Health term 1 Flashcards
A disease that typically begins slowly with a variety of signs that can be trated but not cured by medication.
chronic disease
Expected number of years of full health
Healthy life expectancy
an assessment of the positive aspects of a person’s life
well being
Models of health
medical model and public health model
A view of health that focuses on the individual and biological perspective
Medical model
A view of health in which diseases and other negative events are seen as a result of an individual’s inter action
Public health model
The combined educational, organizational, environmental, social… supports that help individuals and groups reduce negative behaviors
Health Promotions
Actions that increase negative health outcomes
Risk behaviors
dynamic ever-changing process of trying to achieve one’s potential
the array of critical infwuences that determine the health of individuals and communities
Health determinants
preventabie differences in the burden of disease, injury, violance, or opportunities to achieve optimal health that are experienced by socially disadvantaged groups.
health disparities
What are the big five
openess, conscientousness, extraversion agreableness, neurotiscism
Five determinants of health
Individual behavior, biology and genetics, social factors, health services, policy making.
models of behavior change
health belief model, social cognitive model, transtheoretical model
Model that explains when beliefs are likely to affect behavior change
Health belief model
emphasizing the role of social factors and cognitive processes
Social cognitive model
identifies six distinct stages people go through in altering behavior pattern.
Transtheoretical model
the mental, emotional, social and spiritual dimensions of health
psychological health
the thinking part of psycological health includes your values, attitudes, and beliefs
Mental health
the feelling part of of psychological health includes your emotional reactions of life
emotional health
intensified feellings or complex patterns of feellings we regulary experience
Apersons ability to identify, understand, use and manage emotional states effectively and interact positively, with others in relationship
Emotional intelligence
the aspects of psychology that relates of having a meaning and one’s purpose to life.
Spiritual health
Believing in one’s own ability to perfect a task successfully.
self efficacy
sense of self-respect or self-worth
Self steem
An uplifting feelling or inner space
subjective well being
chemicals that relay mesages between nerve cells
Disorders that disrupt thinking, feeling, mood, and behaviors
mental Illness
A system of beliefs, practices, rituals and symbols designed to facilitate closeness to the sacred or transcended
Principles that influence our thoughts and emotions and guide the choices we make in our lives.
The ability to access higher meanings, values, and unconscious aspects of the cell help each of us find a moral and ethical path to guide us through life.
Spiritual intelligence
A physical, social, psychological event or condition that upsets homeostasis
Stress that presents opportunities for personal growth positive stress
Stress that can have a detrimental effect on health, negative stress
The short-term physiological response to an immediate perceived threat
Acute stress
The state of regularly reacting with wild acute stress from one thing to another
episodic acute stress
An ongoing state of physiological arousal in response to ongoing or numerous perceived threats
Chronic stress
mental response that occurs for aprolonged period of time after a major accident
traumatic stress
A balanced state in which all the body’s sistem functions smoothy
The physiological adjustments the body makes in an attempt to restore homeostasis
adaptative response