Health And Lifestyle Flashcards
What are the different types of nutrients required in the body?
Carbohydrate, lipid, protein, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water
Why is fibre important in our diets
Fibre provides bulk to food to keep it moving through the gut to prevent constipation
Why is water so important to the human body
Water is needed in the body because it is in all cells and bodily fluids
What is meant by a balanced diet
A balanced diet contains the right nutrients in the correct amounts
Why are vitamins and minerals needed by the body and in what foods are they found
Vitamins and minerals are found in fruits and vegetables and are needed to keep you healthy
Why do we need carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in our diet
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, lipids are a store of energy and protect and insulate the body’s organs, and proteins are needed to repair tissues and to grow
What is the test for starch
Add iodine, a food containing starch will turn the iodine from yellow/orange to blue/black
What is the test for protein
Add sodium hydroxide and copper sulphate to a solution of the food, it will change from pale blue to purple if protein is present
If a person eats too much food they may become very overweight, which word describes this condition
What are the main structures in the gut
Gullet, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus
What is the name of the tiny structures lining the wall of the small intestine, which increases the surface area
What is the purpose of digestion
Digestion breaks down large molecules into small molecules (nutrients) which can then pass into the blood
What is the name of the catalysts, found in the digestive system, that breaks down large molecules
What are the three types of enzymes found in the digestive system
Carbohydrase, protease and lipase
Why are the bacteria that feed on fibre in the large intestine important
They make useful vitamins (such as vitamin k) which are then absorbed into the blodd
What is the product when starch is broken down by carbohydrase
Why does the stomach contain acid
It helps digestion and kills harmful microorganisms in food
Protease enzymes are made in the stomach and small intestine, but what type of food do they digest, and what are the products
Protease enzymes digest protein, breaking it down into amino acids
Where in the digestive system are lipids broken, and by which enzyme
Lipids are digested in the small intestine by the enzyme lipase, producing fatty acids and glycerol
Lipids are difficult to digest, but the lipase enzymes are helped by which other fluid in the small intestine
What is the name of chemicals that alter the way your body works
What does it mean if someone is addicted to a drug
It means they have to take the drug to feel normal, and if they don’t take it they suffer withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, sweating and anxiety
Drinking alcoholic drinks can alter behaviour, why
Alcohol contains ethanol which is a depressant drug. It affects the nervous system, slowing your reactions
What are the long term effects of alcohol in the body
Liver damage, brain damage, stomach ulcers and heart disease
Why should pregnant women not drink alcohol
Drinking alcohol increases the risk of sill birth, miscarriage, premature birth and low birth weight. It can also effect the development of the fetus causing Fetal Alcoholic Syndrome
What is the addictive drug found in tobacco and what are its effects
Nicotine, it is a stimulant and speeds up the nervous system, speeding up the heart rate and narrowing arteries
Name two illnesses linked to smoking
Heart disease, some cancers, breathing difficulties, heart attacks and strokes
What is the term that describes a non smoker breathing the smoke from a smoker
Passive smoking
What are three harmful chemicals in tobacco
Tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide
Why should pregnant women not smoke
Smoking increases the risk of miscarriage, low birth weight and can affect the development of the fetus. Smoking near babies and young children can increase the risk of cot death, bronchitis and pneumonia