Heart Disease Flashcards
What is the walls of artery made up of?
Several layers
What is the endothelium of artery (inner lining) usually?
Smooth and unbroken
What happens during atheroma formation?
- If damage occurs to the endothelium (high blood pressure) WBC and lipids from blood clump together to form fatty streaks
- Over time, more WBC and lipids and connective tissue built up and harden to form fiborous plaque called atheroma
- Plaque partially blocks the lumen of artery and restricts blood floow causing blood pressure to increase
What happens during coronary heart disease?
- Type of cardiovascular disease
- Occurs in coronary artiers
- Have lots of atheromas
- Restricts blood flow to heart muscle
- Lead to myocardial infraction
What are the two types of disease affecting arteries?
- Aneurysm
- Thrombois
What is aneurysm?
Ballon-like swelling of artery
What is thrombosis?
Formation of a blood clot
How is aneursym dangerous?
- Atheroma plaque damages and weakens arteries - narrow arteries so increase blood pressure
- When blood travels through weakened artery at high pressure , push inner layers of artery through outer elastic forming ballon (aneursym)
- It may burst and cause a haemorrhage (bleeding)
How is thrombosis deadly?
- Antheroma plaque can repture the endothelium of artery
- Dmaages artery wall leaving rough surface
- Platelets and fibrin acculmate at site of damage to form blood blot (thrombus)
- Cause complete blockage of artery or become disloged and block somewhere else in body
- Debris from rupture cause another blood clot
What does your heart muscle supplied blood by?
Coronary artieres
What will the blood contain?
Oxygen needed by heart muscle to carry out respiration
What is myocardinal infection?
- If coronar arteries become completely blocked (e.g blood clot) an area of heart muscle cut off blood supply - no 02
- Myocardinal infection - heart attack
- Cause damage and death of heart muscle
- Symptons: pain and shortness of breath
- If large areas of heart affected complete heart failure occur - fatal
Factors increase risk of cardiovascular disease
- High cholesterol and poor diet
- Ciagrette smoking
- High blood pressure
How is high blood cholesterol and poor diet linked?
- If blood cholesterol is high - main constituents of fatty deposits causing atheroma
- Lead to increased blood prssure and blood clots
- Block flow of blood to cornary artiers - myocardinal infraction
- Diet in high saturated fat associated with high blood cholesterol
- Diet in high in salt - increase risk of cardiovascular disease - high blood pressure
How is cigarette smoking linked to risk?
- Both nicotine and carbon monoxide found in smoke
- Nicotine increase risk of high blood pressure
- Carbon monoxide combines with haemoglobin to reduce amount of 02 transport in blood - reduce 02 avaliable to tissues
- Decreases amout of antioxidants in blood
How is high blood pressure increase risk of cardiovascular disease?
- Increase risk of damage to artery walls
- Damaged walls have increased risk of atheroma formation - higher blood pressure
- Cause blood clots
- Cause block flow of blood to heart muscle - myocardinal infraction
Factors of cardiovascular disease
- Most are witihn our control
- However someone having genetic predisposition to cornoary heart disease/high blood pressure due to other condition
Analysis this graph
- Relative risk of cardiovascular event as increases level of LDL cholesterol as blood increase
- Shows positive correlation
- Conclusion: Data only looked at women - not for everyone
- Can’t conclude as due to other trend
- Large sample size used , more representative of population
Conflicting studies
- e.g one factor isn’t health risk while other one is
- Think about study design
- Small smaple size
- Take into account other risk factors affected results
- Resolve conflicting evidence: carry out more studies and collect more results , results reproduced by other scientists before accepted
The results of a study involving 168 000 people in 63 countries have shown strong correlation between waist measurement and risk of cardiovascular disease. Analysis of results shown waist circumference indepdently assoicated with cardiovascular disease
1) Give two reasons why study provides strong evidence for link
1) Large sample size used
2) Sample included many countries
The results of a study involving 168 000 people in 63 countries have shown strong correlation between waist measurement and risk of cardiovascular disease. Analysis of results shown waist circumference indepdently assoicated with cardiovascular disease
2) suggest why waist measurement might be related to risk of cardiovascular disease
e.g large waist measurement indicate someone is overwight
linked to high blood pressure
one of risk factor
increase damage to artery walls