health and nutricen Flashcards
what are engagment patterns
these are pieces of data which hsow us how mnay people are particpaiting or not participaiting in sport
what is the definition of participaition rates
the number of people within a group who are involved in psorrt compared to those who are not
what is a social group
this is a group of two or more people who interact with on anotherthese peole share simialr charcteristics and collectivly have a sense of unity
what are all of the catagories of social group
gender age ethnicity disabillity and socio economic group
tell me about the social age group
young people have a wide variety of oppotunitys such as school sports and various clubs
aprt from walking the number of adults who take part in sport generally deacreases with age
give some sporting examples of age affecting participaition
33% of adults participate in sport 30 mins a week
40.1% of men and 30.5% ofwomne participate in moderate intesnity levles of sport at least once a week
14 plus is an important time as this is often when lifelong participaition is set
how does gender affect participaition in sport
males and femlaes are bothe encourages to take part in sport this may be through lack of oppotunity or the fear of the steryotyping
what are the barriers to woemnts participaition
body image
male dominaition
lack of oppotunitys
lack of medai coverage/role modles
how does ethnicity affect participaition in sport
among different ethnic groups participaition varies very little for men however women from white backgrounds particpate in a larger amount of sport compared with pople from chinese black and people from other ethnic backgrounds
how does diasability affect particpaition in sport
there are more oppotunitys becoming availiable for disabled people to participate in sport
these oppotunitys allow pople to compete against people of the same bracket
why is the lack of participaition from adults who dissabled lower to those who are not
lack of oppotunitys
lack of specialist coaaches
high cost for equipment
lack of access to facilites
low role modle/media coverage
what does our socio economic group relate to
it relates to our economic status (working class, middle class, upper class)
which socio economic froup competes the most in sport
more people from a higher class particpate in sport comapered to a lower class this is proven as in 2016 in the rio olympics32% of our medla winners were privatlly educated
why do people from a higher economic group participte in sport
increased oppotunity scolarships excellent coaching facillites
more time and resources
what are some strats to improve participaition in sport
more informaition/educaition on the benefits oppotunities of regular sport participaition like tv advertising to show benefits of regular excerise
wioder promotion of clubs that have lower participaition rates by national governing bodies
what are some strats to improve participaition in sport
more facilites available for regular participaition ensuring ezch comunity is servced by a leisure center
enusre facilites are valiable for onger amounts of time in a day to allow peopleto particpate at which ever time fits them best
what are some strats to improve participaition in sport
( access)
introduction of adapted games e.g walking football walking basketball and touch rugby for adults
activites/sessions for adults only or age group sessions e.g adult 40+ fitness classes
what is comercialisaition
the act of making something availiable to be bought or sold for financial profit
how does the media affect comercilaisaition in sport
the more popular/ succesfull an athlete/ team/ sport is the more likly that brands will be interested in sponsoring them. for example a brand will want to support a premier league team comapere to a ligue 2 team
what are the different types of media coverage
social media: tix tok, x, facebook, snapchat etc
broadcst media television and radio: sky sports, TNT sports, ITV
print media such as news pappers/ magasins/ including broadsheets
internet such as online articles
what is the golden triangle
what are the key points on the golden triangle
the media wants high qaulity entertaining sport. High quality sport attracts morse sponsors/ investors, bringing in more oeny into the sport
if the sport isnt of high standards and enterataining, less sponsors will be attracted so thee will be less media coverage and less moeny coming into the sport
what are the positive effects of having more media
increase the popularity of the sport
increase the satndard of the sport as the clubs will have more money to invest in better facilites
to provide a shop window for a bussinesses and their productas well as the sports
what are the negative effetcs of the media
less popular sports/ teams will have none of the media benefits as no one wants to watch them
what is sponsorship
sponsorship is a form of advertising where a company pays more to be associated with a player, event or team
what are the different types of sponsorship
