Health and Safety Flashcards
What is the purpose of surveying safely?
To set out good practice principles for the management of health and safety for RICS regulated firms and RICS members
What is a safe person?
An individual who assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues and others health and safety at work
Do you have an example of when you have followed surveying safely?
When inspecting the office property in Soho, I ensured that I assessed the hazards and risks of attending the site. I wore appropriate PPE, checked in and out of the site with the site manager and had an induction before entering the site.
What is the legislation for health and safety?
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
What does this legislation set out?
The employers liability to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable to ensure the safety of its employees whilst at work.
This is policed by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
What is asbestos?
Asbestos is a hazardous material that can cause harm to health when disturbed. It is commonly found in insulation.
When was asbestos banned?
White asbestos was the final type of asbestos to be banned in the UK in 1999. The other forms of asbestos were banned in 1985
What would you do if you found asbestos on site?
Before attending site, I would request visibility of the asbestos register.
If I found asbestos on site that was undisturbed and in the register, I would do nothing.
If I found asbestos that was disturbed, I would leave the site and inform the duty holder immediately.
What are the penalties for not complying with asbestos regulations?
It is a criminal offence.
Fines to a maximum of £20,000 and the possibility of 12 months in prison.
If a more serious offence, a court can impose larger penalties
How would you check if a property has asbestos?
Check the asbestos register
How is the duty holder for asbestos?
The owner of the premises if vacant or the tenant has an IRI lease.
The tenant if an FRI lease.
What are the duty holders responsibility (asbestos)?
- The duty holder must assess whether the premises contains asbestos and if so what condition it is in
- Assess the risk and produce an asbestos management plan
- Produce an asbestos register
- Make the register available to all relevant parties who may disturb it
- Review the register regularly (HSE recommends 6 monthly)
What is the Cluttons Lone Working policy?
The employee who is completing work alone should assess the risk with their line manager. The procedures that will be put in place include making a diary invite to the line manager and employee detailing the location, travel plans, on site contact, expected timings. The employee must check in on the stay safe app and check out on this app. The line manager and another safe person has access to this information.
What PPE was required (Soho)?
Hard hat, steel-toe capped boots, high vis jacket
What precautions did you take when going to the building site? (Soho)
Before attending site, I contacted the on site contact to understand what the risks are and what PPE would be required as well as any special instructions.
When arriving to site, I confirmed with the site manager that I had appropriate PPE. I then had a site induction with the site manager.
What are occupiers liabilities?
Occupiers liability Act 1957
To take such care in all circumstances that are reasonable to see that the visitor will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the purposes in which they are permitted to be there.
What are CDM Regulations?
Construction Design and Management Regulations, 2015
Health and safety during the design and management of all commercial building projects