Health and Safety L2 Flashcards
Tell me 3 pieces of legislation related to health and safety?
Plus Asbestos Regulation?
- Heath and Safety at Work Act 1974
- Fire Safety Act 2021
- Building Safety Act 2022
The Control of Absestos Regulation 2012
PLUS RICS Asbestos Document 2021
What health and safey do you consider when inspecting?
- Personal Protection Equiptment
- Site Register - sign in and out
- If there is scafholding check the date tag
- Non-slip shoes if you are climbing a ladder
What guidance did the RICS release on good practice principals for the management of health and safety in RICS regulated firms and for RICS members?
RICS Surveying Safely 2019 (2nd Edition)
What are they key areas of RICS Surveying Safely 2019 (2nd Edition)?
There are 8 key areas
1. Personal responsibility for RICS members and firms
2. Assessing hazards and risks
3. Workplace health and safety
4. Occupational hygiene and health
5. Visiting premises and sites
6. Fire safety
7. Residential property surveying
8. Procurement and management of contractors
According to RICS Surveying safely, 2019, what must all RICS regulated firms ensure they provide?
- Safe working environment
- Safe work equipment
- Safe systems of work
- Competent staff
What is the concept of a ‘safe person’, as outlined in RICS Surveying safely, 2019?
- Assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues’ and others’ health and safety while at work.
- Seeks to ensure that individuals accept responsibility for their own actions and they have the tools they need to do their job safely
What personal protective equipment (PPE) may a surveyor consider wearing?
High Visablity Jacket, Hard Hat, Eye Potection, Protective Boots, Ear Defenders
What does you companies Lone Working Procedure say about inspecting sites alone?
- Make someone where you are going and who you are meeting
- Log this in your outlook caldender along with your transport
- Carry a personal GPS safety device
- Ensure your phone is charged and you have the charger
What is included in Health & Safety at Work Act, 1974 (as amended)?
- Duty to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees
- Must report injuries and dangerous occurrences
- Must undertake, record and regularly review risk assessments
- Detailed Health & Safety information must be held on site
Who polices the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974?
Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
How large does an organisation have to be to carry out a documented health and safety risk assessment?
Firms employing more than 5 staff
What are then FIVE steps of a risk assessment?
- Identify hazards present
- Identify people at risk from the hazards e.g. employees, contractors, visitors
- Evaluate the risk, considering the likelihood. Existing controls should be evaluated
- Record the findings on a suitable form
- Review the risk assessment regularly
What was the Hackitt Review?
- Led by Dame Judith Hackitt, reported in May 2018
- Independent Review of Building Regulation and Fire Safety, called “Building a Safer Future”
- Made over 50 recommendations for changes to ensure a more robust regulatory system
Provide some of the examples of recommendations made under the Hackitt Review?
- Upgrading building standards and guidance
- New regulatory body (a single joint competent authority) to regulate and check fire and structural safety in high rise residential building
- Involving residents in fire safety procedures
- Clear responsibilities for on-going life safety management for buildings
The ‘Six Pack’ of Health and Safety Regulations clarify how employers must comply with their duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. What are the SIX regulations?
- Management of Health and Safety at Work
- Display Screen Equipment
- Manual Handling Operations
- Personal Protective Equipment at Work
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment
- Workplace Heath, Safety and Welfare
What are the requirements of Fire Safety Act 2021?
Requires all responsible persons to assess, manage and reduce fire risk in a multi-occupied domestic building posed by:
* Structuer
* External Walls
* Common Areas
What was included as part of the update to the RICS Regulation UK Professional Indemnity Insurance Requirements 2024 regarding External Wall Systems?
RICS will provide PII cover to practioners who have undergone the training to advise on EWS
What updates have RICS made in regards to External Wall Systems?
- Included as part of the update to the RICS Regulation UK Professional Indemnity Insurance Requirements 2024 - RICS will
- EWS1 must be completed by a EWS qualified person
- Required on building 11+ storeys
What is the Building Safety Act 2022?
- Following Grenfell Tower, it ensures accoutability for those responsible for safety in tall buildings
- Gives residents the ability to contribute towards tower safety
- Enables enforcment for non-compliance
What would you do if you were inspecting a property and you discovered asbestos?
- Document and photograph the location of the asbestos
- Inform the client and ensure that the asbestos register is updated
What types of asbestos are there and how can you identify them?
3 main types
- Amosite - Brown
- Crosidolite - Blue
- Chryisolite - white
What is asbestos?
