Health Assessment Final Exam Flashcards
List different types of evidence
Patient preferences/values, Provider’s clinical expertise, Research/Evidence-Based theories, Physical examinations
What’s the difference between disease prevention and health promotion?
Disease prevention: Helps people reduce the risk to their health
Health promotion: Helps people increase control and improve health
What is Holistic Health?
Health of the mind, body and spirit working together
What is the Biomedical Approach Model?
Cause and Effect
Extra Notes: Think of the body being a machine; mind, body and spirit are separate and do not work together
What is the Magico-religious Approach to health?
Supernatural forces affect the health of individuals
What are components of a health database?
Subjective Data, Objective Data, Patient Records and Diagnostic Test Results
What are these databases used for? Complete/Total Health Database Focused/Problem-Centered Database Follow-Up Database Emergency Database
Complete/Total Health Database: Complete history and full physical exam, forms a baseline
Focused/Problem-Centered Database: “Mini” database, for limited or short-term problems
Follow-Up Database: After short-term or chronic health issues, checking progressively
Emergency Database: Crucial information gathered in a short time alongside lifesaving procedures (CRISIS)
What is ADPIE and what does it describe?
ADPIE describes the Nursing Process A - ssessment D - iagnosis P - lanning I - mplementation E - valuation
What is HIPAA
“Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act” protects patient confidentiality with a legal and ethical responsibility held by health care institutions
What counts as Protected Health Information (PHI)?
Information that could identify a specific person such as: Printed, electronic, and medical records Identification bracelets, Insurance cards Dictation tapes Spoken communication Photographs
What are open-ended questions used for in the interview process?
Beginning an Interview
Eliciting narration, feelings, opinions, and ideas
Spontaneity/Full Expression
Adding new questions or topics
What are closed questions used for in the interview process?
Speeding up an interview
Eliciting specific information, short answers
Obtaining cold facts
Filling in missing details
What should you do if there’s a language barrier between you and the patient and what are the techniques to use for this communication?
Request an interpreter ALWAYS
Look at the patient while you’re speaking
Avoid abstract expressions, idioms, similes, and/or metaphors
What are the components of a Complete Health History?
Date/Time, Biographical Data, Source, Reason for seeking care, Past history of illness and health, Family history, Review of systems, Functional assessment of Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Health perception
What are the Four Assessment Skills?
Inspection: Looking
Palpation: Pressing/Feeling
Percussion: Tapping
Auscultation: Listening
When would you use bimanual palpation?
When a patient has more tissue/mass
What are important tips for palpation?
Warm your hands, Be gentle, PALPATE TENDER AREAS LAST, light before deep palpation, ABDOMEN PALPATION STARTS AT RLQ
What are the different percussion notes and what do they mean?
Flat: Bone or Muscle Dull: Liver or Spleen Tympany: Abdomen, Intestine Resonant: Lungs Hyperresonant: Child's lung or Abnormal Adult Lung
What are the diaphragm and bell of the stethoscope used for?
Diaphragm (Flat): High Pitch; Breath, bowel and normal heart sounds
Bell (Raised): Low Pitch; Bruits, Hums, Korotkoff and Abnormal heart sounds
What should you do to prepare the exam room?
Make sure the room is warm, quiet, well lit and comfortable
Reposition table at hip level
Organize equipment
Stop distracting noises
What is the S1 sound signaling?
What is the S2 sound signaling?
S1 (Lub) - Beginning of systole, End of diastole; heard loudest at the aortic and pulmonic valve
S2 (Dub) - Beginning of diastole, End of systole; heard loudest at the tricuspid and mitral valve