Heart Flashcards
Trace the route of blood through the heart starting with the SVC and IVC.
SVC and IVC–>rt. atrium–>tricuspid valve–>rt. ventricle–>pulmonary valve–>pulmonary trunk–>R & L pulmonary arteries–>lungs–>rt. and left pulmonary veins–>Left atrium–>bicuspid valve/mitral–>left ventricle–>aortic valve–>aorta
What is the pathway in prenatal circulation supplying blood to the upper half of body of fetus?
highly oxygenated blood from placenta (umbilical vein) and deoxygenated blood from lower half of fetus–>IVC–>rt atrium–>foramen oval–>left atrium–>left ventricle–>aorta–>to upper half fetus
What is the pathway in prenatal circulation supplying blood to the lower half of body of fetus?
deoxy blood from upper half of body–>SVC–>rt atrium–>rt ventricle–>pulmonary artery–>ductus arterioles–>aorta (mixes with oxygenated blood from other pathway)–>partially oxy blood to lower half of fetus and return to placenta
Is the aortic valve closed or open during systole?
open during systole, closed during diastole
What does it mean for the heart to be right dominant?
PDA is from the right coronary artery. Rt. coronary artery supplies rt atrium, and most of right ventricle, 1/3 of left ventricle
What does it mean for the heart to be left dominant?
PDA is from circumflex artery. Left coronary artery supplies left atrium, most of left ventricle, part of sternocostal surface of right ventricle. Rt coronary artery only supplies a part of rt ventricle.
What is the fibrous skeleton?
collagenous tissue in plane of coronary sulcus that:
- attaches four heart valves
- attaches cardiac muscle of atria and ventricle to stable base
- insulates atrial from ventricular muscle contractions
What prevents the cusps of AV valves from everting into atria during systole?
free margins of cusps anchored by chorda tendinae to papillary muscles
What makes the lub sound?
The AV valves closing during systole.
What makes the dub sound?
The semilunar valves closing during diastole. When blood fills the ventricle from the atria.
What does the sternal angle mark?
2nd rib and T4/5 vertebral level. top of pericardial sac. trachea bifurcates here.
What does the xiphisternal joint mark?
T8/9 verterbral level. marks where a horizontal plane passes through the bottom of pericardial sac.
Where is the pericardial sac located relative to vertebrae?
Body of the sternum, middle of thoracic vertebrae T5-8
Where are the cell bodies located that innervate the heart?
Symp/pre -lateral horn of T1-T4/5
symp/post - symp chain ganglia
viscerosensory pain -DRG of T1-T4/5
para/pre - brain stem -
–>splanchic nerve branches from vagus nerve
viscerosensory reflex - vagal sensory ganglia
Trace the path of the viscerosensory pain from CNS to heart.
Dorsal horn of T1-T5–>DRG–>spinal nerve–>white communicating rami–>sympathetic trunk–>cardiac splanchnic nerves–>cardiac plexus–>heart