Head Lice Flashcards
What are head lice?
parasitic insects that infest the hairs of the human head and feed on blood from the scalp
What infective organism is known as head lice?
Pediculus humanus capitis
What is the range of severity of headlice?
The severity of infestation varies from a few lice (fewer than 10) to over 100 lice (in up to 5% of people) and more than 1000 in severe cases
How many headlice does a typical infestation involve?
30 lice per head
What is the life cycle of head lice?
Louse eggs (ova) are laid close to the scalp surface and are strongly attached to the hair with a glue-like substance. They are oval shaped, translucent, may be confused with dandruff
Nymphs are baby lice that hatch from the eggs. They look like the adults but are about the size of a pinhead. They are pearly white in colour and generally take about 7–10 days to mature into adult lice.
Adult head lice are about the length of a sesame seed (up to 3 mm long). They are tan to grey in colour and have six legs ending in hook-like claws to hold onto the hair. The female louse lays anywhere from 50–150 eggs during her 30–40-day lifespan.
How long does it take the ova to hatch?
7-10 days
What is ‘nits’ referring to?
nits are technically the empty shells of hatched louse eggs that turn white and remain attached to the hair, but further from the scalp surface.
What is the route of transmission for headlice?
Transmission of head lice requires head-to-head contact.
Are extremely unlikely to be transmitted by sharing hats, combs, or pillows. However, head lice that are caught in combs and brushes, or remain clinging to stray hairs in them, can be returned to the head unhurt at a subsequent stroke.
What is the life span of lice once detached from the human head?
The life span of a louse is very short once it is detached from a human head (1–2 days), as lice are completely dependent on their human host for nutrition and warmth.
What is the most common age range for head lice?
4-11 years old
Is it more common in boys or girls?
What are some complications of headlice?
- Pruritic rash
- Anxiety
- Rarely excoriation and secondary skin infection caused by scratching
How should a head lice infestation be confirned?
By detection combing (Wet or dry)
What must be found to confirm active head lice infestation?
A live lice
Describe the pathogenesis of headlice:
adult lice inject the scalp with saliva and feed on human blood, causing itching and irritation
How many eggs can a female louse lay in one day?
up to 10
Give 4 clinical features associated with headlice:
1) itchy scalp
2) feeling of things moving in the hair
3) crusting and scaling (caused by excessive scratching)
4) visible headlice (in some cases)
5) louse bites
Describe the appearance of louse bites:
small red papules under the hair line behind the ears
What is the first line treatment of headlice?
dimeticone 4% lotion
Describe how dimeticone lotion should be applied and used:
apply to hair and leave overnight before washing off and repeat 7 days later to kill any headlice that have hatched since treatment
How does dimeticone treat headlice?
it creates a coating on the louse, suffocating it
What method can be used to manually remove headlice from hair?
fine tooth combs (4 times over 2 weeks)
What medication should be considered if dimeticone treatment continuously fails to treat headlice?
ivermectin (topical/oral)