Health Psychology, Behaviour Change & Smoking Cessation Flashcards
What are the 3 categories of health behaviours?
- health behaviour
- illness behaviour
- sick role behaviour
What is a health behaviour?
Behaviour aimed to prevent disease.
What is an illness behaviour?
Behaviour aimed to seek remedy.
What is sick role behaviour?
Behaviour aimed at getting well.
How can health behaviours be improved / promoted at a population level?
- health promotion campaigns
- promote screening
- promote immunisations
What influences perception of risk of health damaging behaviours?
- lack of personal experience with the problem
- belief that the problem is preventable by personal action
- belief that if not happened by now, it’s not likely to
- belief that problem is infrequent
What are some reasons why individuals engage in health damaging behaviours?
- inaccurate risk perception
- health beliefs
- situational rationality
- culture variability
- socioeconomic factors
- stress
How can doctors help individuals to change their health behaviours?
- work with your patient’s priorities
- aim for easy changes over time
- set goals
- plan explicit coping strategies
- review progress regularly
What interventions have the best smoking cessation success rates?
Individual / group behavioural support, plus medication.
What is the health belief model?
Individuals will change if they believe:
- they are susceptible to the condition
- the condition has serious consequences
- taking action reduces susceptibility
- benefits of taking action outweigh the costs
Adapted to include health motivation and cues to action.
Critique of the health belief model?
- alternative factors may predict behaviour (e.g. self-belief, outcome expectancy)
- cognitively based, does not consider influence of emotions
- does not differentiate between first-time and repeat behaviour
What is the theory of planned behaviour?
Proposes that the best predictor of behaviour is intention, determined by:
- the person’s attitude to the behaviour
- perceived social pressure to undertake the behaviour
- the person’s perceived behavioural control
Critique of theory of planned behaviour?
- lack of temporal element, direction, or causality
- rational choice model - doesn’t take emotions into account
- does not explain how attitudes, intentions, and perceived behavioural control interact
- does not consider habits / routines
What is the transtheoretical model?
- pre-contemplation
- contemplation
- preparation
- action
- maintenance
Critique of the transtheoretical model?
- not everyone moves through every stage
- change may be continuous rather than discrete stages
- doesn’t take into account values, habits, emotions, culture, social, and economic factors
What is the social norms model?
- collect information on true norms - the majority show healthy behaviours
- educate population to change risk perceptions
Critique of the social norm model?
- risks further marginalisation of groups
- self-reported damaging behaviours, lower than the true rate
- model doesn’t work if damaging behaviour is the norm