Health Related Behaviour Flashcards
Name and describe learning theories of health related behaviour
Classical conditioning - physical responses can become classically conditioned, conditioned behaviours become habit, aversive techniques break unconscious response
Operant conditioning - act in environment, behaviour shaped by consequences (reward/punish)
Social learning - vicarious learning (observe other people’s behaviour)
Define ‘health related behaviour’
Anything that may promote good health or lead to illness e.g. smoking, exercise, drinking, healthy diet, safe sex, adhering to treatment, drug use
Name and describe social cognition models of health related behaviour
Cognitive dissonance model - discomfort when hold inconsistent believes, reduce discomfort by changing belief/behaviour
Health belief model - beliefs about health threat, health related behaviour, cues to action
Theory of planned behaviour - attitude towards behaviour (I think), subjective norm (others think), perceived control (can I?) leads to intention
Describe a stages of change behaviour model
5 stages in a cycle
Pre-contemplative –> contemplative –> preparation –> action –> maintenance
Relapse is normal
Explain the complexity of reasons for drug and alcohol abuse
Relieve boredom, peer influence, enhance creativity, entertainment, pleasure, relief from pain, forget worries, relieve anxiety/stress/depression
Define different levels of problem drinking behaviour
Abstention - non drinkers
Low risk - within DoH guidelines
Hazardous - over limit, so far avoided alcohol related problems but increased risk
Harmful - show clear evidence of alcohol related harm (physical or mental)
Moderate dependence - do not relief drink
Severe dependence - serious, long standing problem, chronic alcoholic, drink to stop withdrawal
Identify a tool for screening patients for levels of alcohol abuse
FAST - Fast Alcohol Screening Test
AUDIT - Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Kit
CAGE - Cut down, Annoyed, Guilt, Eye opener
PAT - Paddington Alcohol Test
Describe the management of patients with alcohol problems
Detoxification - Librium, vit. B1, Valium
Monitor - vital signs, electrolytes (K+), glucose, B1
Relapse prevention - disulfiram (sensitising agents)