Health Psychology - Introduction & stressful medical procedures Flashcards
Health Psychology =
The study of social, behavioral, cognitive and emotional factors that contribute to:
- Promote and maintain health
- Prevent and manage illness
- Identify psychological factors that add to fysical illness
- Improve the healthcare system
Different types of interventions:
* Prevent illness and disease -
* Reduce the impact of a disease or injury that has already occured (screening) -
* Consists of rehabilitations and efforts to prevent further disease progression (after diagnosis)
A biomedically defined pathology that may or may not be apparent to the individual
A person’s subjective experience of their symptoms
Delay in seeking help when experiencing symptoms
- Notice symptoms
- Interpret symptoms
- React
- Health care
Notice symtoms
(delay in seeking help)
* Severity
* Persistence
* Quantity
* Interference with ability to work
* Switch from private to public symptoms
* Ambigious
(delay in seeking help)
* Lack of knowledge
* Anticipation/ expectations
* Poor health seeking practices
* Previous experience
* Selective attention
* Stress
* Older age
* Health campains
* Media
* Stigma
* Stereotype
* Input other lay people
(delay in seeking help)
Other alternatives
* Passive waiting
* Taking time off
* Resting
* Consulting others
* Self-medication
Health care
(delay in seeking help)
Health care
* Availability
* Accessability
* Acceptability
* Outcome expectations
Illnes cognitions
A person’s own common sense believes about their illness
Illness cognitions influence how people cope with their disease
Illness cognitions (dimensions)
- Identity
- Perceived cause of the illness
- Timeline
- Consequenses
- Cure and control
Why can illness and hospitalization be seen as a crisis
- Because its a turning point in someones life
- A disruption to established patterns of personal and social functioning produces a state of phycological, social, and physical disequilibrium
Think of changes in identity, location, role, social support and future
Adaptive taks
People often have to make adjustments to:
- Symptoms of the disease
- Stess of the treatment
- Loss of control
- Threat to self-esteem
- Feelings of vulnerability
- Financial concerns
- Changes in family structure
Adaptive taks are part of coping with a disease
Hospitalization stressors
- Illness
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Hospital environment
Illness as a hospitalization stressor
- Lack of control
- Unpredictable
- Cause and outcome unclear
- Limited prior experience
- Ambigious
Treatment as an hospitalization stressor
- Painfull and/ or uncomfortable procedures
- Lack of information about treatment
- Pre-operative anxiety
- Quick decisions needed
Recovery as a hospitalization stressor
- Uncertainty about implications for future life
- Worries about how to self-care after discharge from the hospital
Hospital environment as an hospitalization stressor
- Sleep disturbance
- Separated from family
- Lack of control
- Loss of autonomy
- Communication difficulties with hospital staff
Effects of hostpitalization stressors
- Unpleasant
- Barrier for postoperative recovery
- Effect on **postoperative mood and pain **
- Interference with normal cognitive and socio-emotional develpment in children
- Depression
Depression is linked to a longer stay and higher chance of readmission within 30 days of discharge