Head Injury Flashcards
What is a primary brain injury? What are the common types.
The initial damage to neural tissue.
Focal, polar or diffuse.
Describe focal brain injury?
A type of primary brain injury.
Lesions are localised to the site of impact on the skull.
Mechanisms of injury are usually contact (object hitting head, or brain hitting inside of skull), or acceleration-deceleration.
Usually lacerations, contusions and haemorrhage.
What is a contusion?
Type of polar brain injury. A ‘bruise’ from multiple microhaemorrhages. Occurs at gyri but extends to subcortical white matter.
Where are contusions most likely to occur?
Frontal poles, orbital surface of frontal lobes, temporal poles and lateral sulcus (Sylvian fissure).
What is concussion?
A temporary disturbance in brain function as a result of trauma.
A type of polar injury.
What are the signs and symptoms of concussion?
Symptoms include head ache, dizziness, memory loss, balance problems.
Signs include loss of consciousness, seizure activity, irritability and poor performance.
What is traumatic axonal injury?
A type of diffuse primary injury.
Due to shear and tensile strains after impact.
Axons are disrupted and their membranes become swollen and proteins that normally flow through the axon accumulate at these points, resulting in varicosities.
How can we test for diffuse axonal damage?
Using amyloid precursor proteins to detect varicosities as it will accumulate also.
How is diffuse axonal damage graded?
1 - small haemorrhages around corpus callosum.
3 - usually dead at the scene.
What is secondary brain injury?
Give examples.
Changes that evolve as a result of a primary injury.
E.g haematomas, oedema, swelling and ischaemia.
What is a haematoma?
A localised collected of blood outside the blood vessels. Results from vascular injury and bleeding.
Where does an epidural haematoma occur?
Between the skull bone and the dura.
What artery is most commonly involved in an epidural haematoma and why?
Middle meningeal artery.
As it runs under the pterion. The skull is thin here and is a weak area as it is where the frontal, temporal, sphenoidal and parietal bones join.
Who do epidural haematomas most commonly occur in and why?
Younger people as the dura is less firmly attached to the skull.
What is the typical pattern of consciousness of a person with an epidural haematoma?
Briefly unconscious, lucid period, then unconscious.
What happens if an epidural haematoma is not removed?
Raised ICP, tentorial herniation and death can occur.
Good prognosis if removed before loss of consciousness.
Where is a subdural haematoma found?
Between dura and arachnoid matter.
What usually causes a subdural haematoma?
Rupture of bridge veins which go from the cortex to the dural sinuses.
How does the conciousness level in subdural differ to that of epidural haematomas?
No lucid period.
When is an ‘acute’ and ‘chronic’ haematoma?
Acute: 2-10 days post injury.
Chronic: Weeks after injury.
What are the 2 types of diffuse cerebral oedema? Describe them.
Vasogenic: Due to defective BBB as endothelial junctions break down allowing leaking of water, sodium and proteins. Occurs around contusions and haematomas.
Congestive: Due to swelling of one or both hemispheres.
What could cause ischaemic brain damage?
Raised ICP e.g. from a haematoma.
Usually adjacent to contusions or haematomas.