Heart failure Flashcards
____ ejection fraction, thin ventricle walls, dilated LV chamber d/t systolic dysfunction is what what kind of heart failure?
decreased ejection fraction– HFrEF
____ ejection fraction, thick ventricle walls, small LV chamber d/t diastolic dysfunction is what what kind of heart failure?
normal or increased ejection fraction– HFpEF
structural or functional impairment of heart causing reduced blood ejection and/or increased filling pressure
heart failure
predisposing factors to HF
- mostly coronary artery disease
- valvular heart dz
- diabetes
- pulmonary disorders
which type of HF has increaed LV diastolic pressure, LA pressure, pulmonary venous pressure
top 3 causes of HFpEF
- longstanding HTN
- valvular heart dz
top 3 causes of HFrEF
- MI is most common
- myocarditis
- dilated cardiomyopathy
top 4 causes of L sided HF
- CAD is most common
- valvular dz
- cardiomyopathies
top 3 causes of R sided HF
- L sided HF most common
- pulmonary dz
- mitral stenosis
CAD is the most common cause of this type of HF
L sided HF
MI is the most common cause of this type of HF
these all describe mechanism of ____ sided HF?
- Ischemic damage to myocytes
- Pressure overload: hypertension or stenotic valve dz
- Volume overload or high output demand: anemia, congenital shunts, valve regurgitation
- Non-ischemic primary muscle cell failure
Left sided
these are sx of what?
- pulmonary edema
- dyspnea
- fatigue
- cough worse at night
* rales on exam
sx of L sided HF
these are mechanisms for ____ sided heart failure
- Volume overload states: chronic L to R shunts, R sided valve regurgitation
- Afterload increase: left heart failure, pulmonary HTN
these are sx of what
- peripheral edema
- jugular venous distension
- GI & hepatic congestion– ascites
- anorexia, nausea
sx of R sided HF