Which nerves innervate the occipitofrontalis?
Frontal belly of Occipitofrontalis:
Temporal branch of facial nerve (CN VII)
Occipital belly of Occipitofrontalis:
Posterior auricular nerve, extracranial branch of the facial nerve (CN VII)
Which blood vessels supply the occipitofrontalis?
Supraorbital and Supratrochlear arteries
(branches of the Ophthalmic artery which is the first branch of the internal carotid artery distal to the cavernous sinus)
Where is the origin of the occipitofrontalis?
Front belly of Occipitofrontalis:
Epicranial aponeurosis
(Galea aponeurotica, Aponeurosis epicranialis, Aponeurosis epicrania)
Occipital belly of Occipitofrontalis:
Lateral two thirds of superior nuchal line
Where is the insertion of the occipitofrontalis?
Front belly of Occipitofrontalis:
Skin and subcutaneous tissue of eyebrows and forehead
Occipital belly of Occipitofrontalis:
Epicranial aponeurosis
Function of Occipitofrontalis
Front belly of Occipitofrontalis:
Elevates eyebrows and wrinkles skin of forehead; protracts scalp (indicating surprise or curiosity)
Occipital belly of Occipitofrontalis:
Retracts scalp; increasing effectiveness of frontal belly