Adult Health: Exam 2 Flashcards
Maintenance and Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer
Topic: Male Reproductive Problems
Maintenance: Start screening at age 50, Decrease in animal fats (especially red meats), increasing fruits, vegetables and high fiber foods
Risk Factors: Being African-American, age 65+
Early and Advanced CMs for Prostate Cancer
Topic: Male Reproductive Problems
Early: [DIFFICULTY PEEING] Urinary retention, Frequent bladder infections, Difficulty starting urination
Advanced: Hematuria, Swollen lymph nodes, unusual weight loss
Diagnostics for Prostate Cancer
Topic: Male Reproductive Problems
Labs: Prostate Specific Antigen (< 2.5 ng/mL - 6.5 ng/mL), Early Prostate Cancer Antigen (very sensitive), Elevated serum acid phosphate (advances with disease), Transrectal ultrasound, Biopsy
Interventions for Prostate Cancer
Topic: Male Reproductive Problems
- Active Surveillance until it becomes bothersome (slow growing cancer)
- Radiation or Drug therapy as adjunct to surgery or alternative
- Surgery: Prostatectomy (removal), Bilateral orchiectomy (removing testicles)
Assessments for Acute and Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis
Topic: Male Reproductive Problems
Acute: Urethritis (conjunctive disease), fever, chills, dysuria, urethral discharge, boggy/tender prostate
Chronic (older men): Hesitancy, urgency, dysuria, difficulty initiating/terminating urine flow, decreased strenght/volume
Treatment and Complications for Prostatitis
Topic: Male Reproductive Problems
Treatment: Antibiotics
Complications: Epididymitis and Cystitis (bladder)
CMs of Testicular Cancer
Topic: Male Reproductive Problems
Rare, Men between 20-35 years old
Diagnostics of Testicular Cancer
Topic: Male Reproductive Problems
Labs: Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), Beta human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH), Ultrasonography, CT and MRI (Metastasis)
Interventions for Testicular Cancer
Topic: Male Reproductive Problems
Surgical: Orchiectomy (Removing testicles), Lymph Node Dissection (RPLND)
Non-surgical: Chemo, Radiation therapy
Things to Analyze with an ECG Rhythm
Topic: Heart Dysrhythmias
Determining heart rate and rhythm, analyzing P waves, PR Intervals (.12-.20 second; start of P wave to start of QRS), QRS duration (.6-.12 second; start of QRS to end of S wave), ST segment (elevation or depression; should be level)
Normal Sinus Rhythm
Topic: Heart Dysrhythmias
60-100 bpm, atrial and ventricular rhythms are regular, one P wave per QRS complex, present and consistent, PR Interval and QRS duration is within limits and constant
Sinus Arhythmia and Intervention
Topic: Heart Dysrhythmias
NSR except atrial and ventricular rhythms are irregular (PP or RR interval at least .12 second off from longest interval)
Intervention: None required
Sinus Tachycardia + Causes and Interventions
Topic: Heart Dysrhythmias
NSR except HR > 100
Causes: Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, some medications
Interventions: Digoxin (AV Node slowing), Calcium Channel Blockers (Slows HR)
Sinus Bradycardia and Interventions
Topic: Heart Dysrhythmias
NSR except HR < 60; some can tolerate low HR
Interventions: (If symptomatic): Artopine (increases HR), IV fluids, Oxygen, monitor VS, pacing may be required
Premature Atrial Complexes and Interventions
Topic: Heart Dysrhythmias
NSR except premature P waves, PACs followed by a pause, may result in heart palpitations
Interventions: None required unless frequent
Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) and Interventions
Topic: Heart Dysrhythmias
HR = 100-280; Can be nonsustained (self-resolving) or sustained (SOB, chest angina, anxiety, hypotension, syncope)
Interventions: Amiodarone (slows down HR, specific to SVT)
Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) and Interventions
Topic: Heart Dysrhythmias
HR and Rhythm is fast and irregular, relatively undiscerible P waves, no way to measure the PR interval (Basically QRS, then weird squiggles)
Interventions: Antiplatelets (aspirin, clopidogrel), Anticoagulants (Heparin, Enoxaparin, Warfarin),Digoxin (HF and AF), Beta-blockers (-lol and Brevibloc to slow ventricular response and calcium channel blockers)
Premature Ventricular Complexes and Interventions
Topic: Heart Dysrhythmias
QRS is wide and wonky, followed by a pause
Ventricular Tachycardia (V-Tach)
HR = 101-250, wide and weird QRS is only thing visible
Interventions Amiodarone, lidocaine, magnesium sulfate,cardioversion, debrillation
Ventricular Asystole
Topic: Heart Dysrhythmias
Nothing showing; no ventricular rhythms
Interventions: CPR, Airway management, ACLS protocol, epinephrine
Ventricular Fibrillation and Interventions and Interventions
Topic: Heart Dysrhythmias
Electrical chaos, no distinguishable parts
Interventions: Amiodarone
Ventricular Fibrillation and Interventions
Topic: Heart Dysrhythmias
Electrical chaos, no distinguishable parts
Interventions: Amiodarone
Pulmonary Edema with Symptoms and Interventions
Topic: Cardiac Problems
Pressure increase in lungs causing fluid leaks (crackles, tachy