Health And Safety Flashcards
What are Mclarens health and safety procedures?
What are the key principles of the RICS Surveying Safely Guidance Note 2nd edition 2018?
RICS regulated firms must provide:
-safe working environment.
-safe work equipment.
-safe systems of work.
-provide competent staff.
How do you adhere to RICS Surveying safely (2018) when inspecting sites?
-conduct risk assessments.
-never enter. Building if it doesn’t feel right.
-always carry a mobile phone and inform colleagues where you are.
-wear appropriate PPE.
What does the Health and safety at work act 1974 require of you?
-Take care of my own health and safety and that of others.
-not interfere with any health and safety equipment.
-co-operate with employers
Can you advise e on a couple of aspects included in RICS Surveying safely?
-Safe person concept.
- Advice on mental health and wellbeing
What hazards to you have to be aware of when inspecting a site?
Loose building materials
RICS Regulated firms must ensure they provide:
A safe working environment
Safe or equipment
Safe systems of work
Competent staff
The health and safety act is policed by who?
Health and safety executive HSE.
Anything with potential to cause harm e.g. wet floor
When must a firm carry out a risk assessment?
When a firms employing more than 5 staff.
What does a health and safety risk assessment involve?
- Identify the hazards present.
- Identify the people at risk from the hazards.
- Evaluate the risk, consider likelihood of accidents.
- Record the findings on a form
- Review the risk assessment regularly.
- Advise all those affected and outline methods to reduce risk
What are your company’s H&S procedures
- Health and safety officer= kat duckham
- First aid officer and fire safety officer.
- Risk assessment undertaken every 6 months.
What PPE would be required when visiting a brownfield site?
-Hard Hat
-Fluorescent jacket
-steel-toed books
What is he famous case regarding lone working?
Suzy lamplugh
-estate agent didn’t inform boss
What are the potential safety issues with dilapidated buildings?
- Unstable roof
- Asbestos
- Squatters
- Needles
- Loose building materials
What is the structure of the guidance note ‘Surveying Safely’ 2nd edition 2018.
- Personal Responsibilities for RICS members and firms.
- Assessing hazards and risks.
- Workplace health and safety.
- Occupational hygiene and health.
- Visiting premises and sites.
- Fire safety
- Residential property surveying.
- Procurement and management of contractors
What is the safe person concept?
-Individuals assume responsibility for their own, colleagues and other H&S at work.
-Seeks to ensure individuals accept responsibility for their action and have necessary tools to do their job.
What new guidance contained in the 2nd edition of RICS Surveying safely?
-Advice on mental health and wellbeing.
-safe person concept
What should you consider when undertaking an inspection of a building site?
-consider precautions and potential hazards/risks.
-sign in/out of building site
-check dated tag if going on scaffolding
-wear non slip shoes when going up ladder
What is your company’s lone working policy
-Tell someone where you are going.
-Have a buddy that you check in with at the end of the day.
-ensure mobile phone charged.
-have escape routes ready.
-verify the authenticity of visitors and meet them outside the property
What is a risk
Chances a hazard will actually cause harm
What is a method statement?
A statement outlining how something will be done
What was the Hackett review
-Led by Dem Judith Hackitt, reported May 2018
-independent review of Building Regs and fire safety called ‘building a safer future’
-Made over 50 recommendations for changes to ensure a more robust regulatory system
What followed the Hackitt Review (2018)?
The fire safety Act 2021 reforms the fire safety order 2005.
The act relates to multi-occupied residential buildings:
1. Regular inspections of lifts
2. Update evacuation plans.
3. Ensure residents have suitable fire safety instructions.
4. Ensuring individual flat entrance doors comply with current standards.
5. Make sure responsible person manage and reduce risk of fire.
What is asbestos?
An insulation that can cause serious health problems and fatal diseases.
Why is asbestos dangerous?
Left undisturbed its harmless. However when it is damaged it can release toxic fibres.
What are the three types of asbestos?
-Amosite (Brown)
-Crocidolite (Blue)
- Chrysotile (White)
When was asbestos banned
Blue and brown-1985
What is the latest health and safety act?
