Health and Behaviors Flashcards
why do people engage in unhealthy behaviors?
- physical environment, psychological policy, environments, community norms, lack of knowledge, benefits immediate and cost are deffered
biological factors, attitudes, beliefs, skills, knowledge, self-efficacy
family, partner, roles models, social support, friends
institutional/ organizational
school, workplace, social groups, religious groups
neighborhood characteristics, community norms, relationship between organizations
societal/ public policy
media, zoning, social norms, laws, enforcements
Major Health Behavior Risks
Tobacco, poor diet, and lack of exercise
wonder drug
physical activity
Alcohol: acute and chronic
acute: stroke, various cancers, alcoholic liver disease
chronic: motor vehicle crash, homicide, suicide
Alcohol Policy: prohibition
- Health- improved
- Social consequences= bootleg, violence, disobeying
Major PH sucess
Reduction in motor vehicle injuries
- safer roads, campaigns against drunk driving, vehicle safety improvements
Public Health Challenges
individual choice and individual consequences, political ethical, philosophical, legal, and economic barriers
How to change Health Behavior?
education, incentives, law and policies
Predictor of Health
SES and race and ethnicity
health belief model
1: extent person feels vulnerable to the threat
2: perceived safety to threat
3: preceived barriers to taking action to reduce risk
4: received effectiveness of preventative measures to minimizes the problem