Head and Neck muscles OINA Flashcards
Trapezius M.
Spinal accessory N.
Extends neck (bilaterally)
Laterally flex neck (unilaterally)
Rotate face away (unilaterally)
Sternocleidomastoid M.
Spinal Accessory N.
Extend neck at atlantooccipital joint
Flex neck (bilaterally)
Laterally flex neck (unilaterally)
Rotate face away (unilaterally)
Levator Scapulae M.
Dorsal scapular N.
Extend neck bilaterally
Flex neck unilaterally
Splenius Capitus M.
Posterior rami C3-C5
Extend neck bilaterally
Flex neck unilaterally
Rotate face toward muscle unilaterally
Anterior Scalene M.
Anterior rami C4-C6
Flex neck (bilaterally)
Laterally flex neck (unilaterally)
Elevate 1st rib
Middle Scalene M.
Anterior rami C3-C8
Flex neck bilaterally
Laterally flex neck (unilaterally)
Elevate 1st rib
Posterior Scalene M.
Anterior rami C6-C8
Laterally flex neck (unilaterally)
Elevate 2nd rib
Mylohyoid M.
N. to mylohyoid
Elevates hyoid bone
Elevates floor of mouth and tongue
Geniohyoid M.
C1 fibers traveling with hypoglossal N.
Elevates hyoid bone
Shortens floor of mouth
Widens pharynx
Digastric M.
Anterior belly: N. to mylohyoid
Posterior belly: Facial N.
Elevates hyoid bone
Steadies hyoid bone
Depresses mandible
Stylohyoid M.
Facial N.
Elevates hyoid bone
Retracts hyoid bone
Elongates floor of the mouth
Sternohyoid M.
Ansa Cervicalis (C1-C3)
Depresses hyoid bone
Sternothyroid M.
Ansa Cervicalis (C2-C3)
Depresses thyroid cartilage
Thyrohyoid M.
C1 via hypoglossal N.
Depresses hyoid bone
Elevates thyroid cartilage
Omohyoid M.
Ansa Cervicalis (C1-C3)
Depresses hyoid bone
Retracts hyoid bone
Platysma M.
Cervical branch of the facial N.
Draws corner of mouth inferiorly
Draws skin of neck superiorly
(face stuff!)
Cricothyroid M.
External laryngeal n.
Stretches vocal ligament
Tenses vocal ligament
Posterior Cricoarytenoid M.
Inferior laryngeal n.
Abducts vocal fold
Lateral Cricoarytenoid M.
Inferior laryngeal n.
Adducts vocal fold
Transverse and oblique arytenoid M.
Inferior laryngeal n.
Adducts arytenoid cartilage
Closes intercartilaginous part of the rima glottidis
Thyroarytenoid M.
Inferior laryngeal n.
Relaxes vocal l.
Vocalis M.
Inferior laryngeal n.
Relaxes posterior part of the vocal l.
Tenses anterior part of vocal l.
Occipitofrontalis M.
Facial N.
Frontal part: elevate skin of forehead and eyebrows
Occipital part: wrinkle skin over posterior neck
Auricularis Anterior M.
Facial N.
Draw auricle anteriorly
Auricularis Posterior M.
Facial N.
Draw auricle posteriorly
Auricularis Superior M.
Facial N.
Elevate auricle
Orbicularis Oculi M.
Facial N.
Orbital part: tightly closes eyelids
Palpebral part: gently closes eyelids
Procerus M.
Facial N.
Draw medial eyebrow inferiorly
Corrugator Supercilii M.
Facial N.
Draw medial end of eyebrow inferiorly and wrinkles forehead vertically
Nasalis M.
Facial N.
Transverse part: compress the nostril
Alar part: flare the nostrils
Depressor Septi M.
Facial N.
Assists dilator naris m. (alar part of nasalis) in flaring nostrils
Orbicularis Oris M.
Facial N.
Compresses and protrudes lips
Levator Labii Superioris Aleque Nasi M.
Facial N.
Elevate the upper lip and alar catilage of the nose
Levator Labii Superioris M.
Facial N.
Elevates upper lip
Zygomaticus Major M.
Facial N.
