Headaches Lecture Flashcards
Meningeal signs triad
Fever, neck stiffness, mental status change
Primary HA
Migraines, tension type, cluster HA
Secondary HA
Head trauma, mass, SAH
HA red flags
Worst HA of life
New onset HA after age 50 never experienced before
HA pattern: worse lying down increase severity and frequency
Mental status change
Onset with exertion, fever, stiff, rash, ca, hiv
S: Systemic DZ or SX N: neurologist sx O: onset sudden O: older than 40 P: progressive worsening P: postural P: precipitated by Valssalva or exertion P: previous ha hx w, features
Most common HA?
Tension HA
FMHX and Migraines
First generation mom dad sisters
Subarachnoid Hemmorage
Thunderclap ha, what changed wat made you come in today
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Instant onset, thunderclap ha
Cluster HA onset
Develops rapidly over 5-10 minutes
Tension type migraine onset
Gets worse over the hour or so
Duration migraine
4- 72 hours
Tension ha duration
30 min to 1 week
Cluster ha duration
15 min-3 hours
Turning your head and neck would cause what ha
Cervicogenic ha