Health & Safety Flashcards
What RICS Professional Standard applies to H&S
Surveying Safely (2018)
What does Surveying Safely set out?
- Best practice for management of H&S for regulated firms
- H&S responsibilities
What is the structure of Surveying Safely?
- Personal Responsibilities
- Assessing Hazards and Risks
- Workplace Health and Safety
- Occupational Hygeine and Health
- Visiting Premises and Sites
- Fire Safety
- Residential Property Surveying
- Procurement and management of contractors
What H&S advice might an RICS regulated firm provide?
- A safe environment
- Safe work equiptment
- Safe systems of work
- Competent Staff
- ‘safe person’ - an individual who assumes responsibility for theirs/colleagues H&S at work
- ensure that indiviuals take responsibility for their actions
- a requirement for up-t-o-date personal and corporate responsibilities for property professionals (law, insurances and public liability)
- legal considerations and duties - advise on asbestos
- advice on health, wellbeing and mental health
- how to address fire safety
- an audit template is provided to assist members
What other information is included in the** Surveying Safely Professional Standard**?
- precautions relating to potential hazard/risk assessments - refer to your firm’s requirements
- wear appropriate PPE
- sign in/out of a building site
- consider if it is safe to inspect alone , observe special lone working arrangements
- occupational health (stress & bullying)
- assessing hazards & risks
- visiting premises and sites (ppe, lone working, travel arangements)
What is a risk?
likelihood of the hazard causing harm
What is a hazard?
something that can cause harm
What is the main legislation which relates to health & safety?
Health and Safety at Work 1974
As part of the H&S 1974 what is the duty of the employer?
‘duty to every employer to ensure , so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees’
What else does the H&S 1974 legislation cover?
- must report injuries/dangerous occurences (1995 regs)
- undertake, record and review risk assessments (1999 regs)
- detailed H&S information is to be held on site
Where on site would you find detailed H&S information?
The Operations & Maintenence Manual
Who polices Health & Safety at Work 1974?
The Health & Safety Executive (HSE)
They makes it a criminal offence to not comply legislation and operate fines and imprisonment
Which regulation relates to PPE?
PPE at Work Regulations 2022
What does the PPE at Work Regulations 2022 do?
- extends employers duty to ensure provision of appropriate PPE to employees/contractors (even those in casual employment)
- can also include cleaning , security and construction workers
What is a risk assessment?
legal requirement for organisations over 5 people to carry out a documented health and safety risk assessment for all significant hazards
What is included in a risk assessment?
- identify hazards present
- identifiy people at risk from the hazard
- evaluate the risk, and any existing precautions in place need to be identified & evaluated
- record findings
- revire risk assessment regularly
- advise those affected of the outcomes and precautions
What is a method statement?
a document detailing how work/process is to be carried out
WHat should be included in a method statement
- it should be prior approved
- should outline hazards involved and a step-by-step guide on how to do the job safely
- detail the control measures which have been introduced to ensure safety
Before a contractor undertakes work for you, what should you ask for?
a copy of their public liability insurance before the work can commence
What is a written health and safety policy document?
- requirement for employers over 5 people
What must it contain?
1. sets out commitments to H&S
2. details structure within the company with roles and responsibilities
3. a risk assessment within the workplace
4. details the planning, implementation and control measures in place
What is the ‘six pack’ of H&S regulations?
- Management of H&S at work
- Display Screen Equipment
- Manual Handling Operations
- PPE at work
- Provision and use of work equipment
- Workplace health, safety and welfare
What is the history of the six pack of H&S regulations?
- Introduced in 1993
- clarify how employers must comply with their duties under the H&S at work 1974 legislation
What is RIDDOR?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurences Regulations (2013)
Under RIDDOR 2013 when must you report injuries?
If you have an injury which has cause incapacitation for over 7 days it must be reported to HSE.
You must report the injury to HSE within 15 days of the accident