Health, Well-being and Aging Flashcards
Definition of cohort
people who were born in a specific period of time (e.g., 1900s, 1990s, 2000s)
The significance of a cohort
- people share a similar historical time that shapes their collective life experiences (e.g., trends, health risks)
- the “cohort effect”
Among the current Canadians aged 45 to 64
- Significant decrease in the prevalence of… - arthritis, rheumatism, hypertension, heart disease, bronchitis & emphysema
- Significant improvement in some chronic conditions due to improved surgical and drug treatment
- Increased prevalence of breast and prostate cancer due to improved screening and diagnosis
- Lower rates of drinking and smoking
What is multi-morbidity?
When individuals face more than one chronic condition
What is the effect of multi-morbidity on transition in life conditions?
- change in role and life activities
What is the impact of multi-morbidity?
- limited mobility and social interaction, failure to meet family responsibility
- long lasting pain, loss of bodily function
What is the negative stereotype associated with multi-morbidity?
- dependence and frail (Always?)
- can also be a caregiver (e.g., Debbie White in New Jersey)
What are the health risks associated with Multi-morbidity?
- over-medicalization
Reconceptualizing Elderly with Medical Conditions
- living well with adaptive strategies
- resilience
- older adults maintain high functioning and well-being in face of multimorbidity
Resilience has been connected with which concept in aging?
- successful aging and for good health management
Three dimensions of resilience
- Functional (physical body)
- Social (support group ; social capital)
- Psychological (individual’s appraisal of stress)
- Activation of resources (agency): change in attitudes & behaviour
Which 3 dimensions do you need in a sense of coherence?
- biological
- psychological
- spiritual
A sense of coherence
- variations
- dynamic
The perceived confidence that one can accomplish a behavioural change or adopt a new behaviour