Health And Saftey Act 1974 Flashcards
What year was the health and safety act formed?
The health and safety at work act was formed in 1974. It provides a legislative framework and places duties on employers to promote, stimulate and encourage high standard of health and safety.
Under the act, who has a duty of care?
We ALL have a duty of care, not just the employer. It also extends responsibilities for visitors, contractors and anyone else that may use the employers premises.
Under the health and safety at work act, name two responsibilities an employer has a duty to ensure.
A safe workplace - including avoiding dust, fumes and hazardous materials.
Safe equipment - maintaining any equipment and plant we use.
Safe person - ensuring your personal welfare. Providing information, training and supervision to ensure competence to do the job.
Safe storage and transportation of goods and services.
What does a safety policy statement outline?
A safety policy statement outlines an employers commitment to the health and safety at work act.
It outlines their arrangements to meet with health and safety legislation and how the organisation splits up responsibilities and duties.
Under the health and safety at work act, name two responsibilities an employee has a duty to ensure.
Under section 7 and 8, employees duties stretch to:
Avoiding silly or reckless behaviour.
Taking positive steps to understand the hazards in the workplace.
Complying with safety rules and procedures.
Ensuring the anything you do OR fail to do does not put you or others at risk.
Making you personally responsible for yourself.
Name 3 health and safety regulations which are relevant to fire service personnel.
Control of noise at work regulations 2005.
Control of substances hazardous to health (amended 2004).
Electricity at work regulations 1989.
Ionising radiations regulations 1999.
Provision and use of equipment regulations 1998.
Lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations 1998.
Control of major accident hazards regulations 1999.
Management of health and safety at work regulations 1992 - amended in 1999 (this forms part of what was originally named “the six pack”).
What report should be completed if someone is involved in an accident or incident?
A HFRS 72 injury or dangerous occurrence report should be completed fully and correctly by the individual involved in the accident / incident.
What form should be used to report near misses and hazards?
The HFRS 153 form should be used to report near misses and hazards.