thyey can sposnsor facilites such as grounds and stadiums for examppe the ethiaad the emirates spotify camp nou
or they can sponsor closthing such as cloths and sports kit like ronadlo with nike football boots and rory mclroy and nike golf clubs
what is the golden triangle in sport
this is sponsorship
sport and media in one triangle as they all inter link
what are the advantages of sponsorship
helps provide money for performers to train and improve
free clothing and equipment can be offered up
they can fund accomodaition and transport
what are the disadvantages of sponserships in sport
sponsorships can be withdrawn therfor leaving teams and clubs with no money
they can become controllling/ restrict other income
some sponsorships can be un ethical such as betting firms
what is sportmanship
ethical appropriate, olite and fair behaviour while participaiting in a game or an athletic avent this is also known as fair play
what are some example of good sportmanship
shaking hands before a game/ event
being gracious in defeate or a win
following and accepting the rules
why has there been a decline in good sportmanship
media hyping up rivalries beteen tems or clubs
there is a larger emphasis on winning
there are increased monaetary rewards for doing well
what is deviance
Human behaviour that is against your societys norms and values
an example of deviance is what
fighting during a match/ event
what ares some reasons for deviance in sport
athletes are wiling to take the risks
athletes haveing low morales so they are happy to hurt others
athletes wanting to earn money buy winning
what is violence
beahviour involving physical forcw intended to hurt somone damage or kill
what are reasons for violence in sport
fustraition of loosing
media pressure
pressure/agravaition from the crowd
to gain an advantage/hurt your opponent
reaction to a challenge/ comment
being annoyed at a bd decison from a official
over arousla during a game
as a result of drugs
frustariation of loosing
what are performance enhancing drugs
these are drugs which are banned in competative sports due to their ability to have a positive affect on a performance
what are some reason for taking peds
to maintain a sposorship
influenced by others
to win at all costs
lack ahaving moral boundarie s
might not be nataurally good enough
increase thier success
mor media coverage/ publicity
they feel underpressure to win
what are the main three peds
anabolic steriods
beta blockers
what do anabolic steriods do to you
thyey mimic natural hormones in boys which contorl how the body works
they can increase muscle groqth
increaased bone strenght
allows you to train harder and for llonger
however it can increase aggresion
linear heart damage
and chances of getting cancer
what do beta blockers do
blocks the release of stress hormones and adrenalin in ceratin areas of the body
this can lower heart rate
and bllod pressure
very relaxing
however you can become to feel tierd and sick
it can cause heart problems
difficulty sleeping or nightmares
what do stimulants do
these are drugs that stimulate the body physically and mentally
they increase alertaness
suppress appetite
increase endurance
however they can raise blood pressue
they are very addictive
and can increase the risk of strokes
what type of sportsman would take anabolic steroids
a body builder
what type of sportmans would take stimulants
a formula 1 driver
what type of sportamns would take betablockers
a darts player
what is health
the state of emotional, physical and mental well being
what is fitness
the ability to meet the physical demands placedon you by the enviroment
what is wellbeing
the state of being comfotabel healthy and happy
how can ylu improve your mentalwellbeing in sport
do it with other people doing a claming excerise like yoga or pilates
how can you improve your physical wellbeing in sport
by doing regualr excersise and various types ie muscular training and cardio
howcayou improve your social wellbeingin sport
playing in a team or doing it with friends
what are the positive asspects on your physical wellbing in sport
reducces your chcance or coranary heart disease
givees you healthy blood pressure
prevents obesity
reduced chance of diabetes
increase bone density
increased fitness
improved posture
what are the positive asspects on your social well being
can make new friends
can make you fell as though you belong to a grup or a team
reduces lonliness
what are the poistive asspects on your emotional well being
increased sel esteem/ confidence
reduces stress
improves body image or image of themselfs
what is a sedentary lifestyle
this is where somebody does not do the required amount of exercise they shoudl and overeat. This also includes sitting, watching TV, using a computer, reading or playig computer games for most of the day with little or no vigorous excersise
what are the concequences of sedentary lifestyle on your emotinal wellbeing
Stress, anxiety and depression– When physically active, your brain releases serotonin, which is a mood-boosting chemical in your brain.
