Health and Safety Flashcards
What RICS guidance should you familiarise yourself with before an inspection? What does it include?
Rics Surveying Safely Guidance Note 2018 2nd Ed
What are the CDM Regulations?
management of health and safety during construction projects
What are the requirements of the CDM Regulations?
Requires a Principal Designer and Principal Contractor, F10, dutyholders, PCI, CPP, H&S file, sufficiently skilled/trained/experienced operatives.
What governs health and safety in the workplace? What is it?
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Legislation confirming duties employers have to employees regarding H&S, protecting non employees and controlling explosive or flammable substances.
What is HSE? Give an example of HSE guidance
Britain’s national regulator for workplace H&S.
HSE guidance include home working, first aid in work, appoint a competent person, reporting accidents or incidents.
What risk assessments should be undertaken before visiting a site?
Lone working
Working at height
Visiting a construction site
Visiting a derelict property
Confined space
What is the purpose of a Construction Phase Plan? What is included in a CPP?
Existing site risks
Risks from undertaking the works
Other H&S measures, e.g. inductions/toolbox talks/A&E
Give an example of how you ensured H&S standards were being met on a project?
I included a section on H&S and whether items were being met for Acorn House.
What is included in a PCI? What is our role in relation to PCI production?
- Introduction
- Client requirements, site set up, etc
- Existing site risks
- Risks that could arise from the works
- Other H&S considerations, e.g. nearest A&E
- Existing information, e.g. fire risk assessment, asbestos management plan, etc
What is RIDDOR? When should you report an incident?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013. Any accidents notifiable under RIDDOR should be made within 15 days of the incident, near miss or disease.
What does the latest CLC guidance state?
CLC guidance no longer current and withdrawn but 9 versions are available for reference
What are the main elements of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012? Who does it apply to?
Applies to employers, employees and those managing a property. The dutyholder is the person that has clear responsibility for the maintenance or repair of non-domestic premises.
Ensures management of asbestos for non-domestic properties, asbestos management plan and survey, R&D survey if construction works, some removal may not be licensable but still notifiable.
What is the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005?
Applies to all buildings other than individual private homes and ensures employees have fire safety training, FRAs are undertaken and those with control reduce fire risk.
What is the difference between the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005 and the Fire Safety Act 2021?
Fire Safety Bill 2021 amended clarifying Responsible Persons should reduce fire risk to external walls, e.g. windows/balconies and all doors to common parts.
When are CDM regulations applicable?
CDM 2015 applies to all construction work including domestic projects.
What needs to be in place to control asbestos in an existing building?
An asbestos management plan and an asbestos management survey
Provide an example of when you raised an urgent health and safety issue on site? How did you ensure it was rectified?
I raised an urgent issue when operatives were not were PPE on scaffolding for the ext decs project. I advised them to urgently put on PPE and afterwards informed the site manager and PD.
You are going to a new site for an inspection, what is the process?
- Research the site and any info
- Have PPE and equipment prepared
- Put myself in diary and inform line manager
- Review relevant risk assessments
- Attend site and sign in, undertake induction, etc as required
On your Acorn House project, tell me about how you reported your H&S observations?
- H&S section included within my report.
- Any urgent actions I requested whilst on site and also addressed them in the report.
- Principal Designer was cc’d into reports issued.
Do you have an obligation to report H&S issues?
Yes as per the safe person concept to protect myself and others and I have a duty of care
Give examples of different risk assessments?
Lone working, Office risk assessment, risk assessment for empty buildings, risk assessment for construction sites.
What are the requirements of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012? What should the client have available?
Client should have an asbestos management plan and asbestos management survey.
Dutyholder should have a clear record of the asbestos in a building. This should be given to anyone undertaking work. Any asbestos to be removed should be undertaken under controlled conditions with air tests and it should be checked whether the work is licensable and notifiable.
Describe the sections within the RICS Surveying Safely guidance note. What year and edition is it?
RICS Surveying Safely 2nd Ed 2018
Assessing hazards and risks, place of work, occupational hygiene and health, visiting sites, fire safety, management of contractors
Give examples of HSE guidance you have read?
home working, first aid in work, appoint a competent person, reporting accidents or incidents.
