Health and Safety Flashcards
What is a site recce?
A visit to a specific location that will be used for recording purposes
What is the purpose of a site recce?
To check access, see what is there, identify the best positions and assess environmental considerations. To check that it is suitable
Give 3 things that may be included in a site recce
Any 3 from location, access, lighting, health & safety issues and availability of power
Why must a risk assessment be stored?
To cover you and any organisation that you work for in case of claims
What do risk assessments help do?
Identify and minimise the risks
Risk assessments identify…
Hazards and dangers
Risk assessments decide who might be harmed and…
What do risk assessments do?
Evaluate risks and decide on precautions to be taken
True/False: Risk assessments record findings and do nothing about them
False, they record findings and implement them
True/False: Risk assessments are reviewed and updated if necessary
How do computer users get eye strain and headaches?
After staring at a computer screen for a long time, especially when working in bad light or with a poor screen
Offer 2 solutions to eye strain and headaches caused by use of computers
Any 2 from have the monitor height at the same time as your eyes, don’t sit too close to the screen and take regular breaks (5 mins per hour)
How do computer users get back pain?
Due to poor posture or sitting in an awkward position
Offer 2 solutions to back pain caused by use of computers
Any 2 from use a fully adjustable chair, use footrests so that legs are at a natural angle, don’t slouch, take regular breaks to walk around and have the monitor at eye level
What does RSI stand for?
Repetitive Strain Injury
What is RSI?
Damage to the fingers and wrists due to repeated movements over a long period of time
Offer 2 solutions to RSI caused by use of computers
Any 2 from use wrist rests, regular breaks and ensure workstations are the correct height
Why are cables a health and safety hazard?
They could be tripped over
How can tripping over cables be avoided?
Make sure they are out of the way and covered with tape
Lights can become ___ so make sure the area is well ventilated
Why is it important that lights are secured in place?
They are heavy and could fall and hurt someone
Wires can be trip hazards so make sure…
cables and wires are not loose and are out of the way or covered with tape
What risk comes with working at height?
You could fall
Why would someone be working at height?
Adjusting lighting or filming up high
How can you be safe when working at a height?
Wear safety gear such as a hard hat and have safety barriers up
How can you avoid injury or back pain when using heavy equipment?
You should use the correct lifting technique and lift things with more than one person where needed
Give 2 health and safety points that are important when using computers
Any 2 from chair height, seating position, distance from screen to eyes and whether the keyboards / mice are comfortable