Health and Safety 4 Flashcards
- Does the RICS publish an information on how to execute your role safely?
Yes Surveying safely 2nd edition 2018 – This is a guidance note and is recommend that we follow it
Yes Surveying safely 2nd edition 2018 – This is a guidance note and is recommend that we follow it
- What is the purpose of Surveying safely
Sets out basic good practice principles for the management of H & S for RICS regulated firms and member. It sets out principles for those engaged in the built environment and includes H & S responsibilities.
- Is surveying safely regulation or guidance?
Guidance, it is recommended that you follow it
- What is the concept of a “safe person” as outlined in RICS surveying safely, 2018?
Each individual assumes individual behavioural responsibly for this own, their colleagues and other H & S while at work.
- What are the key points of the CDM regulations?
Construction Design Management Regulations 2015
* That clients, designers, contractors and others consider H & S of those constructing, maintaining and demolishing the works.
* Places statutory duties on clients, principal designer, designers and contractors to plan, manage and coordinate H & S throughout a project
* Improves safety on site through design, planning and management
- Who are the key duty holders under CDM 2015
- Client
- Principal designer
- Principal contractor
- Designers
- Contractors
- Workers
- Under CDM what are commercial clients?
Organisations or individuals for whom construction project is carried out that is done as part of a business.
- Under CDM what are domestic clients?
People who have construction work carried out on their own home, or the home of a family member that is not done as part of a business.
- Under CDM who must make suitable arrangements for managing a project, including the allocation of sufficient time and other resources?
The client
- How does CDM apply to domestic clients with no contractors?
If they work is carried out by someone else on a domestic client’s behalf the regulations apply. If the householder carries out the work for themselves then the regulations do not apply.
- Who are the designers under CDM?
Organisations or individuals who as part of a business, prepare or modify designs for a building product or system relating to construction works. Designers provide information to other members of the project team to help them fulfil their duties.
When preparing or modifying design, eliminate, reduce or control foreseeable risks that might arise during:
* Construction
* The maintenance and use of a building
- What is the role of the principal designer?
The principal designer has an important role in influencing how risks to H & S are managed throughout the project. Design decisions made during the pre-construction phase have a significant influence in ensuring the project is delivered in a way that secures H & S of everyone effect by the work.
Principal designers must:
* Plan, manage, monitor and coordinate H & S in the Pre-construction phase
* Help and advise the client in bringing together Pre-construction information and provide the information designers and contractors need to carry out their duties
* Work with other designers on the project to eliminate foreseeable H & S risks to anyone effected by the work and where that is not possible take steps to reduce or control those risks.
* Ensure that everyone involved in the pre-construction phase communicates and cooperates coordinating their work whenever required
* Liaise with the principal contractor, keeping them informed of any risks that need to be controlled during the construction phase
- What is the role of the principal contractor?
The principal Contractors have an important role in managing H & S risks during the construction phase, so they must have the skills, knowledge, experience and where relevant organisation capability to carry out this work.
The principal Contractor must:
* Plan, manage, monitor and coordinate the entire construction phase
* Take account of the H & S risks to everyone effected by the work (including the public) in planning and managing the measures needed to control them
* Liaise with the client and principal designer for the duration of the project to ensure that all risks are effectively managed
* Prepare a written construction phase plan before the construction phase begins, implement and then regularly review and revise it to make sure it remains fit for purpose.
* Have ongoing arrangements in place for managing H & S throughout the construction phase
* Consult and engage with workers about their, health, safety and welfare
* Ensure suitable welfare facilities are provided from the start and maintained throughout the construction phase
* Check that anyone they appoint has the skills, knowledge and experience and where relevant the organisational capability to carry out their work safely and without risk to health
* Ensure all works have site specific inductions and any further training they need
* Steps to prevent unauthorised access to the site
* Liaise with the principal designer to share any information relevant to the planning, management, monitoring and coordination of the pre-construction phase.
- What is an F10 notification?
This is the form that is filled out and sent to the HSE that indicates this is a notifiable construction project
- When is a project notifiable to the HSE under CDM 2015 regulations?
If the project is expected to:
* Exceed 30 working days and have more than 20 people working at the same time
* Or 500 person days
- Who issues the F10.
Technically it is the clients duty under CDM, however, the client usually passes this duty on to the principal designer.
- What is pre-construction information or PCI?
This plays a vital role in the tender pack that gets sent to the Contractors. It makes contractors aware of H & S and welfare requirements. This will ensure that all contractors are pricing to the same standard which should encourage competition.
- What is included in the PCI?
* Description of the works
* Client considerations and management requirements
* Environmental restrictions and existing site risks
* Significant design and construction hazards
* H & S file
- What is a H & S file?
This is prepared and released post completion. I will have information for those carrying out future works such as cleaning, maintenance, alterations, refurbishment and demolition works. It if important for those carrying out future works to understand the H & S risks that should be considered for their works.
* The principal designer ensures the file is prepared, reviewed, and issues to the client
* Client, designers, contractors – must supply all information that needs to be included in the file
* Clients must ensure the file is kept available for parties involved in future construction works at the same site.
* All parties should ensure information for inclusion in H & S file is accurate relevant and promptly provided.
- What should the H & S file include?
- A brief description of the work carried out
- Any hazards associated with the materials used (special coatings should not be burnt off etc)
- Information regarding the removal or dismantling of installed plant and equipment
- Nature location and marking of significant services including underground cables & gas etc
- Residual hazards and how they have been dealt with (e.g. surveys or other information regarding asbestos, contaminated land etc.)