Health Systems Flashcards
How do you define health systems
- Health systems are defined as all activites (people and actions) whose primary purpose is to promote, restore and maintain health
Name an example of something that would be part of a health system
- a programme desgined to increase uptake of childhood vaccinations = this is part of the health system as its primary purpose is to promote, restore and maintain health
Define a health care system
- provision and the investment in health services (preventitive, curative, and aplliative) directed both to individuals or populations
Health systems are …
- purveyors of a wider set of social norms and values
- they are soical and cultural institiutions and are a vital part of the social fabric of any society
health systems help define..
the kind of society we want and have
What is the popular choice theory
- Suggests that health systems evolve over time based on the wants and preferences of citizens following in other words citizens voice in the marketplace and the legisature
What is the power group theory
- Argues that the health system is a function of the different degree of power that the several actors/groups within the system (e.g. healthcare professionals, hospitals, insurance companies) have in the decision making process
What is the marxist approach
- Assumes that health systems have been shaped by the power relations between social classes (class struggles)
- national health systems and social health insurance have been established mainly due to the struggles of social movements and trade unions
- international differences in health systems can be understoof as differences in the degree to which class aims have been achieved
What is a structural adjustment programme
- These consist of laons provided by the international monetary fund (IMF) and the world bank to countries that experienced economic crises
- the instititutions require borrowing countries to implemetn certain new policies in order to obtain new loans
What is the purpose of a structural adjustment programme
- purpose it to adjust the countries economic structure, improve international competitiveness and restore its balance of payments
what is the arguement for the introduction of SAP programmes by the world bank
- Failure to adjust will impose huge costs of the poor with unsustainable budge and trade deficits leading to hyperinflamtion, currecy instability and economic collapse
- SAPs when properly implemented have not only creaetd conditions for growth but growth that benefits the poor
- SAPs incorporate soical conditionality and provisions that aim at protecting welfare service delivery in aras of concern to the poor
Define soical systems
- Social systems are defined as a set of interdependent elements which operate and can be seen as a purposeful whole
- in this sense the perception of a single element cannot provide a comprehensive understanding of the whole arrangement
What do social systems reflect
- set of values, beliefs and political arrangements of the society they originate
What does health care systems include
- the provision and the investment in health services (preventive, curative and palliative) directed both to individuals or populations
What are the objectives of health systems
- Avaliability of services
- accessibility of services
- continuity of care
- equity in the health and healthcare - horizontal and vertical equity
what is horizontal equity
Equal treatment for individuals or groups with equal need and in the same circumstances
What is vertical equity
- the principle that individuals who are unequal should be treated differently according to their level of need
What is accessibility of services
provision of services wihtout any geogrpahical, ethnical or gender discrimination
What are the 6 building blocks of a health system
- service delivery
- health workforce
- health information systems
- access to essential medicines
- financing
- leadership/governance
What are the overall goals of building a healthcare system
- Improved health
- responsiveness
- social and financial risk protection
- improved efficiency
What are the three aspects that make up financing a health care system
- Collection - how can you collect resources
- Purchasing/ direct funding and provision
- pooling - when you put all resources in a poool of resources and pool them together