Talk me through how you ensure H&S before, during and after a survey?
- Review risk assessments
- Bring correct PPE and equipment
- Review site information
- Put myself into calendar and inform line manager
- Adhere to company policy
- Undertake induction and sign in
- Adhere to site rules
- After update any risk assessments or discuss with the PD and site manager as necessary
What is a safe person concept?
Each individual has responsibility for their own and others safety whilst at work.
Give an example of a time you commented on a H&S issue on site
- Protective capping not installed to re-bar at Axe Street.
- PPE not being worn during ext decs project whilst on scaffolding.
- Heras fencing not weighted and at an angle at Morden College.
Should you report a H&S issue if you are not involved in the project?
Yes, duty of care and safe person concept
What is CHAS registration?
Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme
CHAS leads the way in setting compliance benchmarks that raise supply chain risk management standards across the country.
For Acorn House, why are combustible cable ties an issue? What is the legislation that prevents them?
Combustible ties – 18th Ed IET Wiring Regulations (BS7671). Cables become loose in event of fire.
Are you required to comment on a construction phase plan?
Duty of care to ensure H&S, it is for the PD to provide comment but I also have a courtesy check to confirm whether I have any observations.
What are common risks for construction sites?
- Slips, trips, falls
- Working at height
- Deleterious materials
- Hot works
- Working in confined spaces
What does the Fire Safety Order 2005 require the client to have in place? What is the Fire Safety Order 2021?
A responsible person. Fire Safety Act amends fire safety order and updates the responsibilities for the responsible person
What is the CLC? What does the latest CLC advice state?
Construction Leadership Council, organisation which provides advice to the construction industry.
1 April 2022 Site Operating Procedures no longer current but remain as a reference document. Gives advice on cleaning, hand washing, travelling on public transport and site visitor guidance.
For the internal decorations project, what comments did you make on the construction phase plan?
Relayed the following issues to the client for their consideration:
- Wrong A&E hospital was listed.
- Client’s details were incorrect.
- RAMS were not provided for working at height
- No inclusion for consideration of measures to take for scaffolding, e.g scaff tag/ lighting/ etc.
- Contractor handbook to be signed daily but no mention of this
What are the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regs 1999?
A risk assessment undertaken if there’s 5+ employees, employ competent people and arrange training.
What is the Considerate Constructors Scheme?
Inspections which scores and encourages best practise and raises standards in the industry.
What does RIDDOR stand for?
Reporting of Incidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013
What is generally included in a PCI and CPP?
description, management of work, controlling site risks and construction hazards, include H&S file format and other records.
For Acorn House, why was debris an issue?
Fire strategy not maintained and exit routes not clear.
What is the purpose of RICS Surveying Safely?
RICS guidance note setting out good practise principles for the management of health and safety for RICS members.
Name types of PPE?
- Hardhat
- Hi-viz
- Steel toe capped boots
- Glasses
- Gloves
What legislation does PPE fall under?
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 2022
Give an example of a time you prepared a designer risk assessment for health and safety compliance?
I assisted in the designer risk assessment for the fire service floor refurbishment project, which was edited and issued by the PD.
What are the different sections of the CDM Regulations 2015?
Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 Client Duties
Part 3 Health and Safety Duties and Roles
Part 4 General Requirements for all Construction Sites
Part 5 General
What are the different sections of the Fire Safety Order 2005?
Part 1 General
Part 2 Fire Safety Duties
Part 3 Enforcement
Part 4 Offences and Appeals
Part 5 Miscellaneous
What are the principles of a safe person concept?
- A safe working environment
- Safe work equipment
- Safe systems of work
- Competent staff
What is the hierarchy of risk control management?
Engineering controls
Administrative controls
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
For Acorn House, what health and safety observations did you make?
- Fire escape routes blocked
- Non combustible cable ties installed
- PPE not being worn
- Protective capping not installed to re-bar
What would you find in the H&S file?
- It only needs to contain H&S information that would be useful for the planning of future works or maintenance.