TheBuilding safety Act 2022. This is legislation to enhance regulations for building safety and ensure residents have a stronger voice in ensuring safety in buildings.
What does the Building Safety Act 2022 consist of?
- Implements elements of Hackitt review.
-provide new system to oversee built environment with local enforcement agencies and national regulators to strengthen.
-residents to have more say in maintaining saftey.
-enforcement to deter non compliance.
-new build developers to belong to a New Homes Ombudsman scheme. - The Act introduces a new building safety regulator.
-improve standard of buildings.
-secure safety of people in buildings
What is key legislation relating to asbestos?
The control of asbestos regulations 2012- non compliance is a criminal offence
What did you learn on your Health and Safety course?
-Learned about health and safety at my desk and in the workplace.
-Desk positioning
-Chair height
-Lumbar support
-Keyboard positioning
What is the 6 pack of H&S Regulation?
- Management of H&S at work
- Display screen equipment
- Manual Handling operations
- Provision and use of equipment
- Workplace health, safety and welfare
RICS Action since Grenfell fire?
- providing advice and support to Government.
-Advised members of importance of robust fire assessments. - Guidance on high-rise buildings
-Responded to governments call for evidence on effectiveness of FIRE SAFETY ORDER
What health and safety legislation are you aware of?
-Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
-Control of Asbestos Regulation 2012
-Construction (Design and Management) Regs 2015
Can you tell me any recent recent amendments to Part B you are aware of?
From November 2020
Trigger height for sprinkler systems is 11 metres (was previously 30 m)
What is the hierarchy of risk control?
-Engineering controls
-Administrative controls
What do the control of asbestos Regulations 2012 require?
-Rules on how to deal with asbestos.
-Minimum standards for protecting employees.
-Suggests asbestos in good condition should be left and have condition monitored.
-Duty for building owner/occupier to manage asbestos.
-work on asbestos has to be carried out by licensed contractor
What regulations do you pay attention to with regard to Health and Safety?
Health and Safety Act 1974
What does he Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 say about H&S?
-Duty of employers to ensure H&S for all employees.
-Must report injuries and dangerous occurrences.
- Take care of my own and others H&S.
-Not interfere with any H&S equipment.
-Co-operate with my employer
What regulation is related to Injuries and disease?
RIDDOR- Reporting of Injuries, Disease AND Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995
-The trigger date for reporting injuries is over 7 day incapacitation.
-Such an Injury must be reported to HSE within 15 days from the date of the accident.
-All employers must also keep record for all 3-day plus injuries.
- This info. Can be kept in an accident book which must be kept for a minimum of 3 years after an occupational accident or injury.
What regulations related to Fire safety are you aware of?
- Fire Risk Management Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
- The fire safety act 2021
What does the fire safety order 2005 involve?
-suggests any person with control of a premises is responsible for ensuring fire safety.
-carry out risk assessment
-consider who may be at risk
-get rid of o reduce risk
-create plan to deal with emergencies
What changes have come in since grenfell fire in 2018?
-The Hackett Review (Building a Safer future)
- Led by Dame Judith Jackitt.
-Reviewed Building Regs and fire safety
-made over 50 recommendations for changes to ensure a more robust regulatory system
How have the government responded to the Hackitt Review?
The Draft building safety bill 2021
-implementing 50 recommendation
-Introduces clearer standards
- Puts residents first
-Puts more responsibility on construction industry
What would you do if a colleague was injured in the workplace?
RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries disease, Dangerous occurrence Regulation)
- suggests that you have to report incidents that leave employer incapacitated for more than 3 days
-Injuries that leave someone unable to do their job for more than 7 days
-things such s bone fractures, burns, loss of sight and head injuries
What guidance have the Royal Institution of Chatered Surveyors issued in relation to H&S?
RICS Surveying Safely 2018
Can you tell me about some key principles of the RICS Surveying Safely Guidance Note
RICS regulated firms must provide:
- safe environment
-safe equipment
- safe systems
-competent staff
How do you ensure you have regard to the RICS Guidance Note Surveying Safely 2018
- I conduct a risk assessments
- Never enter a building if it doesn’t feel right
-Always carry a mobile phone ad inform colleagues of whereabouts