Head and neck Flashcards
Endocrine pulmonary integumentary immunologic cancer cardiovascular hepatic urogenital gastrointestinal
Thyroid gland
- Releases hormones that control metabolism
- —T3 and T4
T3 and T4 levels
- Hypothalmus and the pituitary communicate to maintain T3 and T4 balance
When T3 and T4 levels are low in the blood the pituitary gland releases more TSH to tell the thyroid gland to produce more thyroid hormones
-Signs of too much T3 and T4
- Irritability or moodiness
- nervousness, hyperactivity
- sweating or sensitivity to high temp
hand trembling
-hair loss
-missed or light menstrual period
Hyperthyroid related diseases
- Graves’ disease
Graves’ disease
-production of too much thyroid hormone
-Signs of too little T3 and T4
-trouble sleeping
-tiredness and fatigue
difficulty concentrating
dry skin and hair
-sensitivity to cold temp
-frequent, heavy periods
-joint and muscle pain
hypothyroid related disorders
- hashimoto’s thyroiditis
- thyroid gland removal
- exposure to excessive amounts of iodid- cold and sinus meds
Hasimoto’s thyroiditis
-autoimmune disorder attacking thyroid tissue
- enlarged thyroid gland
- changes in thyroid function
—if paired up with coldness, decrease sweating= hypothyroid
—if paired by palpitations, weight loss = hyperthyroidism
-unwanted male pattern hair growth in women
often a sign of pituitary pathology such as Cushing’s
head and neck lymph nodes
-anterior cervical
Pituitary hormones
-Hormones are stored in the posterior pituitary gland
- too much growth hormone
- adults between the ages of 30 and 50
- growth hormone-releasing hormone is made by the hypothalmus, a gland in the brain situated justa bove the pituitary
-if acromegaly develops before the cessation of groeth it can cause gigantism
adult growth hormone deficiency
- usually caused by damage to the pituitary gland which controls the hypothalamus
- the damge may be due to a tumor or to the effects of treatment for the tumor
adult growth hormone deficiency symptoms
-increase in adipose
-decrease in lean body mass
-decrease in strength and stamina reduction in exercise capacity
decrease in bone density
changes in blood cholesterol
-excessive tiredness
-anxiety and depression
-feelings of social isolation
-reduction in ‘quality of life’
-increase sensitivity to cold or heat
Cushing’s Disease
- body makes too much cortisol hormone
- causes: pituitary tumor, glucocorticoid treatment : steroid for asthma, arthritis, colitis
- more women than men
- ages 30-40
Cushing’s disease symptoms
- excessibe and sudden onset of weight gain around trunk, arms and legs
- weak muscles
- moon face
- acne
- bones are weaker
- hypertension
- bruise easily
- irregular priods
- excessive hair growth
- mood swings
Diabetes insipidus
- caused by problems with either the production or action of the hormone vasopressin
- with DI your kidneys are unable to retain water
- excessive volume of urine = great thirst
- occurs if the pituitary is not producing one or more of its normal hormones, or not producing enough
- most often caused by a benign tumor of the pituitary gland, or of the hypothalmus
hypopituitarism symptoms
- excessive tired weakness reduced body hair -irregular periods -impotence decrease sex drive -weight gain -incr sensitivity to colf -constipation -dry skin - pale low blood pressure and dizzy -HA -vision disturbances -DI
- inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and SC
- viral infection
Meningitis symptoms
- HS
- fever
- rash
- stiff neck
- nausea
- confusion
- seizures
Lyme disease
- caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi
- transmitted through a bite
lyme disease symptoms
- fever
skin rash
-if left untreated, infection can spread to joints, the hearts and the nervous system
retropharyngeal abscess
- abscess located in the tissues in the back of the throat behind the posterior pharyngeal wall cause by bacterial infection
retropharyngeal abscess signs and symptoms
- stiff neck
- torticollis
- palpable front neck pain
- difficulty swallowing
- fever
- cough
- enlarged lymph nodes
post cancer lyphedema
- due to node remobal during breast cancer surgery
- lymphatic drainage and cervical tightness can resuly
epidural abscess
- caused by infection in the area between the bones of the skull, or spine and spinal cord meninges
epidural abscess symptoms
- HA disturbed consciousness -fever -unusual sensation throughout your body - problems with coordination and movement -trouble walking - weakness -pain in your neck -instability to control your bowels or bladder -nausea tired
Signs of stroke
BE FAST balance eyes face arm speech time
COncussion/TBI signs
-HAS or pressure nausea or vomiting balance problems, dizzy, double vision -bothered by light or noise sluggish, hazy confusion not "feeling right"
concussion / TBI assessment
- one pupil larger than the other
drowsiness or inability to wake up - a HA that gets worse and does notgo away
- slurred speech, weakness, numbness, decr coordination
-repeated vomiting
-unusual behavior, increase confusion, restlessness
Types of HA
- Sinus
Sinus headaches signs
- when sinus get inflames- usually becase of an allergy or an infection
- they swell, make more mucus, and the channels that drain them can get blocked
- the build-up of pressure causes pain that feels like a HA
Sinus HA symptoms
- DEep and constant pain in your cheekbones, forehead or the bridge of your nose
- pain usually gets stronger when you move your head suddenly or strain
- runny nose
- feeling of fullness in your ears
- fever
- swelling in your face
Migraine HA
- may be related to vascular changes and diminished blood flow to the cortex
- familial history
- can happen several times per week or less frequently
Migraine time and mode of onset
- very rapid onset
- patient awakens witgh HS
- warning signs such as aura can precede HA
Migraine symptoms
- unilateral
- temporal, frontal or retro-orbital, may change sides
- throbbing, pounding
- moderate to severe
vomiting, photophobia
Cluster HA
- men more than women
- can happen for several weeks at at ime and then remit for years. episodes last 15 minutes to 2 hours
- neck movements trigger HS
cluster time and mode of onset
- neck movements may trigger HA
- no warning signs such as aura can precede HA
Cluster HA symptoms
- unilateral
temporal, frontal, retoorbital, occipital - may change sides
- burning, piercing, severe
- nausea, photophobia, nasal congestion
brittle hair
-symptoms of cuching’s
fine hair vs coarse hair
fine= hyperthyroidism
coarse= hypo
- severe hypothyroidism
- dull, puffy facies
- edema around the eyes does not pit with pressure
- hair and eyebrown are course and dry
- in one eye with the other closed suggests a problem in the cornea or lens
- horizontal diplopia CN III or VI
- vertical diplopia CN III IV
hearing loss questions
have you had trouble withyour ears?
-bilateral? unilateral? gradual or rapid onset
conductive hearing loss
- stems fromproblems in the external or middle ear
- noise environments help
sensorineural hearing loss
- stems from problems in the inner ear, the cochlear nerve or its central connections to the brain. trouble understanding speech: mumbling
-a feeling of being pulled suggests true vertigo from an inner ear problem or a central or peripheral lesion of CN VIII
vertigo central disorders
- often sudden onset
- duration and course variable but rarely cont
- hearing not affected
- tinnitus absent
- usually with other brainstem deficits, dysarthria, ataxia, crossed motor and sensory patterns