- A brief description of the work carried out;
- Any residual hazards which remain and how they have been dealt with
- Key structural principles and safe working loads for floors and
roofs, particularly where these may preclude placing scaffolding or heavy machinery there; - hazardous materials used
- information regarding the removal or dismantling of installed plant and equipment
- health and safety information about equipment provided for cleaning or maintenance
- the nature, location and markings of significant services
- information and as-built drawings of the structure, its plant and equipment
What are the regulations responsible for reporting an accident? Who must report them?
RIDDOR 2013.
The responsible person, who is the employer or person in charge of the site.
What is the period of notification prior to any asbestos removal works?
14 days to HSE / local authority
If you were to disregard all H&S and cause damage and injury yourself, who would be liable?
My own employer who would cover the cost for insurance.
For your case study project, how did you ensure good standards of H&S?
- Preparing work risk assessments
- Wearing personal protective equipment on site
- Adhering to contractor’s site rules
- Attending site inductions
- Ensuring health and safety was discussed at meetings
- Cooperating with the PD.
- Reporting visible risks (traffic management issues)
What is a risk assessment?
A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause
harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough
precautions or should do more to prevent harm.
What are the 5 steps to risk assessment?
Step 1 - Identify the hazards
Step 2 - Decide who might be harmed and how
Step 3 - Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
Step 4 - Record your findings and implement them
Step 5 - Review your assessment and update if necessary
What are the powers of HSE?
- Inspectors can visit site without notice, talk to workers, take pictures and samples.
- An improvement notice requires a contravention to be remedied within a specified
time (no less than 21 days). - A prohibition notice is issued if there is, or is likely to be, a risk of serious personal injury, and it requires an activity to be stopped immediately and cannot resume until remedial action is taken.
- Fines and imprisonment if necessary.
What are the key objectives of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974? What are the key items within the Act?
- Securing the health, safety and welfare of persons at work;
- Protecting persons, other than persons at work, against risks to health or safety
arising out of or in connection with the activities of persons at work;
- Controlling the keeping and use of explosive or highly flammable or otherwise
dangerous substances, and generally preventing the unlawful acquisition,
possession and use of such substances.
- Employers written H&S policy if more than 5 employees
access to H&S advice
- Risk assessments
- Provide safe place of work
- Assess risks associated with display screens and workstations
- Provide training and information to staff
- Employer’s liability insurance
- Working hours
- Duty of reporting (RIDDOR)
- Lone working, young people, pregnant women, etc.
- Employees
- As per own company’s policy
What are your company’s H&S policy?
- Prevent work-related injuries or illnesses
- Prevent damage to property and/or equipment from our activities
- Prevent adverse impacts to the environment from our ongoing projects or operations
- ISO 18001 certification (internal audits, H&S alerts, reporting, training, travel advice,
check PPE’s, yearly Display Screen Equipment survey) - At staff level;
- Take responsibility for safety and comply with safe systems of work
- Act responsively; report incidents and near misses
- Regular training refresher courses
- Risk assessments compulsory for all projects with bi-monthly updates as a
minimum. - CSCS cards
When is an F10 required?
30 days during with 20 workers on site at any one time or 500 man days of construction work.
You find the site you are inspecting is unsafe, what do you do?
Notify the contractor, client and HSE.
What action kills most operatives on construction sites?
Falls from height.
What is the RICS Surveying Safely front cover?
Blue cover and blocks.
What is the governance of the RICS Surveying Safely?
- If there is a negligent claim you can prove you were acting in accordance with the good practise guidance note.
For what buildings would an asbestos management plan be required?
- Usually post 2000 buildings but not always
- Commercial properties and communal areas of domestic properties.
Name some key headings under the RICS surveying safely?
1 Personal responsibilities for RICS members and corporate responsibilities for RICS-regulated firms
2 Relevance to RICS Professional Groups
3 Assessing hazards and risks
4 RICS members’ places of work
5 Occupational hygiene and health
6 Visiting premises or sites
7 Fire Safety
8 Residential property surveying
9 General procurement and management of contractors
Appendix A Example audit template
When do CDM Regulations apply?
They apply to every construction project where construction work is being undertaken.