Heart and Small Intestine Patterns Flashcards
Heart Qi Deficiency
- Loss of fluids such as excessive sweating, vomiting, loss/collapse of blood
- Chronic illness injures the Qi (blood is the mother of qi)
- Emotional problems, especially sadness
Heart Qi Deficiency
- Palpitations
- Shortness of breath on exertion
- Spontaneous sweating
- Pale face
- Fatigue
- Listlessness
Heart Qi Deficiency
Heart Qi Deficiency
Tongue: pale or normal color, thin white coating (midline crack in severe cases)
Pulse: thready, weak/empty
Heart Yang Deficiency
• Heart qi deficiency leading to Yang deficiency, or a complication of Kidney Yang
Heart Yang Deficiency
- Palpitations
- Shortness of breath on exertion
- Spontaneous sweating
- Pale face
- Fatigue
- Listlessness
- Bright-pale face
- Chest stuffness or discomfort
- Chilliness and cold extremities (especially hands)
- Cyanosis of lips
Heart Yang Deficiency
Heart Yang Deficiency
Tongue: Pale, wet, swollen
Pulse: Deep, thready, weak, or knotted
Heart Yang Collapse
• Extreme Heart Yang Deficiency, or collapse of qi, blood, and body fluids
Heart Yang Collapse
- Palpitations
- Shortness of breath
- Weak and shallow breathing
- Profuse sweating
- Cyanosis of lips
- Grayish-pale complexion
- Stupor
- Possible loss of consciousness or coma
Heart Yang Collapse
Heart Yang Collapse
Tongue: very pale or bluish-purple, short
Pulse: Hidden-Minute-Knotted
Heart Blood Deficiency
- Diet
- Spleen Qi Deficiency
- Anxiety and worry weakening the heart
- Blood Loss
Heart Blood Deficiency
- Palpitations
- Dizziness
- Insomnia
- Dream-disturbed Sleep
- Poor Memory
- Anxiety
- Easily Startled
- Dull-pale or shallow complexion
- Pale lips
Heart Blood Deficiency
Heart Blood Deficiency
Tongue: pale, thin, slightly dry
Pulse: thready or choppy
Heart Yin Deficiency
- Long-term anxiety
- Worry
- Busy life damages Yin
- Exterior heat consuming body fluids
- Yin deficiency of kidney, lung, spleen, or stomach
- Spicy fried, fatty food or alcohol
- Incorrect treatment such as sweating
- Acrid/warm herbs damaging Yin
Heart Yin Deficiency
- Palpitations
- Insomnia
- Dream-disturbed sleep
- Poor memory
- Anxiety
- Easily startled
- Mental Restlessness
- Fidgeting
- Low-grade or tidal fever
- Night sweating
- Dry mouth and throat
- Five-centre heat
- Malar flush
Heart Yin Deficiency
Heart Yin Deficiency
Tongue: Red tongue with redder tip, no coating, deep midline crack to the tip
Pulse: Thready-rapid, or superficial-deficient
Heart Fire Blazing
- Aftermath of febrile disease
- Hot, acrid, spicy, fried food, or alcohol
- Excessive warm and tonifying herbs
- Chronic anxiety
- Constant worry/depression
- Qi stagnation
- Liver fire
- Anger
- Resentment
- Frustration
Heart Fire Blazing
- Palpitations
- Thirst
- Mouth and tongue ulcers
- Mental restlessness
- Agitation
- Feeling of heat
- Insomnia
- Dream-disturbing sleep
- Red face
- Dark urine
- Hesitant or painful urination in severe cases
- Bitter taste
Heart Fire Blazing
Heart Fire Blazing
Tongue: Red tip and swollen red points; yellow coating
Pulse: Full (excess), rapid
Heart Blood Stagnation
- Palpitations
- Stabbing or pricking chest pain
- Chest pain radiating to left arm or shoulder
- Stabbing chest pain which may become worse at night
- Chest oppression
- Constriction or discomfort
- Cyanosis of the lips and nails
- Cold hands
Heart Blood Stagnation
Heart Blood Stagnation
Tongue: Purple, purple sides in chest area
Pulse: Choppy, wiry, knotted
Phlegm Misting the Mind
- Constitutional in children
- Greasy, cold, raw food
- Combined with several emotional problems such as long-term anxiety
- Seven emotions causing qi stagnation, causing transformation and transportation problems leading to dampness and transforming into phlegm
Phlegm Misting the Mind
- Mental confusion, depression or dullness
