physical activity can result in discomfort and fatigue
Symptoms of right sided heart failure
- awakening at night with shortness of breath
- shortness of breath during exercise
- shortness of breath lying flat (orthopnea)
- coughing/ wheezing
- fluid retention - swelling of ankles, legs and feet
- increased urge to urinate especially at night due to congestion of renal arteries and renal veins
Symptoms of left sided heart failure
- shortness of breath
- chronic lack of energy - due to disturbed ability to respire as a result of pulmonary oedema
- Difficulty sleeping at night due to breathing problems
- Cough with frothy sputum
- Confusion + impaired memory
- Pulmonary oedema -> hypoxia
Management of heart failure
- Signs + Symptoms suggestive of HF
- Clinical examination ( fbc, fasting blood glucose, serum urea)
- BNP levels tested ( or ECG if no BNP)
- (BNP levels > 100) —> Heart failure is possible - Refer to ECHO if BNP raised
ECHO : LVEF < 40 - Do ECG if not already done to determine the cause of heart failure
Chest X ray in heart failure
- Kerley B lines
- Prominent vasculature
- Cardiomegaly
- Upper lobe division - blood vessels are congested so can see upper lobes clearly
First line in heart failure
- Beta blockers AND Ace inhibitors
( if intolerant to ACE inhibitors give ARBS)
- Ace inhibitors inhibit angiotensin converting enzyme which is responsible for breaking down bradykinin,
- more bradykinin -> vasodilation + gives a dry cough