Draws the angle of the mouth superolaterally
Zygomaticus Minor M.
Facial N.
Elevates the upper lip
Risorius M.
Facial N.
Draw the corner of mouth laterally
Depressor Anguli Oris M.
Facial N.
Depresses the angle of the mouth
Mentalis M.
Facial N.
Elevates and protrudes the lower lip
Depressor Labii Inferioris M.
Facial N.
Draw lip inferiorly and laterally
Masseter M.
Masseteric N.
Elevate and protrude mandible
Temporalis M.
Deep temporal N.
Elevate and retract mandible
Lateral Pterygoid M.
Lateral pterygoid N.
Whole muscle: protrude mandible and depress chin
Separate muscle: side to side movement of mandible
Medial Pterygoid M.
Medial pterygoid N.
Whole muscle: elevate and assist in protruding mandible
Separate muscle: protrude side of mandible and produce grinding motion
Buccinator M.
Facial N.
Press cheeks against molar teeth aiding in chewing, expels air from oral cavity, draws the mouth to the side
Palatopharyngeus M.
Pharyngeal branch of the Vagus N. and pharyngeal plexus
Elevate pharynx and larynx
Musculus Uvulae M.
Pharyngeal branch of the Vagus N. and pharyngeal plexus
Shorten and pull uvula superiorly
Levator Veli Palatini M.
Pharyngeal branch of the Vagus N. and pharyngeal plexus
Elevate the soft palate
Tensor Veli Palatini M.
Medial pterygoid N.
Tense the soft palate and opens mouth of the auditory tube
Palatoglossus M.
Pharyngeal branch of the vagus n and pharyngeal plexus
Elevate posterior part of the tongue and draw soft palate toward tongue
Genioglossus M.
Hypoglossal N.
Depress and protrude the tongue
Styloglossus M.
Hypoglossal N.
Retract tongue and draw superiorly
Hyoglossus M.
Hypoglossal N.
Depress and retract the tongue
Superior Pharyngeal constrictor M.
Pharyngeal branch of the Vagus N.
Constricts pharyngeal wall
Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor M.
Pharyngeal branch of the Vagus n.
Branches of recurrent Laryngeal n.
Constricts pharyngeal wall
Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor M.
Pharyngeal branch of the Vagus n.
Branches of recurrent Laryngeal n.
Constricts pharyngeal wall
Palatopharyngeus M.
Pharyngeal branch of the Vagus N.
Elevates pharynx and larynx
Salpingopharyngeus M.
Pharyngeal branch of the Vagus N.
Elevates pharynx and larynx
Stylopharyngeus M.
Pharyngeal branch of the Vagus N.
Elevates pharynx and larynx
Levator Palpebrae superioris
Oculomotor N. (CN III) Deep layer (superior tarsal muscle) is supplied by sympathetic fibers
Elevates superior eyelid (opens the eye)
Superior Oblique
Trochlear N (CN IV)
Abducts depresses and medially rotates eyeball
Inferior Oblique
Oculomotor N.
Abducts, elevates and laterally rotates eyeball
Superior Rectus
Oculomotor N.
Elevates, adducts and rotates eyeball medially
Inferior Rectus
Oculomotor N.
Depresses, adducts and rotates eyeball laterally
Medial rectus
Oculomotor N.
Adducts eyeball
Lateral rectus
Abducens N. (CN VI)
Abducts eyeball
Stapedius M.
N. to Stapedius
Pulls stapes posteriorly and tilts base to oval window
Prevents damage from loud sounds by restricting ROM
Tensor Tympani
Medial Pterygoid N.
Pulls handle of malleus medially restricting the range of motion of the tympanic membrane, preventing damage from loud sounds
Levator Anguli Oris
Facial N.
Draw angle of mouth medially
Longus Colli M.
Anterior Rami C2-C6
flex neck (bilat.) and laterally flex Rotate face away
Longus Capitis M.
Anterior Rami C1-C3
flex neck bilat. and laterally flex
Rectus Capitis Anterior M.
Anterior Rami C1-C2
flex at atlanto-occipital joint
Rectus Capitis Lateralis M.
Anterior Rami C1-C2
flex at atlanto-occiptial joint