- Mental retardation in children
- Lethargy and stupor
- Aphasia or incoherent speech
- Weeping and laughing for no apparent reason, vomiting, rattling sound of sputum in throat, dull eyes unconsciousness, possible collapse into coma
Phlegm Misting the Mind
Phlegm Misting the Mind
Tongue: swollen, thick white greasy coating (possible midline crack to the tip)
Pulse: Rolling
Phlegm-fire Harassing the Heart
- Palpitations
- Bitter taste
- Red face
- Thirst
- Chest oppression
- Expectoration of phlegm
- Rattling sound in the throat
- Mental restlessness
- Insomnia
- Dream-disturbed sleep
- Incoherent speech
- Rash behavior
- Aggressive or violent behavior
- Mania behavior
- Uncontrolled laughing or crying
- Agitation
- Shouting
- Mental derangement
- Muttering to oneself
- Mental depression and dullness
Phlegm-fire Harassing the Heart
Phlegm-fire Harassing the Heart
Tongue: red swollen tip and/or body, greasy yellow coating (possibly midline crack tot he tip with prickles)
Pulse: Rapid, Surging rolling or full-wiry
Full-heat in the Small Intestine
- Emotional problems such as long-term anxiety over one’s like pressures and life direction
- Unstoppable desire to take on many projects, and push one’s self in different directions, depleting their energy
Full-heat in the Small Intestine
- Mental restlessness
- Irritability and insomnia
- Red face and lips
- Tongue and mouth ulcers
- Pain in the throat
- Thirst
- Possibly deafness
- Discomfort and heat in the chest
- Fullness and distention of the lower abdomen
- Scanty, dark urine
- Burning pain on urination
- Blood in the urine
Full-heat in the Small Intestine
Full-heat in the Small Intestine
Tongue: red with redder and swollen tip/yellow coating
Pulse: rapid-surging, especially in the front position
Small Intestine Qi Pain
- Chronic Liver QI stagnation invading the Spleen/Stomach, effecting the Small Intestine
- Anger, frustration, resentment
- Cold and raw foods
Small Intestine Qi Pain
- Lower abdominal twisting pain
- Abdominal pain
- Abdominal distention
- Dislikes pressure on the abdomen
- Flatulence
- Abdominal pain relieved by emission of wind
- Pain radiating to the testes
- Bearing down pain in the testes, referring to the lower back
Small Intestine Qi Pain
Small Intestine Qi Pain
Tongue: White
Pulse: Deep, Wiry, especially in the rear position
Small Intestine Qi Tied
- Exposure to cold water in winter
- Heavy lifting
- Excessive consumption of cold or raw food
Small Intestine Qi Tied
- Sudden violent abdominal pain
- Abdominal distension
- Dislikes pressure
- Constipation
- Vomiting
- Borborygmus
- Flatulence
Small Intestine Qi Tied
Small Intestine Qi Tied
Tongue: Thick White
Pulse: Deep, Wiry
Infestation of Worms in the Small Intestine
• Spleen and intestine cold as a result of consumption of cold and raw food
Infestation of Worms in the Small Intestine
- Abdominal pain and distension
- Bad taste in the mouth
- Shallow complexion
- Roundworms – abdominal pain, vomiting os round worms, cold limbs
- Hookworms – desire to eat strange objects (soil, wax, uncooked rice or tea leaves)
- Pinworms – itchy anus, worse in evening
- Tapeworms – constant hunger
Infestation of Worms in the Small Intestine
Infestation of Worms in the Small Intestine
Tongue: N/A
Pulse: N/A
Small Intestine Deficient and Cold
• Consumption of excessive cold and raw food, usually associated with Spleen Yang deficiency impairing the Small Intestine function of receiving and transforming, resulting in diarrhea
Small Intestine Deficient and Cold
- Dull abdominal pain alleviated by pressure
- Desire for hot drinks
- Borborygmi
- Diarrhea
- Pale and abundant urination
- Cold limbs
Small Intestine Deficient and Cold
Small Intestine Deficient and Cold
Tongue: Pale/White
Pulse: Deep, weak, slow