Head/Face Muscles Flashcards
3 parts of the orbicularis oculi
- palpebral part
- lacrimal part
- orbital part
Orbicularis oculi
O: medial orbital margin, the medial palpebral ligament, and the lacrimal bone.
I: into the skin around the margin of the orbit, and the superior and inferior tarsal plates
A: palpebral part - gently closes the eyelids. Lacrimal part - involved in the drainage of tears. Orbital part - tightly closes the eyelids
N: facial nerve (CN VII, temporal and zygomatic branches)
Corrugator supercilii is located ______ to the orbicularis oculi.
Corrugator supercilii
O: superciliary arch, running in a superolateral direction
I: into the skin of the eyebrow
A: acts to draw the eyebrows together, creating vertical wrinkles on the bridge of the nose
N: fascial nerve
Largest nasal muscle
Nasalis 2 parts
transverse and alar
O: maxilla
I: transverse part attaches to an aponeurosis across the dorsum of the nose. The alar portion of the muscle attaches to the alar cartilage of the nasal skeleton
A: transverse - compresses the nares. Alar - opens the nares
N: fascial nerve
most superior of the nasal muscles
O: nasal bone
I: lower medial forehead
A: pulls the eyebrows downward to produce transverse wrinkles over the nose
N: fascial nerve
Depressor septi nasi
O: maxilla (above the medial incisor tooth)
I: nasal septum
A: pulls the nose inferiorly, opening the nares
N: fascial nerve
orbicularis oris
O: maxilla and other muscles of the cheek
I: into the skin and mucous membranes of the lips
A: purses the lips
N: fascial nerve
O: maxilla and mandible. Fibres run in a inferomedial direction.
I: blends with orbicularis oris and skin of lips
A: pulls the cheek inwards against the teeth, preventing accumulation of food in that area
N: fascial nerve
depressor anguli oris
O: oblique line of the mandible
I: angle of the mouth
A: pulls the corner of the mouth downward
N: marginal mandibular and buccal branches of the facial nerve (VII)
depressor labii inferioris
O: anterior surface of the mandible
I: skin of the lower lip
A: depresses the lower lip
N: marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve (VII)