Data Management Flashcards
What databases do you use?
Internal database
What are the GDPR Regulations?
General Data Protection Regulations
-Relates to personal data
-Aims to create single data protection scheme for anyone doing business in EU
-Gives people more rights to be informed about how their data is used.
What are the key principles of the Data Protection Act 2018?
-UK’s implementation of GDPR 2016
-Complete data protection system
What is an NDS (Non-disclosure agreements)?
This agreement key elements are:
-Identity of parties
-Definition of what is confidential
-Scope of confidentiality
-Length of agreement
How does your firm keep its data safe?
To ensure privacy and protection of our data my firm uses:
-Regular backups off site
-Password protection
-Authenticator app
Other technologies include
-disk encryption
-use of anti virus software protection
-Firewalls and disaster recovery procedures
What is a firewall?
-security system that controls incoming and outgoing traffic based on predetermined security rules
What is copyright?
-A set of exclusive rights granted to the author or creator of any original work, including the right to copy.
-form of intellectual property
-crown copyright is all material created by gov.
What can you tell me about how to use Pro Map?
-can use pro map to measure site
- to check site boundary
When did GDPR come into effect?
25th May 2018
What legislation caused GDPR to come into effect?
The Data Protection Act 2018
What are the key requirements of GDPR?
-Obligation to conduct risk assessments on holding data
-New rights for individuals to access information
-Data Controller decides how and why data is processed and assumes responsibility
-“Data Accountability “ requiring organisations to prove ICO (Information Commissioners office) that they comply
What are automated Valuation Models
-software systems which can provide valuations using mathematical modelling
-Most commonly used for residential property
Can you tell me any principles of the UK GDPR?
-Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner.
-collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purpose.
-adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.
-accurate and kept up to date
-kept in form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than necessary.
What do the privacy and electronic communications regulations 2003 apply to?
-give people privacy rights relating to electronic communications.
-make it unlawful to transit an automated recorded message for direct marketing purposes without consent from subscriber
Can copyright be transferred?
Yes, but confirmation of the transfer has to be made in writing
What is the freedom of information act 2000?
Give the public access to info held by public authorities
Can you tell me about the retention of files under the limitation act 2000?
-Files should be kept for 6 years as this is the standard period of limitation under the limitation Act 1980.
Can you give me examples of primary and secondary data sources?
- Primary data= new info that is collected specifically for our purposes.
- Secondary data= info that has been collected by others
When using landinsight etc. and other data bases how do you validate your information?
-contact relevant agents.
-cross checking agent other sources
What does blockchain mean?
Digital record of transactions
What is BIM and how can it be used?
BIM= Building Information Modelling
-used to lower costs of construction
Can you tell me how you have regards to the GDPR principles in your role?
-ensure I don’t hold info. Unnecessarily
-ensure I keep data secure
How does GDPR apply to the UK following our exit from the European Union?
-UK GDPR has been written in to an emended version of the Data protection Act 2018
-still applies the same principles
What are the 8 individual rights under UK GDPR?
- To be informed.
- Of access.
3.To rectification. - To erasure.
- To restrict processing.
- To data portability (to use for their own purposes).
- To object.
- To automated decision making and profiling (as undertaken by insurance companies).
What are the key requirements of GDPR?
-Conduct DP impact assessments for high risk holding of data.
-Individuals can access information on hat info is held and have it erased.
- Data controller decides how and why personal data is processed
- accountability- Have to prove to ICO how you comply
What are the penalties for breaching GDPR?
-Up to 4% of global turnover of company or £20m (whichever greater)
What rights does GDPR give individuals?
-Automated decision making and profiling
How has your firm changed their data management practices to comply with GDPR?
-Appointed data controller
-Trained staff
-Ensured correct firewalls in place
What are the key principles of GDPR?
1. Lawfulness, fairness and transparency.
2. Purpose limitation
3. Data minimisation
4. Accuracy.
6. Integrity and confidentiality
7. Accountability
Are you aware of any legislation relating to Data Protection?
-The Data Protection Act 2018
-Freedom of Information Act 2000
-The limitation Act 2000
What are they key principles of the DPA 2018?
-UK’S Implementation of GDPR
What does the Limitation Act say about data?
-Files should be kept for 6 years given that this is the standard period for limitation under the Limitation Act.
What is the freedom of information Act 2000?
Gives public access to information held by public bodies.