what are the concequences of a sedntary lifestyle on your physical well being
it can force you to add on weight and it can lead to heart disese and diabetets
what are the concequences of a sedntary lifestyle on your social well being
you can cut yourself off with friends which can lead to lonliness
what is a balanced diet
a diet that contains the correct proportions of carbs,fats,protein,vitamins, minerals and water to maintain god health.
what are the seven components of a balanced diet
athlets require these componets in different quanititys depending on the sport
what are your macro nutrients
they are protein
and fats
what is the description and function of carbohydrates
carbs provide the energy to excersis. These are two typess of crabohydrates, complex and simple. complex carbohydrates should be favoured as they provide a slow release, long lasting energy. simple carbohydrates provide the boody with imediate energy,both can be stored as fat if not used
what are the differnt types of carbs
simple and complex carbs
what is the DIFFERECE in the two types of carbs
Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest and are a more stable source of energy than simple carbohydrates.
where are complex carbs found
where are simple carbs found
cake biscuits and fruit
what are complex carbs
they are startches
what is the proces of digestion of carbs
startches are eaten
stored in the liver as glycogen
brocken down when neede into glucose
then used in respiraition
what percentage of carbs do endurance runners need
what percentage of carbs do normal people need
what is the function of protein
proteiin is an essential nutrient that allows the muscels and body tissues to grow and repair.
TRY NOT TO USE IN EXAM= it can be used to provide enrgy when the bodys fat and carbs are depleated
where is protein found
meat poultry, fish, eggs , pulses, nuts
how many grams per killigram of body weight need to be protein for strenght and power performance
what is the functionof fats
fats are important as thy provide with energy and keep us warm. They are used for energy when stores of carbohydrates run low but are released very slowly so are the only suitable for endurance athletes
what are the two types of fats
saturated and unsaturated fats
what is saturated fat and where can you find it
a saturated fat is a type of fat which is fatty aacid chains which have single chains. A fat known as a glyceride is amde of short glycerol and fatty acids
what is unsaturated fat
unsaturated fat is a fat or fatty acid where there is at leats one double bond witghin the chain
where do yoou find fats
freid food
and treats
how should a food pie chart be arranged based on your macro nutrients
what is glycogen loading
Carb loading is simply a nutritional strategy to increase the glycogen stored in your body above its normal amount
what is an example of glycogen loading
for 3 days cut carbs just to a diet of fats and protein
then light traing with high carbs for 3 days leading to event
this significantly increases glycogen stores and helps offset fatigue
consume carbs 2-4 hours before exercise
consume a small amount in first half an hour of race
eat after to replenish stores
re hydraition is essential as you loose 1 litre of water per hour
what is the function of vitamins
they are vital for keeping the body functioning well and preventing disease well. each of the 13 vitamins has a specific function, for example vitamin a maintains good eye sight and vitamin c helps heal wounds
which foods coantain a large amount of vitamins
fruit, vegetables, eggs and milk
what is vitamin d good for
its good for blood pressure
what is vitamin e good for
vitamin e is a nutrient thats important for vision repreoduction and the health of your blood and brain it also has antioxidant propeties
what are minerals and what are their function
minerals such as iron and calcium are viatl in alllowing the body to function correctly. minerals increase the efficency of carrrying oxygen to the muscels and allowing muscels to contract repeatably
what are the two types of minerals
macro mineral
trace elemets
what is a macro mineral
you need larger amounts of this an example is calcium
what is a trace element
these are needed in smaller amounts these are like iron
what is calcium neede for
it is needed for healthy bones and teeth
what is iron needed for
it is important in making red bllod cells which carryu oxygen around the body
what is fibre and its function
fibre is required to keep the digestive system working somtghly. it prevents constipaition
which food can fibre be found in
bread oats brown rice and vegetables
why is fibre important for sports performers
it allows them to take in the necessary nutrients as it not being pood out
what is the function of water in the body
crucial to good helath as it carries nutrients around the body and helps remove waste
it can also controlmthe body temp
should drink 2 liters a day
we loose water through sweat and urine
body temp rises= heat exhaustion
cardio vascular system becomes ineefficent
what can dehydraition cause
deacrease skill levle
inreased body temp
muscel fatigue
increased heart rate
thick blood
slower reaction time ‘
and death