An insulating material that if disturbed can release small toxic particles and fibres that can lodge into lungs and could cause diesease
When was asbestos banned in the UK?
Asbestos has been an illegal material in the UK since 1999.
What is the key legislation on asbestos?
The Control of Abestos Regulations 2012
What are the FIVE steps that the duty holder must undertake with regards to asbestos?
- Duty holder must asses whether the premises contain asbestos, where it is and what condition it is in. If in doubt, materials must be assumed to contain asbestos
- Produce a risk assessment and a plan to manage the asbestos – do any areas need encapsulating or removed
- Produce an asbestos register
- Make the register available to all parties who might disturb it
- Review the register regularly (HSE recommend every 6 months)
What are the two types of asbestos survey? When would they be used?
- Management survey – to locate and assess it and advice on its management during normal occupation and use of premises. No sampling of materials or analysis is undertaken
- Refurbishment/demolition survey – required where the premises, or part of it, need upgrading, refurbishment or demolition. Samples of materials suspected of containing asbestos are taken and analysed
What are the FIVE steps that the duty holder must undertake with regards to asbestos?
- Duty holder must asses whether the premises contain asbestos, where it is and what condition it is in. If in doubt, materials must be assumed to contain asbestos
- Produce a risk assessment and a plan to manage the asbestos – do any areas need encapsulating or removed
- Produce an asbestos register
- Make the register available to all parties who might disturb it
- Review the register regularly (HSE recommend every 6 months)
What does the Equality Act 2010 require of those who manage buildings / service providers / landlords?
- It is illegal for them to discriminate against or victimise an occupier
- Must make reasonable adjustments to help disabled people if they would be placed at a substantial disadvantage if the work was not carried out
What section of the building regulations deals with access for disabled persons?
Part M
According to the Equality Act 2010, what will the test for reasonableness include?
- Effectiveness of the adjustment for the disabled person
- The practicality of the adjustment
- Its financial cost and likely disruption
- Financial and other resources available to the service provider
What are the statutory obligations of a commercial property owner ?
- Asbestos management
- Contamination
- Disability discrimination and equality
- Energy performance certificates
- Fire safety
- Healthy and safety
- Legionnaires disease
- Occupiers liability
- PAT testing (for portable electrical equipment)
- Waste management
How often should you replace a hard hat?
Every 5 years
How would you recognise asbestos in a building? Where is it likely to be located in a building?
- Can be found anywhere within a building
- Unlikely to be present in building constructed after 1999
- Diagram contained in RICS Surveying Safely, 2019 showing the likely places that asbestos can be located in properties
- Often used as lagging around pipework for fire retardant purposes, partition walls, roof sheets, flooring
- White dust implies the presence of asbestos
Example 1 - Health and Safety L2
HGV Testing Centre, Northampton
Tell me about this inspection?
- Purpose: Inspection for a redbook valuation for DVSA on behalf of senior colleague
- Approach: Due to the age and nature of the building I checked what PPE would be required and was made aware of the presence of RAAC throughout the building
- Reasoning: On my inspection I was villigant and cautious of safety warnings and proping equiptment and documented on floor plans what areas were no longer deemed safe
- Outcome: I reported my findings back to my colleague and advised of the areas that defective RAAC had been propped and that the building was no longer fully operational. I also recommended that they sought professional advice from building surveyor with the relevant experiance
What is RAAC?
- Reinfored Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) lightweight concrete used to form panels or planks with no aggregate unlike common concrete reinforced with longitudinal steel bar rods secured with transverse anchorage bars at the ends.
- It was mainly used in flat roofs but also in some floor and wall panel construction in the UK from the mid-1950s to the mid-1990s.
- There is evidence that it has been used in a limited number of buildings through the 1990’s and 2000’s.
- RAAC was used in a range of building types, both public and private sector, but is believed to be more common in schools, hospitals and public buildings.
What are the concerns around RAAC
- There are concerns around the lifespan of RAAC which was expected to be around 30 years.
- However there has been instance of errors during manufacturing which has made some RAAC more susceptible to water ingress and extreme weatehr which can cause the longtiducnal steel rob bars to corode.
- Also during installation if the panals were cut, cutting the transverse anchorage this would dramatically reduce the load bearing capacity
Example 2 - Health and Safety L2
Lone Working Policy - Inheritance Tax Inspection
Tell me about your companies Lone Working Policy?
- I made someone where i was going and who you i was meeting
- I logged this into my outlook caldender along with my mode of transport
- I carried my personal GPS safety device (people safe)
- I ensured my phone was charged and I had the charger
- I also considered my access arrangements